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The Importance of Handyman Insurance: Protecting Your Business and Clients

Jun. 18th 2024

Handyman insurance is not just a necessary part of running a successful handyperson business, it’s a shield that provides financial protection and peace of mind. It’s there to catch you when unexpected accidents, injuries, or damages occur while performing handyperson services. This type of insurance typically includes general liability coverage, property damage coverage, and bodily injury coverage, and any handyman or handyman business must have this coverage in place to feel secure.

First and foremost, handyman insurance is essential because it’s a safety net that protects both the handyman and the clients. Accidents can happen at any time, and without insurance, the handyman could be held personally responsible for any injuries or damages that occur while working on a client’s property. For instance, if a handyperson accidentally damages a client’s property, such as a water leak due to improperly installed piping, the costs of repairs or replacements could be significant. Without insurance, the handyman would have to cover these costs out of pocket, potentially leading to financial strain or even bankruptcy.

Furthermore, without handyman insurance, the handyman could be liable for any injuries sustained by the client or anyone else on the property where the handyman works. This could result in costly medical expenses and legal fees in a lawsuit. In contrast, with appropriate insurance coverage, these expenses would typically be covered by the insurance policy, protecting the handyman’s finances and livelihood.

Moreover, handyman insurance is not just about financial protection, it’s about enhancing the professional image of the handyperson business. Clients are more likely to trust and hire a properly insured handyperson, as it demonstrates a commitment to safety, responsibility, and professionalism. In contrast, not having insurance could deter potential clients, losing business opportunities and income. So, having insurance is not just a smart financial move, it’s a professional one that can elevate your business.

Another important aspect of handyman insurance is that it can cover legal defense costs in the event of a lawsuit. Suppose a client or third party files a lawsuit against the handyman alleging property damage or bodily injury. In that case, the insurance policy can help cover the costs of legal representation and any settlements or judgments that may arise. Without insurance, the handyman would have to bear these expenses personally, which could have devastating financial consequences.

Moreover, handyman insurance can provide coverage for tools and equipment. Many handypersons’s tools are essential for their livelihood, and if they are damaged, lost, or stolen, they can disrupt their ability to work. With the right insurance policy, replacing or repairing these tools can be covered, allowing the handyperson to return to work without a significant financial burden quickly.

In addition, handyman insurance can offer protection in the event of advertising injuries. This includes situations such as libel, slander, or copyright infringement arising from advertising the handyman’s services. The costs of defending against such allegations and any resulting settlements or judgments could be financially extreme without insurance.

It is also essential to consider that having handyman insurance can open up opportunities to work with certain clients or on specific projects that require contractors to have insurance coverage. Commercial clients, property management companies, and general contractors will only work with handypersons who can provide proof of insurance, as it protects all parties involved in the business relationship.

Ultimately, the peace of mind provided by handyman insurance is invaluable. Knowing that one is protected from unforeseen accidents and liabilities allows the handyman to focus on delivering high-quality services without worrying about potential financial ruin.

To illustrate the importance of handyman insurance, consider a real-life scenario. John, a handyperson without insurance, was hired to remodel a client’s kitchen. During the project, a kitchen cabinet fell off the wall and damaged the client’s expensive marble floor. Without insurance, John was personally responsible for repairing or replacing the floor, which cost him thousands of dollars. This unexpected expense severely impacted John’s financial stability and jeopardized his business.

On the other hand, let’s consider another hypothetical scenario where a different handyman, Sarah, has comprehensive insurance coverage. While working on a similar kitchen remodeling project, an accident occurs, and the client’s property is damaged. In this case, Sarah’s insurance policy would cover the costs associated with the damage, protecting her from the financial burden and potential legal consequences. As a result, Sarah can continue focusing on her work and maintaining her professional reputation without fearing financial disaster.

In conclusion, the importance of handyman insurance cannot be overstated. It is a fundamental aspect of operating a successful and sustainable handyperson business. With the potential financial risks and legal liabilities that handypersons face in their line of work, having the right insurance coverage is an essential investment to safeguard their livelihood and ensure long-term success. Handymen can protect themselves, their clients, and their businesses from the unexpected by having handyman insurance, allowing them to work with confidence and peace of mind. To obtain handyman insurance, handypersons should consider factors such as the size of their business, the types of services they offer, and their claims history. These factors can affect the cost and coverage of the insurance policy.

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Handyman Insurance, Professional Liability Insurance

Oct. 26th 2015

Professional liability insurance, also called errors and omissions insurance, protects your business from claims of negligence even if you have not made a mistake.

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Liability Insurance | No Comments »

Handyman Insurance, Operating a Business Out of Your Home

May. 21st 2010

If you operate a business out of your home, your Homeowners and Personal Auto insurance will not cover you.  In fact, running a home-based business without the proper coverage could result in cancellation of your Homeowners insurance.  Many home-based business owners believe that their homeowners or renters insurance policy will adequately cover their home-based business.

Just because a business is located in your home doesn’t mean your homeowners insurance policy will cover you. You can buy a homeowners liability endorsement that will protect you in case clients or delivery people get hurt on your premises and sue.  An in-home business policy provides more comprehensive coverage for business equipment and liability than a homeowners policy endorsement.  In-home business policies are available from homeowners insurance companies, which offer business insurance bundled with a standard homeowners policy.

Handyman Insurance, Optional Home Business Insurance Coverages

May. 20th 2010

Insuring your homebased business is easier than ever.  Optional Home Business Insurance Coverages  For an extra premium, you can beef up your Home based Business insurance policy by adding: Umbrella Liability protects your business against the costs of catastrophic lawsuits.  Therefore, you may need home based business insurance.

There are a few different home based business insurance options available for you to consider.  If you own a home business, your home based business insurance will be tax deductible.  Therefore, depending on the type of business that you run, you may need a home based business insurance policy. You may want to consider liability insurance for your business if there is a chance that your product may injure someone or if someone could become injured while visiting your home business.

They are the experts and they can point you in the right direction as far as home based business insurance.  Several home-based business owners own their own homes, and presume that their home based business insurance also covers their home-based business activities.  Not only is this not true, but your home based business insurance activities can annulled your home insurance.  While several home based business insurance owners rely on their home insurance to wrap damage, loss and theft of possessions, all home-based businesses should have contents insurance as well to the contents and or possessions insurance offered by the owner’s house insurance.

HandymanInsurance.com, Helps in Choosing Car Insurance Coverage

May. 19th 2010

As consumers begin shopping around for automobile coverage they will quickly realize that there are many options that they have to choose from and for the average consumer it may be difficult to ensure that the right choice is made. auto insurance can be a complex product, but it is also extremely important and it may be in the best interest of a motorist to understand as much as possible before making a purchase; in many cases drivers either buy too much protection and spend unnecessary money or become underinsured.

If an individual is unfamiliar with the way an automobile policy works to protect them, they may want to take the time to do a little research and try to understand the difference in the various options that they have to pick from. There are many resources available online and off which can provide the definitions of the multiple types of protection and what they cover; by understanding this, consumers will have a better idea of what policy will best suit their needs. Whether getting help choosing the right policies from industry professionals, informative or government websites one thing will probably be certain and each will tell you that car insurance coverage recommendations will always include getting at least the minimum required to satisfy the laws of your state.

Choices in auto insurance Coverage

As mentioned, there are many choices that an individual has when they are looking to purchase an automobile policy and understanding them will be the difference in obtaining proper auto insurance. Aside from what the state requires an individual to purchase, they may want to consider higher limits than what their state mandates. For example, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles motorists are only required to carry coverage consisting of $10,000 in Property Damage Liability; while this may seem like a sufficient amount, this may not be the case if the insured strikes a luxury vehicle causing substantial damage and they may be held accountable for any remaining compensation exceeding the $10,000 due to the other party. Individuals who are residents of states that only require small coverage requirements to operate a vehicle may want to quote higher limits to protect themselves and their assets.

One type of coverage that many motorists choose to buy is Comprehensive and Collision which helps pay for damage sustained by the policyholder’s vehicle. Compensation comes in two forms; the insurance company will either pay the insured the amount needed to repair the automobile or replace it. There are no states that make this type of protection mandatory, but it can be beneficial to those who own high end automobiles or may even be necessary for those who are financing their car. Most financial institutions require their borrowers to carry this add-on as a condition of the loan agreement; this is done to protect the lender’s interest in the vehicle.

How to Find Handyman Insurance

May. 8th 2010

Look at a Sample Policy is best to look at a business insurance policy in your industry to familiarize yourself with coverage and terms.

This article is focused on whether your business should purchase its insurance online.  When looking online for insurance for your business, you will want to stay with the sites offered by the insurers.  Before using an online source consider whether your business is appropriate for an online quote or purchase of business insurance.  You may only be required to answer numbers or references from these documents, or you may be required to scan them and submit copies electronically with your online application.  A general online business insurance inquiry will also likely provide you with common terms.

This article summarizes the many different types of handyman insurance available and it explains how they differ from one another.  In order to be sure you have the proper coverage for your handyman business, you will need to familiarize yourself with the types of handyman insurance available.  Learn how handyman insurance coverage works for you, the different types of handyman insurance coverage and protection available, as well as business insurance terms, so you can choose the right type and policy for your company.  Two of the most common types of handyman insurance are property insurance and commercial auto insurance.  Frequently asked questionsI wonder, What are the types of handyman insurance coverage.  However, because a small business owner has so many demands on their time, and often, no real interest in the subject of insurance beyond knowing they need it, I want to provide a quick summary of some common types of business insurance that small businesses should consider.  There are many types of handyman insurance plans out there, but how do you know which one will cover your needs.

The main page displays Handyman Insurance coverages and quotes.   Just press the QUOTE button for an insurance quote and each coverage option is listed for you on the main page.

Simple Ways to Find Handyman Insurance

Apr. 29th 2010

If you want a fast, and simple way to find Handyman insurance and experienced agents who can guide you through the process, consider using an online handyman insurance.  The internet can really help you do this because there are so many online business insurance quote forms available these days.  Shopping online for the best Handyman Insurance policy enables you to receive multiple quotes from a number of insurance companies.

Many business insurers are online and, while buying insurance for a business on the internet is not as prevalent as buying personal auto insurance online, growing numbers of small business owners are going to online sources for their insurance.  If one follows some guidelines when using online quote sites to purchase insurance, business internet insurance sites can offer premium savings.  They will contend that the absence of an insurance professional will cost a business in the long run.

As a business owner, it can be overwhelming to determine what these terms mean.  The type of insurance is going to depend on what you are doing,with whom you do business, the protection you need on your office and equipment, city ordinances and state laws, as well as your personal preference.  Many small store owners decide to buy a BOP (Business Owners Policy).  But since businesses face many risks and threats, almost all owners must purchase business insurance, and this is not something most of them have been well trained to do.  Because most small business owners do not have the time to pick and choose, a BOP provides an affordable and simple solution to small business

What Are The Common Types of Handyman Business Insurance

Apr. 27th 2010

Here are some common types of business insurance: Business Property Insurance: Coverage against loss or damage to your business property or contents. Business Liability Insurance: Coverage against a claim by others that your business caused them a loss Commercial Auto Insurance: Coverage for vehicles used by your business.  If you produce goods, you may want to look into purchasing product liability insurance.

This goes beyond general liability because it protects you in case your products, once out there in the world, cause injury to customers.  General liability insurance is a type of business insurance that covers any issues that arise concerning you business, such as accidents, injuries and negligence.  If your company manufactures goods, wholesales or retail sales goods, product liability insurance can help protect you in issues concerning the safety of those goods.

Types of Handyman Insurance

Apr. 26th 2010

There are several types of handyman insurance coverages available.  The type of coverage required depends on the business and state that you operate.  Each business has separate needs.  As you will see, there are many business insurance coverage options available.  This article will provide you with business insurance types and descriptions.

Business owners providing services should consider having professional liability insurance (also known as errors and omissions insurance).  However, homeowners policies only go so far in covering home-based businesses and you may need to purchase additional policies to cover other risks, such as general and professional liability.  A BOP is a package that bundles property and liability insurance together through one affordable premium.

These exposures could include liability arising out of accidents resulting from the premises or the operations of an insured, products sold by the insured, operations completed by the insured, and contractual liability.  The most common types of commercial insurance are property, liability and workers’ compensation.  In general, property insurance covers damages to your business property; liability insurance covers damages to third parties; and workers’ compensation insurance covers on-the-job injuries to your employees.  If someone sues you for personal injuries or property damage, the cost of defending and resolving the suit would be covered by your liability insurance policy.

Malpractice insurance, or professional liability insurance, pays for losses resulting from injuries to third parties when a professional’s conduct falls below the profession’s standard of care.  Then you should consider getting product liability insurance to protect your business from liability resulting from the product’s nonperformance.  Professional liability insurance protects both you and your clients.  “Property and Liability insurance are essential for all small businesses, but Business Interruption, Key People, or Disability insurance can also make the difference between having to close down and being able to carry on.

Handyman Insurance Starts New Blog

Mar. 26th 2010

HandymanInsurance.com started a new blog in late April 2010 to help provide a community forum and discussion for the needs of small business contractors and the handyman construction industry. We hope you will share your experiences – good and bad with us.

best handyman insurance quotes offering low cost monthly rates Find the Best Insurance

Handyman insurance quotes is available on a state by state basis in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Dist of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Find the best Handyman insurance quotes from some of the finest and solid insurance companies who compare liability coverages based upon your own personal choices.
Business insurance quotes Handyman Quotes

Business insurance quotes vary according to the state your business is in so you need to keep this mind when shopping for insurance.
Low Monthly Handyman QuotesLow Monthly Quotes

Your contractors license classification provides the insurance company the amount of risk and claims exposure you may incur as a result of your business.
Online Handyman Quotes

How many years of experience in the licensed classification influences your final business insurance quote.

Handyman Insurance

Insurance might not be the first thing someone thinks about when running a business, but it should be an important consideration.   Handyman insurance is another requirement if you are thinking about starting a handyman business.  This website provides important insurance information on Handyman Insurance Coverage and quotes.

Handyman Insurance Coverage

Handyman insurance includes several types of coverage; each one offers a specific kind of protection for your business.  

(Handyman Insurance ) Commercial Auto: Covers a business's owned, no owned, and hired autos against liability and physical damage losses. 

Handyman Workers Compensation:  If your business as a Handyman employs any staff (including part-time, trainees or sub-contractors), Employers liability insurance cover is a legal requirement.  Employers liability insurance provides protection against your legal liabilities to pay compensation in respect of injury sustained by your employees in the course of your business as a Handyman.  (Handyman Insurance) Workers Compensation: Provides coverage for an employer's responsibility in the event of a work-related injury or illness.   Employers Liability Insurance for handyman work: This type of insurance would cover payment of legal fees and damages in the event that an employee was injured or killed while doing work for you. 

Tradesman Insurance for handymen: This is a package of several different kinds of cover for handymen, making up one policy that meets all your insurance needs.

Public Liability Insurance for handyman work: This type of insurance would cover you if your business activities caused injury or death to a member of the public.

Handyman General Liability - Commercial jobs will require you to have general liability coverage of $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 prior to being hired (not to mention that you protect your assets if something goes wrong on the job).

Products liability insurance for Handymen - Products liability insurance provides protection against your legal liability, compensation costs and expenses following injury or damage by goods that you have sold, supplied, repaired, tested or delivered in connection with your business as a Handyman.  Products Liability insurance for Handymen at 1,000,000 with the option to increase to 2,000,000 up to 5,000,000 or more.  Public Liability insurance cover provides protection against your legal liability for injury to third parties and damage to their property in connection with your business as a Handyman.

Professional Indemnity Insurance for handyman work: This covers you against any mistakes you might make  including bad advice you or your staff might give  that ends up costing your clients money, and leading them to take legal action against you.

(Handyman Insurance ) Umbrella Coverage: A broader form of coverage that extends the limits of liability found in a base policy form. 

Income Protection Insurance - If the essential person should be unable to work for a period of time, this handyman insurance helps to cover the loss of business as a result of the illness or injury.  Having sufficient income protection insurance is also a worth while consideration, if you were to fall off a step ladder or hurt your back and couldn’t work, accident, sickness and unemployment insurance could help you to pay for some of your monthly bills in the event of you not being able to work.

The Handyman Insurance Program gives our policyholder comprehensive coverage for their “handyman” businesses, and the program is designed for Handymen who: Are hired to do a variety of miscellaneous work that would be found in a residential household environment;

Please note that standard home owner's insurance will most likely not cover business assets, and may VOID your home insurance coverage.  If your business is home-based, do you need more liability coverage than your home insurance policy covers. 

The Handyman program gives our policyholder comprehensive coverage for their “handyman” businesses, and the program is designed for Handymen.

Handyman Insurance Quotes

Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more. Find the best Handyman insurance quotes liability commercial and small Handyman companies offering affordable monthly payment options for your handyman business and the self-employed.  Find the best Handyman insurance quotes from some of the finest and solid insurance companies who compare liability coverages based upon your own personal choices.  Get online quotes for handyman insurance now.  And it can help you save money on your handyman insurance without compromising on the level of cover you need.  The Handyman tradesman insurance policy has been crafted to cover all your Handyman insurance needs at the most competitive price.


A reminder this is not an attempt to describe the product coverage and its' contents but merely used as a sales tool for the purpose of product illustration. The website and its' owners cannot make recommendations as to whether any illustrated product may meet the users' particular needs. Therefore, the suitability of the product is the final determination of the user of this website. The use of this website is acceptance of the sites' privacy statement. Coverage is not in effect until an application is signed, transmitted, payment received and approved by the underwriting company unless otherwise specifically stated. A physical and/or background inspection may be done to verify the information provided. The quote(s) will be based up on the underwriting information you supplied and the quote(s) is/are subject to change upon inspection and review by the underwriting company. The underwriting company reserves the right to determine the final coverage, premium and acceptability. Commercial use by others is prohibited by law. No portion of any news or information from this website may be photocopied, faxed, mailed, distributed, transmitted, published, broadcasted, duplicated, or re-distributed in any manner for any purpose without prior written authorization of its' owner.