Starting a Handyman Business: Essential Tips and Considerations

Jul. 1st 2024

Question: I think I will start being a handyman for hire in California, just fixing small things as I can do a bit of everything, but I don’t want to have to get a license to do bigger jobs and only me that will be doing the work. I am still considering starting and having that be my only job. I like some tips on how to get going and what I may need to get started.

Response: Starting a handyman business in California can be a great opportunity, especially if you have the skills and passion. One crucial step to get going is creating a solid business plan. A business plan will not only help you determine your target market, pricing strategy, and the specific services you will offer, but it will also give you a sense of preparedness and confidence in your venture. Since you mentioned that you only want to do small jobs, focus on marketing yourself as a specialist in quick home repairs and maintenance tasks.

Networking is also crucial. Reach out to friends, family, and neighbors, and let them know about your new venture. Their support and word-of-mouth referrals can be a powerful tool for getting your business off the ground. This network will not only help you find clients but also make you feel connected and supported in your new endeavor. Consider creating a simple website or social media profile such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and Neighborhood to showcase your skills and advertise your services.

In terms of legal requirements, while California may not require a specific handyman license for small jobs, it’s essential to research and comply with local regulations and permit requirements. Additionally, consider investing in basic insurance to protect yourself and your clients in case of accidents or damages during the job.

Building a solid online presence through a website or social media can also help attract customers. Consider showcasing your past work and client testimonials to build credibility.

Lastly, invest in quality tools and equipment to ensure you can deliver top-notch service. Building a positive reputation through excellent work and outstanding customer service will be critical to your success in this field. Good luck with your new endeavor!

The Importance of Insurance Coverage for Your Handyman Business

Before starting your handyman business, it’s crucial to understand the importance of having the right insurance coverage. At the same time, it might seem like an additional expense, but having the proper insurance can be a lifesaver in unexpected mishaps or accidents.

Liability insurance is essential for handymen. It provides coverage if a client’s property is damaged or if someone gets injured while you’re working. For example, if you accidentally break a valuable item while fixing something in a client’s home, liability insurance can help cover the replacement or repair cost.

In addition to liability insurance, consider getting tools and equipment insurance. As a handyman, your tools are essential for your work and represent a significant investment. Tools and equipment insurance can protect you if your gear is stolen, damaged, or lost. This could include power tools, hand tools, ladders, and other equipment you use regularly.

Moreover, having insurance can give your clients peace of mind. They’ll feel more comfortable hiring you knowing that you have coverage, and it shows that you are committed to professionalism and responsibility in your work. This commitment to safety and responsibility will not only make your clients feel secure but also make you feel more professional and trustworthy in your work.

Ultimately, investing in insurance is an investment in the longevity and success of your business. It’s an essential step in protecting both yourself and your clients. You’re demonstrating your commitment to operating a reliable and trustworthy handyman service by getting the right insurance coverage. Remember, accidents can happen, and having the right insurance can make all the difference. It’s a small price to pay for the peace of mind it can bring.

Determining Pricing Strategy for Your Handyman Business

When starting a handyman business, one of the essential aspects to consider is determining the pricing for your services. Setting the correct prices is crucial for the success of your business and requires careful consideration and planning. Here’s how you can determine the pricing for your handyman services when you first start.

1. Research the Market: Research the prevailing rates for handyman services in your area. Look at what your competitors are charging and what services they offer. Researching your competitors will give you a good understanding of the market and help you set competitive prices.

2. Calculate Your Costs: It’s essential to calculate all your costs, including tools, equipment, insurance, transportation, marketing, and overhead expenses. You need to ensure that your prices cover these costs and leave you with a reasonable profit.

3. Determine Your Value: Assess your skills, expertise, and the quality of service you intend to provide. If you have specialized skills or can offer unique services, you may be able to justify higher prices. Highlighting the value you bring to your clients can justify charging premium rates.

4. Consider Your Target Market: Understand the needs and expectations of your target market. If you are catering to a higher-end clientele, you may be able to charge higher rates for premium services. On the other hand, if you are focusing on more budget-conscious customers, you may need to adjust your pricing accordingly.

5. Offer Competitive Pricing: While covering your costs and making a profit is essential, it’s also crucial to remain competitive. Consider offering introductory rates or package deals to attract your first set of customers and showcase the value of your work.

6. Factor in Profit Margins: Don’t underestimate the importance of setting prices to generate a healthy profit. Your pricing should cover your costs and provide you with the means to grow and expand your business.

7. Adjust as Needed: As you receive customer feedback and understand the demand for your services, be prepared to adjust your pricing. It’s common for businesses to refine their pricing strategies as they gather more experience and insights from the market.

Considering these factors, you can develop a thoughtful and competitive pricing strategy for your handyman services. Remember, the goal is not just to set prices but to set fair and attractive prices that reflect the value of your services and ensure the success of your business.

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Business Auto, Contractor Bonds, Contractors News, General Contractors, General Insurance, General Liability, Handyman Help, Health Insurance | Comments Off on Starting a Handyman Business: Essential Tips and Considerations

California Handyman Insurance – Tips for Finding the Right Handyman Auto Insurance

May. 7th 2024

As a California motorist, you hold the reins in managing your automobile coverage costs. One powerful way to exercise this control is to explore various insurance rates. With a plethora of companies in CA, each offering different rates based on multiple factors, you have the authority to find the best deal that perfectly aligns with your specific needs.

The more auto insurance companies a consumer explores, the higher their chances of finding the carrier that offers the most affordable premium. Checking local newspapers for advertisements, looking in the phone book, and surfing the Internet to contact numerous providers can help gather as many quotes as possible. Equally important is seeking referrals from friends and relatives. Their personal experiences can provide valuable insights, as sometimes, the quality of an insurer is as crucial as the price.

When comparing different companies, it’s crucial to remember a few key details to ensure an adequate comparison. Make sure to base quotes on the same protection level as you obtain quotes from various carriers. Comparing rates for the minimum requirements from one company and higher limits from another can be misleading. It’s about being well-informed, not just about the price but also the coverage you’re getting.  

Factors to Consider When Searching for Handyman Auto Insurance Quote

When searching for a handyman auto insurance quote, you must clearly understand your driving history and coverage needs. This information will help insurers determine your risk level and provide an accurate premium rate. To ensure that you get the best deal that suits your specific needs, here are some things you should know ahead of time:

1. Driving History: Your driving record, including any accidents or traffic violations, plays a significant role in determining your premium rate and risk level. Insurers use this information to assess your driving habits and potential risks. Understanding your driving history is crucial when seeking a handyman auto insurance quote, as it directly affects the accuracy of your premium rate. You can request a record from your local DMV if you need clarification on your driving history for the past three years. While there may be a fee involved, it’s a small price to pay for ensuring the accuracy of your auto insurance quote.

2. Type of Coverage: The type of coverage you choose is not just about meeting legal requirements but also about protecting yourself and your vehicle. Liability coverage, for instance, is a legal requirement and covers damages you may cause to others or their property. Collision coverage, on the other hand, pays for damages to your vehicle in the event of an accident. And comprehensive coverage protects you from non-collision events such as theft or natural disasters. Understanding these options and their implications is critical to making an informed decision when shopping for handyman auto insurance.

3. Deductible: The deductible is the amount you’ll need to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. It’s a crucial aspect to consider as it directly affects your premium and the potential out-of-pocket expenses in the event of an accident. While a higher deductible may result in a lower premium, you’ll need to pay more if an accident occurs. So, choosing a deductible that you can comfortably afford in case of an accident is important when considering handyman auto insurance.

4. Discounts: Many insurance companies offer discounts for things like safe driving, multiple vehicles, and good grades for students. These discounts are not just perks, they are rewards for your responsible behavior. Be sure to ask about any available discounts that you may qualify for.

Considering these factors, you’ll be better equipped to compare quotes from different insurance companies and find the best deal that suits your needs.

Standard Discounts to Look For When Shopping for Handyman Auto Insurance

When you’re looking for handyperson auto insurance, it’s essential to remember that various discounts may be available to you. These discounts are usually designed to help reduce the overall cost of your car insurance premiums. Some of the most common discounts include safe driver discounts, multi-policy discounts, and discounts for good grades. Additionally, certain insurance companies may offer loyalty discounts to customers who have been with them for a certain period. It’s always a good idea to ask your insurance provider about any available discounts, as it can help you save a considerable amount of money over time. Some standard discounts include:

1. Safe Driver Discount: Maintaining a clean driving record is always a good idea – it keeps you and others safe on the road and saves money. Many insurance companies offer safe driver discounts to policyholders who have not been involved in accidents or received any traffic violations over a certain period of time, generally three years. The exact requirements vary by insurer, but if you have a clean driving record for a few years, you may be eligible for a significant discount on your insurance premiums. If you’re confident in your driving skills and prioritize safety on the road, it may be worth looking into a safe driver discount with your insurance provider.

2. Multi-Policy Discount: You may be eligible for a multi-policy discount if you have multiple insurance policies with the same company. This discount can be applied to various types of insurance, such as auto, homeowner’s, or renter’s insurance. You can save money on your insurance premiums by bundling your policies. Not only is this a cost-effective option, but it also simplifies the insurance process by consolidating your policies with a single provider. If you want to save money on your insurance, it’s worth checking with your provider to see if you qualify for a multi-policy discount.

3. Good Student Discount: As a student, maintaining good grades not only helps you academically, but it can also have benefits outside of the classroom, such as qualifying for a good student discount on your auto insurance. Many insurance companies offer this discount to policyholders who maintain a certain grade point average, typically a B average or higher. 

This discount can be an excellent way for students to save on auto insurance premiums. It rewards students who prioritize their education and can serve as an incentive to work hard and maintain good grades. Additionally, this discount can be applied to both high school and college students as long as they meet the eligibility requirements set by the insurance company.

It’s important to note that not all insurance companies offer a good student discount, and the requirements for eligibility may vary. Some insurers may require proof of good grades, such as a report card or transcript, while others may only need a statement from the student or their parents. Additionally, some insurers may limit the number of times a student can receive the discount, such as once a year or only for a certain period of time.

4. Vehicle Safety Features Discount: Did you know installing safety features in your vehicle can save you money on auto insurance premiums? You may be eligible for a discount if your car has anti-lock brakes, airbags, or an anti-theft system. It’s always a good idea to check with your insurance provider to see if you qualify for any discounts based on your vehicle’s safety features.

5. Low Mileage Discount: If you don’t drive your vehicle frequently, you may be eligible for a low mileage discount from your insurance company. This discount is offered to drivers who spend fewer miles on their cars yearly. Generally, the less you drive, the lower your risk of being involved in an accident. This is why some insurance companies offer low mileage discounts to drivers who drive fewer miles than the average driver. To be eligible for this discount, you typically must drive at least a certain number of miles annually. The exact mileage requirement can vary depending on the insurance company, but it is usually around 7,500 miles per year. If you drive less than this amount, it may be worth contacting your insurance company to see if you qualify for a low mileage discount. Doing so could save money on car insurance premiums without compromising coverage.

6. Group Membership Discount: If you’re a member of specific organizations, such as a professional association or alums group, you may be eligible for a group membership discount.

Remember that not all insurance companies offer the same discounts, so it’s essential to ask your insurance agent or representative about the discounts available to you.

Tips for Finding the Right Handyman Auto Insurance

In conclusion, finding the right handyperson auto insurance can be daunting, but it’s crucial to ensure that you’re adequately covered and protected on the road. By taking the time to understand your driving history, coverage needs, deductibles, and available discounts, you’ll be better equipped to compare quotes from different insurance companies and find the best deal that suits your needs. Remember, it’s not just about the price but also the quality of coverage you’re getting. So, take the time to do your research, gather quotes, and seek referrals from friends and family. With this knowledge, you can confidently find the right handyperson auto insurance and drive with peace of mind.

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Business Auto, General Insurance, General Liability, Handyman Insurance, Health Insurance | Comments Off on California Handyman Insurance – Tips for Finding the Right Handyman Auto Insurance

Purchasing the right automobile policy is very important.

Apr. 30th 2024

As a handyperson, your role in the community is not just important; it’s crucial. Your work is the backbone that keeps homes and businesses running smoothly. That’s why purchasing the proper automobile policy is not just important; it’s vital. It can be the difference between financial stability and a potential financial disaster in the event of a traffic accident. Without adequate coverage, you could find yourself unexpectedly responsible for expenses your insurer should have covered. However, finding the right policy can be a complex task, with numerous types of coverage, limits, and interchangeable products to consider. But don’t worry; resources are available to help you make an informed decision.

Your insurance company’s agent is an invaluable resource in your quest for the right policy. These professionals are not just knowledgeable; they’re experts in the industry. They can demystify the jargon and complexities of a policy that may confuse the average consumer. They can guide you through the various policies sections, explaining what each covers and helping you determine its necessity. Their role is to make sure you understand what you’re buying and why it’s important.

It’s important to note that not every agent can offer the most competitive price for coverage. Therefore, taking the initiative to consult with multiple agents before finalizing your decision is not just wise; it’s empowering. This proactive approach can help you secure the most affordable premium that aligns with your needs, giving you more control over your insurance decisions.

State government agencies provide another valuable resource. State insurance regulators often offer:

  • Consumer guides that detail the required coverage.
  • Tips on getting insured.
  • Company licensing information.
  • Helpful ways to save on policies.

Visit your state’s website for assistance in determining the recommended protection level. If you need more clarification about a specific detail, contact the regulator or an industry professional for further assistance.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all policy when it comes to automobile insurance. That’s why it’s essential to research and seek guidance from knowledgeable resources to ensure you’re adequately covered.

Understanding Automobile Insurance Coverage: A Handyman’s Guide

As a handyperson, it’s crucial to have adequate automobile insurance coverage to protect yourself financially in a traffic accident. However, finding the right policy with the appropriate coverage and limits can take time and effort. Here are some types of coverage and limits available that you should consider adding to your policy: 

1) Liability Coverage: Auto Liability Coverage is one of the most important types of car insurance that you can purchase. Most states require liability by law to drive. Liability coverage protects you financially in the event that you cause an accident while driving your vehicle. 

In a nutshell, Liability coverage pays for damages or injuries you may cause to other people and their property while driving your car. It includes two types of coverage: Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. 

Bodily Injury Liability coverage pays for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages that other people may suffer as a result of an accident that you caused. Property Damage Liability, on the other hand, pays for repairs or replacement of other people’s vehicles or property that you damaged in an accident. 

It’s important to note that Liability coverage does not cover any damages or injuries you or your passengers may suffer in an accident. You must purchase additional coverage, such as Personal Injury Protection or Medical Payments. 

Overall, Liability coverage is not only required by law in most states but also an essential component of any car insurance policy. It provides peace of mind knowing that you’re protected financially in case of an accident and ensures that you can cover the costs of any damages or injuries you may cause to others while driving your car.

2) Collision Coverage: Auto collision coverage is essential to any comprehensive automobile insurance policy, especially for handypersons who are always on the go. Whether you are commuting to work or running errands, you can never predict when an accident may occur. That’s why collision coverage is vital; it provides financial protection for your vehicle in the event of a collision, regardless of who was at fault.

Without collision coverage, you would be responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle if you were involved in an accident. This expense can quickly add up and significantly strain your finances. However, with collision coverage, you can have peace of mind knowing that your insurer will cover the cost of repairs or replacement up to the policy limit.

Collision coverage is not just limited to accidents involving other vehicles. It also covers collisions with stationary objects, such as guardrails, trees, and buildings. Suppose a collision damages your car beyond repair. In that case, collision coverage will pay the actual cash value of your vehicle at the time of the accident minus any deductible you may have.

Handypersons who rely on their vehicles to carry out their work should strongly consider getting collision coverage, which is optional but recommended. The cost of collision coverage may vary depending on several factors, including the make and model of your vehicle, your driving record, and the coverage limit you choose.

When shopping for collision coverage, consider your specific needs and budget. Choose a coverage limit that provides adequate protection for your vehicle without breaking the bank. It’s also wise to compare quotes from different insurers to ensure you get the best deal.

In conclusion, collision coverage is crucial to any automobile insurance policy. It provides much-needed financial protection for your vehicle in the event of a collision, regardless of who was at fault. As a handyperson, you rely on your car to carry out your work, so adequate coverage is essential to protect your assets and ensure you can get back on the road quickly after an accident.

3) Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive coverage is a vital component of any comprehensive automobile insurance policy as it pays for repairing or replacing your vehicle if it’s damaged or lost due to non-collision events such as theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. Without comprehensive coverage, you would be responsible for repairing or replacing your vehicle in case of such incidents, which can be expensive. However, with comprehensive coverage, you can have peace of mind knowing that your insurer will cover the cost of repairs or replacement up to the policy limit. Whether it’s a case of theft or damage due to a natural disaster such as a hailstorm or a flood, comprehensive coverage will provide you with the financial protection you need to get back on the road as soon as possible.

4) Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: The Handyman Auto’s Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage protects you if you get into an accident with a driver who is not sufficiently insured to cover the damages or injuries they have caused. This coverage ensures that you don’t have to bear the financial burden of the accident and its aftermath. In such a scenario, your insurance company will pay for your damages and medical expenses up to the policy limit, even if the at-fault driver doesn’t have enough insurance to cover the costs. This coverage is crucial, especially if you frequently drive in high-traffic areas or where many drivers carry minimal insurance coverage.

5) Personal Injury Protection (PIP): Personal Injury Protection (PIP) covers medical expenses and lost wages in the event of a car accident, regardless of who caused it. If injured in an accident, PIP can be valuable in helping you recover. With PIP, you won’t have to worry about paying medical bills or losing wages due to missed work. The PIP coverage aims to offer financial security and peace of mind to individuals injured in an accident. If you are in such a situation, do not hesitate to utilize your PIP coverage to obtain the necessary help.

When choosing coverage limits, it’s essential to consider your financial situation and assets. Choosing high enough limits to protect your assets in case of a lawsuit would help.

The Importance of Adequate Auto Insurance Coverage for Handymen: John’s Story

As a handyman, John had built a successful business over the years. He had a reputation for providing quality work to his clients, and his company was worth around $500,000. However, John never considered the possibility of getting into an accident while driving his work van. He only had the minimum state liability limits of 15/30/10, which he thought was enough to protect him.

One day, while driving to a job site, John lost control of his van and crashed into another vehicle. Unfortunately, John was at fault for the accident, and the other driver suffered severe injuries. The injured driver’s medical bills alone were well over $100,000.

The insufficient coverage provided by his insurance policy shocked John when he realized it did not cover all the damages he had caused. The damages totaled over $300,000, and since the policy limits were exhausted, John was left with the remaining balance. Because his business could not handle such a burden financially, he had to liquidate most of his assets to pay off the debt.

John’s experience is a cautionary tale for all handypersons who may underestimate the importance of adequate insurance coverage. The state liability limits 15/30/10 may seem reasonable, but more is needed for accidents involving severe injuries or property damage.

As a handyperson, your vehicle is an essential tool for your business, and you rely on it to get to your job sites and transport your equipment. Without adequate insurance coverage, you risk losing your business and everything you have worked hard to build.

It’s crucial to consult with your insurance agent and assess your business’s insurance needs carefully. The right coverage can protect you financially in an accident and provide peace of mind, knowing that you have done everything possible to safeguard your business and future.

Handypersons: Protect Yourself Financially with the Right Automobile Insurance Coverage – Here’s How

As a handyperson, it’s essential to have the right automobile insurance coverage to protect yourself financially in a traffic accident. Here are some tips to help you ensure that you’re adequately insured:

1) Determine your insurance needs: Before purchasing an automobile insurance policy, evaluating your specific insurance needs is essential. Consider your vehicle type, how often you use it, and your driving history. This information can help you determine the level of coverage you need to protect yourself financially.

2) Shop around: Don’t settle for the first automobile insurance policy you come across. Research different insurance companies and compare their rates, coverage options, and customer reviews. Researching will help you find the most affordable policy that meets your specific insurance needs.

3) Consider Higher Liability Coverages: Most states require Liability coverage; however, depending on your gross income, you may want higher limits than the state minimum. Consider increasing the liability limits to insure yourself to value. For example, in California, the minimum liability limits are $15,000 per person, $30,000 per accident for bodily injury liability, and up to $5,000 per accident for property damage liability (15/30/5). However, those limits are really for low-income people who want to drive legally in California but can’t afford higher limits. 

You can be sued for any remaining balance if your net value exceeds the minimum. With that in mind, you can quickly see that if you total a car value at 35,000, $5000.00 is not enough coverage. Compare that to bodily injury, and how far do you think $15,000 in coverage will go? Think about higher limits such as 100/300/50; you want to avoid leaving yourself open to being sued and losing more than just your handyperson business. 

4) Bundle policies: Many insurance companies offer discounts when you bundle multiple policies, such as auto and home insurance. Bundling can help you save money on your overall insurance costs.

5) Maintain a good driving record: Maintaining a clean driving record can help you qualify for lower insurance rates. Avoid traffic violations and accidents to keep your insurance rates low.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you’re adequately insured and protected financially in the event of a traffic accident.

Understanding Automobile Insurance Coverage: A Handyman’s Guide to Protecting Yourself Financially in Case of an Accident

In conclusion, as a handyperson, it’s important to understand the various types of automobile insurance coverage and their limits to ensure that you’re adequately protected financially in case of an accident. Liability coverage is essential to cover damages or injuries you may cause to other people and their property. In contrast, collision coverage provides financial protection for your vehicle in case of a collision, regardless of who was at fault. By consulting with multiple insurance agents and utilizing state resources, you can make an informed decision and secure the most affordable premium that aligns with your needs. Remember, taking the time to research and seek guidance from knowledgeable resources can make all the difference in purchasing the proper automobile policy.

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Handyman Insurance Quote

Mar. 29th 2016

Handyman insurance can help shield you from things like injuries or property damage that could result in devastating lawsuits. If you do not currently have insurance or you like to shop our your cost then just click on our start Quote link and get your free quote today.

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Handyman Insurance Quote, Professional Liability

Jul. 20th 2015

Professional liability, also known as errors and omissions insurance (E&O) is best for LLCs that provide professional services. For example, a doctor will need a form of professional liability known as malpractice insurance, which is specialized for the medical field, while an investment firm needs E&O coverage for advice provided to clients that can potentially result in a financial loss.

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Handyman Insurance Quote, Unemployment Insurance Tax

Jul. 16th 2015

You will want to check with your state to determine if this tax is required. It is designed to help cover the costs of unemployment insurance for workers who lose their jobs. You may need to register your company with the state workforce agency as well.

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Handyman Insurance Quote, Disability Insurance

Jul. 12th 2015

With regards to disability insurance, some states require businesses to contribute to disability insurance. Whereas workers compensation covers work-related injuries and illnesses, disability insurance covers non-work-related incidents and illness that prevent a worker from returning to work.

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Handyman Insurance Quote, Property Insurance Benefits for LLCs

Jul. 8th 2015

All companies operating from a business site should purchase, property insurance. Property Insurance coverage protects your business property from damage or loss due to a covered cause, such as fire. A good commercial property policy will include coverage a variety of things, ranging from the structure of your building to your personal property stored at the business site. Be sure to examine your policy closely for any exclusions.

This type of insurance is typically offered in three forms:

1) Basic: Similar to your homeowner policy, this will cover a list of perils including fire, certain natural disasters, and vandalism. However, it may not cover theft.

2) Broad: This expands the list of perils so that you have added coverage.

3) Special form: Instead of naming the things that are covered, this policy provides the most protection and only lists perils that aren’t covered.

Note that flooding is rarely covered by a commercial property policy.

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Handyman Insurance Quote, LLC Exceptions

Jul. 4th 2015

It is important you understand that you can be held responsible for things you do while performing work for your limited liability company. For example, your LLC will most likely not protect you if:

1) If you personally injure someone
2) If you personally guarantee a business loan or debt
3) If you do not manage your business taxes correctly
4) If you intentionally commit a crime or engage in fraudulent or reckless behavior that damages the company
5) Rather than treating your company as a separate business entity, you mix business and personal accounts or expenses

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Handyman Insurance, Makeover Adds Muscle to a Telecom Landmark

Jul. 2nd 2015

Turning an Art Deco landmark erected 85 years ago into a high-capacity data hub might seem less daunting in a building that was the former headquarters of Western Union Co. But the 1-million-sq-ft structure at 60 Hudson St. in Manhattan—which once housed 70 million ft of wire and 30 miles of conduit, and where nearly all undersea telegraph cables from Europe plugged into the U.S.—still needs a massive transformation to fit its new role as a modern data nerve center.


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Handyman Insurance Quote, LLC Insurance

Jun. 30th 2015

It is essential that you find the right LLC insurance to protect your business against coverage gaps. One of the key reasons for starting a limited liability company (LLC) is to separate your personal liability from your business operations. As a business owner, you want your personal assets to be protected in case your business is taken to the mat with a liability insurance claim, or worse – a lawsuit.

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Handyman Insurance Quote, Doing Your Homework

Jun. 26th 2015

It is important to Research the right insurance protection. Handyman insurance protection is a sound investment in your business if you do the right research and get a good policy that is matched to your needs and risks. You may need to do some research to locate the best insurer and policy package for you. Remember that each business is unique, and no one insurance policy is ideal for all people in your line of work. If you take the time to find an insurance agent you trust, you are all the more likely to find a policy that works for you.

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Handyman Insurance Quote

May. 30th 2015

Handyman insurance is must-have protection before you begin work in your customer’s home. If you are a Handyman and you are looking for Business Insurance you have found the right place to get free a quote today

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best handyman insurance quotes offering low cost monthly rates Find the Best Insurance

Handyman insurance quotes is available on a state by state basis in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Dist of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Find the best Handyman insurance quotes from some of the finest and solid insurance companies who compare liability coverages based upon your own personal choices.
Business insurance quotes Handyman Quotes

Business insurance quotes vary according to the state your business is in so you need to keep this mind when shopping for insurance.
Low Monthly Handyman QuotesLow Monthly Quotes

Your contractors license classification provides the insurance company the amount of risk and claims exposure you may incur as a result of your business.
Online Handyman Quotes

How many years of experience in the licensed classification influences your final business insurance quote.

Handyman Insurance

Insurance might not be the first thing someone thinks about when running a business, but it should be an important consideration.   Handyman insurance is another requirement if you are thinking about starting a handyman business.  This website provides important insurance information on Handyman Insurance Coverage and quotes.

Handyman Insurance Coverage

Handyman insurance includes several types of coverage; each one offers a specific kind of protection for your business.  

(Handyman Insurance ) Commercial Auto: Covers a business's owned, no owned, and hired autos against liability and physical damage losses. 

Handyman Workers Compensation:  If your business as a Handyman employs any staff (including part-time, trainees or sub-contractors), Employers liability insurance cover is a legal requirement.  Employers liability insurance provides protection against your legal liabilities to pay compensation in respect of injury sustained by your employees in the course of your business as a Handyman.  (Handyman Insurance) Workers Compensation: Provides coverage for an employer's responsibility in the event of a work-related injury or illness.   Employers Liability Insurance for handyman work: This type of insurance would cover payment of legal fees and damages in the event that an employee was injured or killed while doing work for you. 

Tradesman Insurance for handymen: This is a package of several different kinds of cover for handymen, making up one policy that meets all your insurance needs.

Public Liability Insurance for handyman work: This type of insurance would cover you if your business activities caused injury or death to a member of the public.

Handyman General Liability - Commercial jobs will require you to have general liability coverage of $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 prior to being hired (not to mention that you protect your assets if something goes wrong on the job).

Products liability insurance for Handymen - Products liability insurance provides protection against your legal liability, compensation costs and expenses following injury or damage by goods that you have sold, supplied, repaired, tested or delivered in connection with your business as a Handyman.  Products Liability insurance for Handymen at 1,000,000 with the option to increase to 2,000,000 up to 5,000,000 or more.  Public Liability insurance cover provides protection against your legal liability for injury to third parties and damage to their property in connection with your business as a Handyman.

Professional Indemnity Insurance for handyman work: This covers you against any mistakes you might make  including bad advice you or your staff might give  that ends up costing your clients money, and leading them to take legal action against you.

(Handyman Insurance ) Umbrella Coverage: A broader form of coverage that extends the limits of liability found in a base policy form. 

Income Protection Insurance - If the essential person should be unable to work for a period of time, this handyman insurance helps to cover the loss of business as a result of the illness or injury.  Having sufficient income protection insurance is also a worth while consideration, if you were to fall off a step ladder or hurt your back and couldn’t work, accident, sickness and unemployment insurance could help you to pay for some of your monthly bills in the event of you not being able to work.

The Handyman Insurance Program gives our policyholder comprehensive coverage for their “handyman” businesses, and the program is designed for Handymen who: Are hired to do a variety of miscellaneous work that would be found in a residential household environment;

Please note that standard home owner's insurance will most likely not cover business assets, and may VOID your home insurance coverage.  If your business is home-based, do you need more liability coverage than your home insurance policy covers. 

The Handyman program gives our policyholder comprehensive coverage for their “handyman” businesses, and the program is designed for Handymen.

Handyman Insurance Quotes

Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more. Find the best Handyman insurance quotes liability commercial and small Handyman companies offering affordable monthly payment options for your handyman business and the self-employed.  Find the best Handyman insurance quotes from some of the finest and solid insurance companies who compare liability coverages based upon your own personal choices.  Get online quotes for handyman insurance now.  And it can help you save money on your handyman insurance without compromising on the level of cover you need.  The Handyman tradesman insurance policy has been crafted to cover all your Handyman insurance needs at the most competitive price.


A reminder this is not an attempt to describe the product coverage and its' contents but merely used as a sales tool for the purpose of product illustration. The website and its' owners cannot make recommendations as to whether any illustrated product may meet the users' particular needs. Therefore, the suitability of the product is the final determination of the user of this website. The use of this website is acceptance of the sites' privacy statement. Coverage is not in effect until an application is signed, transmitted, payment received and approved by the underwriting company unless otherwise specifically stated. A physical and/or background inspection may be done to verify the information provided. The quote(s) will be based up on the underwriting information you supplied and the quote(s) is/are subject to change upon inspection and review by the underwriting company. The underwriting company reserves the right to determine the final coverage, premium and acceptability. Commercial use by others is prohibited by law. No portion of any news or information from this website may be photocopied, faxed, mailed, distributed, transmitted, published, broadcasted, duplicated, or re-distributed in any manner for any purpose without prior written authorization of its' owner.