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Essential Insurance Coverage for Handymen: Protecting Your Business and Your Future

Jul. 22nd 2024

In today’s post on HandymanInsurance.com, we are excited to delve into the various types of insurance essential for any handyman. Whether you’re an experienced professional or just starting in the industry, having the right insurance coverage is crucial for protecting your business and enhancing your professional image. We will explore the persuasive reasons why obtaining handyman liability insurance, health insurance, commercial auto insurance, and handyman bonds/contractor license bonds can make a significant difference in your career. By understanding and investing in these insurance options, handypersons can demonstrate their commitment to safety, professionalism, and quality service while safeguarding their financial well-being. Let’s delve into the diverse world of handyman insurance and discover the invaluable benefits of each type of coverage.

What is Handyman Liability Insurance?

Handyman liability insurance is not just a recommendation; it’s a vital necessity for anyone in the handyman industry. This essential coverage protects against bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury that may occur during work. Without it, handymen could face significant financial loss in the event of an accident or damage to a client’s property. However, handypersons can demonstrate their commitment to professionalism, safety, and quality work to potential clients with liability insurance. It also provides peace of mind, allowing handypersons to focus on their work without worrying about the possible financial consequences of unforeseen incidents. In the competitive handyman industry, liability insurance can give you a significant advantage over other professionals, making you more confident and successful in your career.

Obtaining Small Handyman Insurance Quotes

When it comes to getting small handyman insurance quotes, you’re not alone. Start by researching insurance providers that offer coverage tailored explicitly to handymen. Many of these companies have online quote tools where you can input your business information to receive a preliminary quote. However, don’t overlook the role of insurance brokers or agents specializing in small business insurance. These professionals can gather information about your handyman business and obtain quotes from multiple insurance companies, leveraging their expertise to help you find the best coverage at the most competitive rates. Their knowledge of the insurance landscape can be invaluable. When obtaining quotes, provide accurate details about your business operations, services, and any employees you may have. A broker or agent will ensure that the quotes you receive accurately reflect the coverage you need. Always take the time to compare quotes and understand the specifics of each policy before making a decision.

Handyman Health Insurance

As a handyman, it’s crucial to have health insurance for several reasons. First and foremost, the nature of the work often involves physical labor and dealing with potentially hazardous tools and equipment. Accidents can happen, and without health insurance, the costs of medical treatment can quickly add up and become a significant financial burden.

Furthermore, being a handyman often means being self-employed or working independently, and being self-employed means no employer provides health insurance coverage. As such, having personal health insurance becomes even more critical for ensuring access to necessary medical care.

Health insurance also plays a crucial role in providing a sense of security and peace of mind. Knowing that you have coverage in case of illness or injury allows you to focus on your work without worrying about the potential financial consequences of medical expenses. This peace of mind is invaluable, allowing you to concentrate on your work and deliver the best service to your clients.

In addition, regular checkups and preventive care are essential for maintaining good health, especially for individuals in physically demanding professions. Health insurance can help cover the costs of these critical preventive services, showing that your well-being is a priority. Health insurance keeps you healthy and ensures you can continue working at your best.

Ultimately, having health insurance is a wise and responsible decision for any handyman. It protects against unexpected medical costs and supports overall well-being, providing a safety net that is invaluable in the short and long term. With health insurance, you can feel secure and confident about your future, knowing that you are prepared for any health-related challenges that may come your way.

What is Commercial Auto Insurance?

Commercial auto insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides coverage for vehicles used for business purposes. This insurance protects businesses from financial losses from accidents or other vehicle-related incidents. Commercial auto insurance typically covers physical damage to the vehicle, liability for bodily injury or property damage to others, medical payments, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. It’s essential for any business that uses vehicles as part of its operations to have commercial auto insurance, as it helps safeguard against potential liabilities and ensures that the company can continue operating smoothly in the event of an accident or damage involving its vehicles.

Handyman Bonds/Contactor License Bonds

Handyman bonds, also known as contractor license bonds, are a type of surety bond that handymen may need to obtain before they can legally operate in certain areas. These bonds serve as a form of protection for the clients and the government by guaranteeing that the handyman will adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.

If a handyman fails to fulfill their obligations, such as not completing a project as agreed or violating licensing regulations, a client or the government agency can claim against the bond to seek financial compensation. The bond then acts as a form of reimbursement for any monetary losses incurred due to the handyman’s actions.

Overall, handyman bonds are used to assure clients that the handyman will perform their duties ethically and in accordance with the law. They help establish trust and credibility, making it easier for handymen to attract clients and operate their businesses legally and responsibly.

Umbrella Insurance for Handyman

Umbrella handyman insurance, or excess liability insurance, provides additional coverage on top of the primary liability insurance policies. It is helpful for handymen as it extends the coverage limits of their existing liability policies, such as general liability and commercial auto insurance.

For example, suppose a handyman’s general liability insurance covers up to $1 million in damages, but they face a lawsuit that exceeds this amount. In that case, their umbrella insurance can kick in to cover the additional costs, providing an extra layer of protection. This type of insurance is beneficial in safeguarding handymen from catastrophic events and high-cost lawsuits that could threaten their business and personal assets.

Handyman General Liability Insurance

Handyman general liability insurance is a crucial type of coverage for individuals in the handyman industry. It protects against financial losses arising from bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury that may occur during work. This insurance is designed to offer peace of mind to handymen, as it helps cover the costs associated with potential accidents or damages, ensuring that they can focus on their work without worrying about the financial consequences of unforeseen incidents.

General liability insurance covers potential liabilities handymen may face while performing their services. Suppose a client or a third party files a claim against the handyman for bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury. In that case, the insurance can help cover legal defense costs and any settlements or judgments up to the policy limits.

Moreover, having general liability insurance can demonstrate a handyperson’s commitment to professionalism, safety, and quality work to potential clients. It sets a standard of trust and reliability, showing that the handyman is prepared to take responsibility for any unforeseen events. By obtaining this type of insurance, handypersons can gain a competitive advantage over others in the industry and operate confidently, knowing they are adequately protected.

Handyman Product Liability Insurance

Product liability refers to manufacturers, distributors, and sellers’ legal responsibility to compensate individuals harmed by defective products. As a handyman, product liability is crucial in ensuring that your tools or equipment are safe and reliable for yourself and your clients.

Here’s a story that showcases how product liability works:

Meet John, a skilled handyman known for his exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. John takes great pride in his work and always uses high-quality tools to deliver top-notch results to his clients.

One day, John purchased a new power drill from a reputable manufacturer to replace his old, worn-out one. The drill had all the features he needed and was marketed as a durable and safe tool for professional use.

Several weeks later, while working on a project at a client’s home, the new power drill malfunctioned, causing an injury to John’s hand. The faulty drill not only hampered John’s ability to complete the project but also resulted in significant medical expenses and lost income due to his inability to work.

Recognizing that a product defect rather than misuse caused the injury, John sought legal advice and explored his options for recourse. His attorney, well-versed in product liability cases, helped John understand his rights and the process of holding the manufacturer accountable for the defective drill.

With the guidance of his attorney, John filed a product liability claim against the manufacturer, citing the design and manufacturing flaws that led to the malfunction and subsequent injury. The legal team supporting John gathered evidence, including expert testimonies and industry standards, to strengthen the case.

As a result of the product liability claim, the manufacturer acknowledged the deficiencies in the power drill and agreed to a settlement that covered John’s medical expenses, lost income, and additional compensation for the pain and suffering he experienced.

This story illustrates how product liability is a protective mechanism for handymen and consumers. It ensures that manufacturers are held responsible for producing reliable and safe products and provides recourse for individuals who suffer harm due to defects or malfunctions. For handymen like John, product liability reinforces the importance of choosing tools and equipment from reputable sources and holding manufacturers to high safety and quality standards.

Handyman Life Insurance

Handyman life insurance is an essential financial tool for handymen, as it provides a safety net for their families in the event of an unforeseen tragedy. Life insurance can help cover final expenses and outstanding debts and financially support the handyperson’s loved ones. It ensures that the family is taken care of and can maintain their standard of living if the handyperson can no longer provide for them. Additionally, life insurance can bring peace of mind to handypersons, knowing their family’s financial future is secure.

Protecting Your Handyman Business: The Importance of Insurance Coverage

In conclusion, as a handyman, it’s crucial to protect yourself and your business with the right insurance coverage. Handyman liability insurance provides essential protection against unforeseen incidents, while obtaining small handyman insurance quotes through reputable providers or brokers ensures you get the best coverage at competitive rates. Additionally, health insurance is vital for your well-being and peace of mind, especially as a self-employed individual. Lastly, commercial auto insurance and handyman bonds are important considerations to safeguard your business and adhere to legal requirements. By prioritizing the right insurance coverage, you can focus on delivering top-quality service to your clients with confidence and security.

As a resource, HandymanInsurance.com offers valuable information about insurance for handymen, along with tips to help them choose the best coverage for their business needs. HandymanInsurance.com equips handymen with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their insurance options by providing comprehensive insights and practical guidance. Whether it’s understanding the importance of liability coverage, obtaining quotes, or exploring health insurance and other essential policies, HandymanInsurance.com is a beneficial platform for handymen to navigate the complex insurance landscape and secure the protection they need for their businesses.

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Business Auto, Contractor Bonds, Contractors News, Dental Insurance, Electrical Contractors, Framing Contractors, Handyman Insurance, Handyman News, Health Insurance, Product Liability | Comments Off on Essential Insurance Coverage for Handymen: Protecting Your Business and Your Future

Starting a Handyman Business: Essential Tips and Considerations

Jul. 1st 2024

Question: I think I will start being a handyman for hire in California, just fixing small things as I can do a bit of everything, but I don’t want to have to get a license to do bigger jobs and only me that will be doing the work. I am still considering starting and having that be my only job. I like some tips on how to get going and what I may need to get started.

Response: Starting a handyman business in California can be a great opportunity, especially if you have the skills and passion. One crucial step to get going is creating a solid business plan. A business plan will not only help you determine your target market, pricing strategy, and the specific services you will offer, but it will also give you a sense of preparedness and confidence in your venture. Since you mentioned that you only want to do small jobs, focus on marketing yourself as a specialist in quick home repairs and maintenance tasks.

Networking is also crucial. Reach out to friends, family, and neighbors, and let them know about your new venture. Their support and word-of-mouth referrals can be a powerful tool for getting your business off the ground. This network will not only help you find clients but also make you feel connected and supported in your new endeavor. Consider creating a simple website or social media profile such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and Neighborhood to showcase your skills and advertise your services.

In terms of legal requirements, while California may not require a specific handyman license for small jobs, it’s essential to research and comply with local regulations and permit requirements. Additionally, consider investing in basic insurance to protect yourself and your clients in case of accidents or damages during the job.

Building a solid online presence through a website or social media can also help attract customers. Consider showcasing your past work and client testimonials to build credibility.

Lastly, invest in quality tools and equipment to ensure you can deliver top-notch service. Building a positive reputation through excellent work and outstanding customer service will be critical to your success in this field. Good luck with your new endeavor!

The Importance of Insurance Coverage for Your Handyman Business

Before starting your handyman business, it’s crucial to understand the importance of having the right insurance coverage. At the same time, it might seem like an additional expense, but having the proper insurance can be a lifesaver in unexpected mishaps or accidents.

Liability insurance is essential for handymen. It provides coverage if a client’s property is damaged or if someone gets injured while you’re working. For example, if you accidentally break a valuable item while fixing something in a client’s home, liability insurance can help cover the replacement or repair cost.

In addition to liability insurance, consider getting tools and equipment insurance. As a handyman, your tools are essential for your work and represent a significant investment. Tools and equipment insurance can protect you if your gear is stolen, damaged, or lost. This could include power tools, hand tools, ladders, and other equipment you use regularly.

Moreover, having insurance can give your clients peace of mind. They’ll feel more comfortable hiring you knowing that you have coverage, and it shows that you are committed to professionalism and responsibility in your work. This commitment to safety and responsibility will not only make your clients feel secure but also make you feel more professional and trustworthy in your work.

Ultimately, investing in insurance is an investment in the longevity and success of your business. It’s an essential step in protecting both yourself and your clients. You’re demonstrating your commitment to operating a reliable and trustworthy handyman service by getting the right insurance coverage. Remember, accidents can happen, and having the right insurance can make all the difference. It’s a small price to pay for the peace of mind it can bring.

Determining Pricing Strategy for Your Handyman Business

When starting a handyman business, one of the essential aspects to consider is determining the pricing for your services. Setting the correct prices is crucial for the success of your business and requires careful consideration and planning. Here’s how you can determine the pricing for your handyman services when you first start.

1. Research the Market: Research the prevailing rates for handyman services in your area. Look at what your competitors are charging and what services they offer. Researching your competitors will give you a good understanding of the market and help you set competitive prices.

2. Calculate Your Costs: It’s essential to calculate all your costs, including tools, equipment, insurance, transportation, marketing, and overhead expenses. You need to ensure that your prices cover these costs and leave you with a reasonable profit.

3. Determine Your Value: Assess your skills, expertise, and the quality of service you intend to provide. If you have specialized skills or can offer unique services, you may be able to justify higher prices. Highlighting the value you bring to your clients can justify charging premium rates.

4. Consider Your Target Market: Understand the needs and expectations of your target market. If you are catering to a higher-end clientele, you may be able to charge higher rates for premium services. On the other hand, if you are focusing on more budget-conscious customers, you may need to adjust your pricing accordingly.

5. Offer Competitive Pricing: While covering your costs and making a profit is essential, it’s also crucial to remain competitive. Consider offering introductory rates or package deals to attract your first set of customers and showcase the value of your work.

6. Factor in Profit Margins: Don’t underestimate the importance of setting prices to generate a healthy profit. Your pricing should cover your costs and provide you with the means to grow and expand your business.

7. Adjust as Needed: As you receive customer feedback and understand the demand for your services, be prepared to adjust your pricing. It’s common for businesses to refine their pricing strategies as they gather more experience and insights from the market.

Considering these factors, you can develop a thoughtful and competitive pricing strategy for your handyman services. Remember, the goal is not just to set prices but to set fair and attractive prices that reflect the value of your services and ensure the success of your business.

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Business Auto, Contractor Bonds, Contractors News, General Contractors, General Insurance, General Liability, Handyman Help, Health Insurance | Comments Off on Starting a Handyman Business: Essential Tips and Considerations

The Importance of Handyman Insurance: Protecting Your Business and Clients

Jun. 18th 2024

Handyman insurance is not just a necessary part of running a successful handyperson business, it’s a shield that provides financial protection and peace of mind. It’s there to catch you when unexpected accidents, injuries, or damages occur while performing handyperson services. This type of insurance typically includes general liability coverage, property damage coverage, and bodily injury coverage, and any handyman or handyman business must have this coverage in place to feel secure.

First and foremost, handyman insurance is essential because it’s a safety net that protects both the handyman and the clients. Accidents can happen at any time, and without insurance, the handyman could be held personally responsible for any injuries or damages that occur while working on a client’s property. For instance, if a handyperson accidentally damages a client’s property, such as a water leak due to improperly installed piping, the costs of repairs or replacements could be significant. Without insurance, the handyman would have to cover these costs out of pocket, potentially leading to financial strain or even bankruptcy.

Furthermore, without handyman insurance, the handyman could be liable for any injuries sustained by the client or anyone else on the property where the handyman works. This could result in costly medical expenses and legal fees in a lawsuit. In contrast, with appropriate insurance coverage, these expenses would typically be covered by the insurance policy, protecting the handyman’s finances and livelihood.

Moreover, handyman insurance is not just about financial protection, it’s about enhancing the professional image of the handyperson business. Clients are more likely to trust and hire a properly insured handyperson, as it demonstrates a commitment to safety, responsibility, and professionalism. In contrast, not having insurance could deter potential clients, losing business opportunities and income. So, having insurance is not just a smart financial move, it’s a professional one that can elevate your business.

Another important aspect of handyman insurance is that it can cover legal defense costs in the event of a lawsuit. Suppose a client or third party files a lawsuit against the handyman alleging property damage or bodily injury. In that case, the insurance policy can help cover the costs of legal representation and any settlements or judgments that may arise. Without insurance, the handyman would have to bear these expenses personally, which could have devastating financial consequences.

Moreover, handyman insurance can provide coverage for tools and equipment. Many handypersons’s tools are essential for their livelihood, and if they are damaged, lost, or stolen, they can disrupt their ability to work. With the right insurance policy, replacing or repairing these tools can be covered, allowing the handyperson to return to work without a significant financial burden quickly.

In addition, handyman insurance can offer protection in the event of advertising injuries. This includes situations such as libel, slander, or copyright infringement arising from advertising the handyman’s services. The costs of defending against such allegations and any resulting settlements or judgments could be financially extreme without insurance.

It is also essential to consider that having handyman insurance can open up opportunities to work with certain clients or on specific projects that require contractors to have insurance coverage. Commercial clients, property management companies, and general contractors will only work with handypersons who can provide proof of insurance, as it protects all parties involved in the business relationship.

Ultimately, the peace of mind provided by handyman insurance is invaluable. Knowing that one is protected from unforeseen accidents and liabilities allows the handyman to focus on delivering high-quality services without worrying about potential financial ruin.

To illustrate the importance of handyman insurance, consider a real-life scenario. John, a handyperson without insurance, was hired to remodel a client’s kitchen. During the project, a kitchen cabinet fell off the wall and damaged the client’s expensive marble floor. Without insurance, John was personally responsible for repairing or replacing the floor, which cost him thousands of dollars. This unexpected expense severely impacted John’s financial stability and jeopardized his business.

On the other hand, let’s consider another hypothetical scenario where a different handyman, Sarah, has comprehensive insurance coverage. While working on a similar kitchen remodeling project, an accident occurs, and the client’s property is damaged. In this case, Sarah’s insurance policy would cover the costs associated with the damage, protecting her from the financial burden and potential legal consequences. As a result, Sarah can continue focusing on her work and maintaining her professional reputation without fearing financial disaster.

In conclusion, the importance of handyman insurance cannot be overstated. It is a fundamental aspect of operating a successful and sustainable handyperson business. With the potential financial risks and legal liabilities that handypersons face in their line of work, having the right insurance coverage is an essential investment to safeguard their livelihood and ensure long-term success. Handymen can protect themselves, their clients, and their businesses from the unexpected by having handyman insurance, allowing them to work with confidence and peace of mind. To obtain handyman insurance, handypersons should consider factors such as the size of their business, the types of services they offer, and their claims history. These factors can affect the cost and coverage of the insurance policy.

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Business Auto, Contractor Bonds, General Insurance, General Liability, Liability Insurance | Comments Off on The Importance of Handyman Insurance: Protecting Your Business and Clients

Handyman Insurance, B&P Code Requires Contractors to Have License Bond

May. 23rd 2017

While not as high a profile as other construction trades, there is a problem in California with sign companies that operate without a contractor license. The Contractors State License Board’s (CSLB) Statewide Investigative Fraud Team (SWIFT), in cooperation with the Upland Police Department, San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office, and with leads provided by the California Sign Association, has just completed a multi-week undercover sting operation that targeted a group of phony C-45 Sign contractors.

CSLB set up a sting operation on June 23 and June 30, 2010, at a commercial building in the city of Upland, where SWIFT investigators posed as property managers who solicited contractors for installation of outdoor signage on the building. Other unlicensed operators were solicited for tile work and painting at the new, largely unimproved building. Those who submitted bids for more than the legal $500 limit received notices to appear (NTA) in court for contracting without a license and illegal advertising.

California Business and Professions (B&P) Code requires any home or property improvement work valued at $500 or more for labor and materials be undertaken by a licensed contractor. B&P Code also requires contractors to put their license number in all advertisements. Those without licenses may do work valued at less than $500 for labor and materials, but must state in their ads that they are not a licensed contractor.

Consumers often don’t realize the risks associated with hiring an unlicensed person for construction and property improvement. Phony contractors do not have a contractor license bond or workers’ compensation insurance. A worker who is hurt on the job could seek medical reimbursement or other damages from the property owner. California Labor Code requires contractors to carry workers’ comp coverage for each of their employees. Roofing contractors also must have workers’ compensation coverage for themselves. B&P Code requires contractors to have a $12,500 license bond to help compensate consumers if work is not completed or if something goes wrong on the job.

“This sting should serve as a warning to consumers who might be taken in by promises of cheaper work performed by someone who isn’t licensed,” said CSLB Registrar Steve Sands. “In reality, you likely won’t pay any more by hiring a licensed contractor who provides the added assurance that you’ll be protected from liability if a worker is hurt or anything goes awry during the project.”

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Handyman Insurance, What Are Supply Bonds

Jan. 12th 2015

Supply bonds mandate that suppliers provide materials, equipment and/or supplies as defined in purchase orders. If the supplier fails to provide the supplies as agreed, the bond amount can be used to reimburse the purchaser for the resulting loss.

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Handyman Insurance, What is a Maintenance Bond

Jan. 8th 2015

Maintenance bonds guarantee against workmanship and defective materials  for a stated time period following a project’s completion. If the project is found to be defective during this time, the bond amount can be used to pay for repairs that need to be made as a result.

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Handyman Insurance, Performance Bond

Jan. 4th 2015

Under the federal Miller Act requires that performance bonds be used on all federally funded projects worth $100,000 or more. Performance bonds guarantee that contractors complete projects according to contractual terms. If a contractor fails to do so, the project developer can make a claim on the bond to access funds that can be used to pay a second contractor to finish the job.

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Handyman Insurance, What Are Payment Bonds

Dec. 30th 2014

In case lead contractors go bankrupt when working on a project, payment bonds guarantee proper payment for services.  The bond amount can be used to reimburse suppliers, subcontractors and others who worked on a project if the lead contractor is unable to pay them for their work. The federal Miller Act requires that payment bonds be used on all federally funded projects worth $100,000 or more. In fact, these bonds are frequently issued in conjunction with performance bonds.

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Handyman Insurance, What are Bid Bonds

Dec. 26th 2014

Bid bonds make sure that contractors submit serious bid proposals and helps to reassure the project developers that bidders have the financial credentials necessary to accept the job. If a bid is selected and the contractor declines the job or retracts the bid, the project developer can make a claim on the bond to recoup the difference between that bid and the next-highest bid.

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H2Go Bag is an ingenious way of transporting water when it isnt within reach on a construction site

Sep. 16th 2010

Carrying heavy buckets of water to somewhere without a tap, or inaccessible for a hosepipe, is tiring and back-breaking work. Water isn’t always within reach on a construction site.  The H2Go Bag is an ingenious way of transporting up to 80L / 19 Gallons of water in a wheel barrel. Any thoughts or experience with this? Leave a comment below.

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Handyman Insurance, Optional Home Business Insurance Coverages

May. 20th 2010

Insuring your homebased business is easier than ever.  Optional Home Business Insurance Coverages  For an extra premium, you can beef up your Home based Business insurance policy by adding: Umbrella Liability protects your business against the costs of catastrophic lawsuits.  Therefore, you may need home based business insurance.

There are a few different home based business insurance options available for you to consider.  If you own a home business, your home based business insurance will be tax deductible.  Therefore, depending on the type of business that you run, you may need a home based business insurance policy. You may want to consider liability insurance for your business if there is a chance that your product may injure someone or if someone could become injured while visiting your home business.

They are the experts and they can point you in the right direction as far as home based business insurance.  Several home-based business owners own their own homes, and presume that their home based business insurance also covers their home-based business activities.  Not only is this not true, but your home based business insurance activities can annulled your home insurance.  While several home based business insurance owners rely on their home insurance to wrap damage, loss and theft of possessions, all home-based businesses should have contents insurance as well to the contents and or possessions insurance offered by the owner’s house insurance.

Handyman Insurance Starts New Blog

Mar. 26th 2010

HandymanInsurance.com started a new blog in late April 2010 to help provide a community forum and discussion for the needs of small business contractors and the handyman construction industry. We hope you will share your experiences – good and bad with us.

best handyman insurance quotes offering low cost monthly rates Find the Best Insurance

Handyman insurance quotes is available on a state by state basis in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Dist of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Find the best Handyman insurance quotes from some of the finest and solid insurance companies who compare liability coverages based upon your own personal choices.
Business insurance quotes Handyman Quotes

Business insurance quotes vary according to the state your business is in so you need to keep this mind when shopping for insurance.
Low Monthly Handyman QuotesLow Monthly Quotes

Your contractors license classification provides the insurance company the amount of risk and claims exposure you may incur as a result of your business.
Online Handyman Quotes

How many years of experience in the licensed classification influences your final business insurance quote.

Handyman Insurance

Insurance might not be the first thing someone thinks about when running a business, but it should be an important consideration.   Handyman insurance is another requirement if you are thinking about starting a handyman business.  This website provides important insurance information on Handyman Insurance Coverage and quotes.

Handyman Insurance Coverage

Handyman insurance includes several types of coverage; each one offers a specific kind of protection for your business.  

(Handyman Insurance ) Commercial Auto: Covers a business's owned, no owned, and hired autos against liability and physical damage losses. 

Handyman Workers Compensation:  If your business as a Handyman employs any staff (including part-time, trainees or sub-contractors), Employers liability insurance cover is a legal requirement.  Employers liability insurance provides protection against your legal liabilities to pay compensation in respect of injury sustained by your employees in the course of your business as a Handyman.  (Handyman Insurance) Workers Compensation: Provides coverage for an employer's responsibility in the event of a work-related injury or illness.   Employers Liability Insurance for handyman work: This type of insurance would cover payment of legal fees and damages in the event that an employee was injured or killed while doing work for you. 

Tradesman Insurance for handymen: This is a package of several different kinds of cover for handymen, making up one policy that meets all your insurance needs.

Public Liability Insurance for handyman work: This type of insurance would cover you if your business activities caused injury or death to a member of the public.

Handyman General Liability - Commercial jobs will require you to have general liability coverage of $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 prior to being hired (not to mention that you protect your assets if something goes wrong on the job).

Products liability insurance for Handymen - Products liability insurance provides protection against your legal liability, compensation costs and expenses following injury or damage by goods that you have sold, supplied, repaired, tested or delivered in connection with your business as a Handyman.  Products Liability insurance for Handymen at 1,000,000 with the option to increase to 2,000,000 up to 5,000,000 or more.  Public Liability insurance cover provides protection against your legal liability for injury to third parties and damage to their property in connection with your business as a Handyman.

Professional Indemnity Insurance for handyman work: This covers you against any mistakes you might make  including bad advice you or your staff might give  that ends up costing your clients money, and leading them to take legal action against you.

(Handyman Insurance ) Umbrella Coverage: A broader form of coverage that extends the limits of liability found in a base policy form. 

Income Protection Insurance - If the essential person should be unable to work for a period of time, this handyman insurance helps to cover the loss of business as a result of the illness or injury.  Having sufficient income protection insurance is also a worth while consideration, if you were to fall off a step ladder or hurt your back and couldnt work, accident, sickness and unemployment insurance could help you to pay for some of your monthly bills in the event of you not being able to work.

The Handyman Insurance Program gives our policyholder comprehensive coverage for their handyman businesses, and the program is designed for Handymen who: Are hired to do a variety of miscellaneous work that would be found in a residential household environment;

Please note that standard home owner's insurance will most likely not cover business assets, and may VOID your home insurance coverage.  If your business is home-based, do you need more liability coverage than your home insurance policy covers. 

The Handyman program gives our policyholder comprehensive coverage for their handyman businesses, and the program is designed for Handymen.

Handyman Insurance Quotes

Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more. Find the best Handyman insurance quotes liability commercial and small Handyman companies offering affordable monthly payment options for your handyman business and the self-employed.  Find the best Handyman insurance quotes from some of the finest and solid insurance companies who compare liability coverages based upon your own personal choices.  Get online quotes for handyman insurance now.  And it can help you save money on your handyman insurance without compromising on the level of cover you need.  The Handyman tradesman insurance policy has been crafted to cover all your Handyman insurance needs at the most competitive price.


A reminder this is not an attempt to describe the product coverage and its' contents but merely used as a sales tool for the purpose of product illustration. The website and its' owners cannot make recommendations as to whether any illustrated product may meet the users' particular needs. Therefore, the suitability of the product is the final determination of the user of this website. The use of this website is acceptance of the sites' privacy statement. Coverage is not in effect until an application is signed, transmitted, payment received and approved by the underwriting company unless otherwise specifically stated. A physical and/or background inspection may be done to verify the information provided. The quote(s) will be based up on the underwriting information you supplied and the quote(s) is/are subject to change upon inspection and review by the underwriting company. The underwriting company reserves the right to determine the final coverage, premium and acceptability. Commercial use by others is prohibited by law. No portion of any news or information from this website may be photocopied, faxed, mailed, distributed, transmitted, published, broadcasted, duplicated, or re-distributed in any manner for any purpose without prior written authorization of its' owner.