Archive for the 'General Contractors' Category

Starting a Handyman Business: Essential Tips and Considerations

Jul. 1st 2024

Question: I think I will start being a handyman for hire in California, just fixing small things as I can do a bit of everything, but I don’t want to have to get a license to do bigger jobs and only me that will be doing the work. I am still considering starting and having that be my only job. I like some tips on how to get going and what I may need to get started.

Response: Starting a handyman business in California can be a great opportunity, especially if you have the skills and passion. One crucial step to get going is creating a solid business plan. A business plan will not only help you determine your target market, pricing strategy, and the specific services you will offer, but it will also give you a sense of preparedness and confidence in your venture. Since you mentioned that you only want to do small jobs, focus on marketing yourself as a specialist in quick home repairs and maintenance tasks.

Networking is also crucial. Reach out to friends, family, and neighbors, and let them know about your new venture. Their support and word-of-mouth referrals can be a powerful tool for getting your business off the ground. This network will not only help you find clients but also make you feel connected and supported in your new endeavor. Consider creating a simple website or social media profile such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and Neighborhood to showcase your skills and advertise your services.

In terms of legal requirements, while California may not require a specific handyman license for small jobs, it’s essential to research and comply with local regulations and permit requirements. Additionally, consider investing in basic insurance to protect yourself and your clients in case of accidents or damages during the job.

Building a solid online presence through a website or social media can also help attract customers. Consider showcasing your past work and client testimonials to build credibility.

Lastly, invest in quality tools and equipment to ensure you can deliver top-notch service. Building a positive reputation through excellent work and outstanding customer service will be critical to your success in this field. Good luck with your new endeavor!

The Importance of Insurance Coverage for Your Handyman Business

Before starting your handyman business, it’s crucial to understand the importance of having the right insurance coverage. At the same time, it might seem like an additional expense, but having the proper insurance can be a lifesaver in unexpected mishaps or accidents.

Liability insurance is essential for handymen. It provides coverage if a client’s property is damaged or if someone gets injured while you’re working. For example, if you accidentally break a valuable item while fixing something in a client’s home, liability insurance can help cover the replacement or repair cost.

In addition to liability insurance, consider getting tools and equipment insurance. As a handyman, your tools are essential for your work and represent a significant investment. Tools and equipment insurance can protect you if your gear is stolen, damaged, or lost. This could include power tools, hand tools, ladders, and other equipment you use regularly.

Moreover, having insurance can give your clients peace of mind. They’ll feel more comfortable hiring you knowing that you have coverage, and it shows that you are committed to professionalism and responsibility in your work. This commitment to safety and responsibility will not only make your clients feel secure but also make you feel more professional and trustworthy in your work.

Ultimately, investing in insurance is an investment in the longevity and success of your business. It’s an essential step in protecting both yourself and your clients. You’re demonstrating your commitment to operating a reliable and trustworthy handyman service by getting the right insurance coverage. Remember, accidents can happen, and having the right insurance can make all the difference. It’s a small price to pay for the peace of mind it can bring.

Determining Pricing Strategy for Your Handyman Business

When starting a handyman business, one of the essential aspects to consider is determining the pricing for your services. Setting the correct prices is crucial for the success of your business and requires careful consideration and planning. Here’s how you can determine the pricing for your handyman services when you first start.

1. Research the Market: Research the prevailing rates for handyman services in your area. Look at what your competitors are charging and what services they offer. Researching your competitors will give you a good understanding of the market and help you set competitive prices.

2. Calculate Your Costs: It’s essential to calculate all your costs, including tools, equipment, insurance, transportation, marketing, and overhead expenses. You need to ensure that your prices cover these costs and leave you with a reasonable profit.

3. Determine Your Value: Assess your skills, expertise, and the quality of service you intend to provide. If you have specialized skills or can offer unique services, you may be able to justify higher prices. Highlighting the value you bring to your clients can justify charging premium rates.

4. Consider Your Target Market: Understand the needs and expectations of your target market. If you are catering to a higher-end clientele, you may be able to charge higher rates for premium services. On the other hand, if you are focusing on more budget-conscious customers, you may need to adjust your pricing accordingly.

5. Offer Competitive Pricing: While covering your costs and making a profit is essential, it’s also crucial to remain competitive. Consider offering introductory rates or package deals to attract your first set of customers and showcase the value of your work.

6. Factor in Profit Margins: Don’t underestimate the importance of setting prices to generate a healthy profit. Your pricing should cover your costs and provide you with the means to grow and expand your business.

7. Adjust as Needed: As you receive customer feedback and understand the demand for your services, be prepared to adjust your pricing. It’s common for businesses to refine their pricing strategies as they gather more experience and insights from the market.

Considering these factors, you can develop a thoughtful and competitive pricing strategy for your handyman services. Remember, the goal is not just to set prices but to set fair and attractive prices that reflect the value of your services and ensure the success of your business.

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Handyman Insurance – What is Defective Work Insurance?

Mar. 29th 2024

Defective Work Insurance is a policy that provides coverage for damages or losses resulting from defective workmanship or materials used in a construction project. Contractors, builders, and developers typically purchase this type of insurance to protect against claims from faulty design, workmanship, or materials used to construct a building or structure. Defective Work Insurance can cover various issues, including foundation cracks, water leaks, and other defects that may occur in a building or structure. The coverage typically includes the cost of repairs, legal fees, and any damages awarded in a liability lawsuit.

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Handyman Insurance, Comparison Shopping for Your General Contractors Insurance

Mar. 14th 2015

Once you have assessed your general contractors insurance needs , it is time to make sure that you are getting the best possible prices on your policies.  This website provides important insurance information to get a contractors insurance quote and to help you save on your next business decision.


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Handyman Insurance, Reviewing Your General Contractors Insurance

Mar. 10th 2015

Each policy renewal period you should review you general contractors insurance policy to make sure you still have the right coverages at the most affordable cost.   Here are some tips to review.

1) Equipment: Have you sold or bought any major pieces of equipment? If you sold any equipment, you may be able to reduce the policy limits on the business property portion of your general contractors insurance policies, which will cut your general contractors insurance premiums. However if you bought new equipment then you may need to increase your policy limits.

2) Employees: Have you had to lay off employees? Although workers compensation is sold separately from other types of insurance for general contractors, your premiums for this coverage can make a big dent in your bottom line. If you have reduced your workforce, see if you’re eligible for workers comp premium reductions. If you increased your work force then make sure to add all new employees to your worker compensation policy.

3) Vehicles: If you are no longer using as many vehicles in your contracting business, trucks,vans or automobiles, you will want to make sure that the vehicles that have been retired are no longer listed on your commercial auto insurance policies. Removing those vehicles from both the vehicle liability and collision coverages can add a few more dollars to your bottom line.  Yet also make sure to list any new vehicles and or vehicle changes so that you are sure that all vehicle are listed on your policy.

4) Increasing or Cutting Back Coverages: You will want to consider your options very carefully before cutting back on the general liability portions of your general contractors insurance. Construction is still a risky business, and the number of problem areas for which contractors are held responsible for such as lead paint, pollution, asbestos seems to grow all the time.  Therefore it is better in this case to have higher coverages then lower limits of coverage.

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Helpful Comparisons for Cheaper Handyman Car Insurance

Jun. 5th 2012

Drivers who are required to maintain comprehensive and collision coverage may still be able to make adjustments to their policy that can lead to lower prices. These protections are generally coupled with a deductible, which represents the amount of money that the policyholder agrees to contribute when covering the cost of physical damages. Choosing a higher deductible means that the motorist would have to make a higher contribution, but their premiums would be reduced.

Individuals who have existing health care plans may be able to cut costs by omitting optional medical payment coverage from their policy. Choosing to add this protection can help drivers pay for many different medical expenses after an accident, but with an existing health care plan, many of these costs may already be covered. Taking the time to trim overlapping protections can often be well worth the effort.

To help residents save money, the Oregon Insurance Division encourages drivers to take advantage of discounts. Almost every insurer offers special savings to attract new customers and reward loyal clientele. Most insurers will reduce prices for maintaining a clean driving record for over three years, insuring multiple vehicles at once, and many other reasons. Because every company is different, it’s important for motorists to contact several insurers to explore their options.

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Impacting How Much Insurance Costs for Contractors and Handyman

Jun. 1st 2012

Although credit history is listed as one of the qualities commonly used to rate vehicle owners, in many states this practice is heavily regulated, and in three states it’s banned altogether. For example, the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner says that state limits the use of credit scoring by not allowing insurers to deny someone auto protection based solely on their financial information. While some consumers and government officials believe looking at credit history to be either irrelevant or potentially biased, many insurers feel that a person’s fiscal habits directly relate to their likelihood of filing claims. Though they may not know it, drivers can help control coverage costs by maintaining sound financial practices.

But because prices are largely based on perceived risk, one of the most effective ways to get cheaper coverage is to maintain a clean driving record. Automobile accidents and moving violations usually only stay on a person’s driving record for three years. If vehicle owners can avoid filing claims or receiving moving violations for that long, their rates likely will decrease considerably.

In many states, motorists can take pre-approved driver training courses to better their abilities behind the wheel and potentially cut coverage costs. Often, insurers will award special discounts to drivers who complete these courses.

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Cheaper Handyman California Car Insurance Options

May. 31st 2012

While it’s important for many motorists to get the cheapest coverage available, having an inadequate amount of insurance may end up costing residents money after an accident. The minimum amount of bodily injury and property damage liability only covers damage that the policyholder is responsible for, and only up to relatively low policy limits. If these limits are exceeded, the at-fault motorist is still financially responsible for the damages.

To avoid being underinsured, people should consider comparing quotes for policies that include increased liability limits and additional coverages. For example, CA residents may want to consider including uninsured motorist protection to safeguard against the estimated 15 percent of drivers who are uninsured in the Golden State. With additional research, many motorists may be able to find an affordable policy that includes sufficient protection.

To help lower-income residents meet state coverage requirements, the 1999 state Legislature established the California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (CLCA). This system is designed to provide income-eligible motorists with the liability protection needed to legally drive at an affordable rate. The CLCA income eligibility requirements are based on the gross annual earnings of all related persons living in the same household. Participants must have an income that is 250 percent or less of the federal poverty level. For example, a household consisting of three people must have a total income of under $46,325.

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Crew Timesheet Tips: Automating Cost Code and Craft Level Assignment

Mar. 8th 2011

Las Vegas , Nevada:  Many believe that the main benefit of automating field services and crew time tracking is reducing administrative costs and eliminating double data entry. Do you have an opinion on this?


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Getting Better Handyman Insurance in Maine for Less

Feb. 12th 2011

In the state of Maine, automobile insurance is both required and extensive. While already boasting some of the highest liability requirements in the country, vehicle owners are also required by law to carry protection from uninsured motorists as well as medical payment coverage. Even with these requirements in place, however, Maine auto insurance still ranks amongst the least expensive with an average expenditure of approximately $600 per year; this is nearly half as much as places like Washington DC and Louisiana. With such low average prices, Mainers have a unique opportunity to raise their coverage and still maintain an affordable policy.

Increasing one’s liability limits is easily one of the simplest and most affordable ways of improving one’s coverage. The state of Maine already requires bodily injury liability (BIL) of $50,000 for the injury or death of any one person, $100,000 for one accident that results in the injury or death of more than one person, and $25,000 for property damage liability (PDL); often abbreviated as 50/100/25. Although these numbers may seem high, it would still be fairly easy to exceed these minimums. For example, if a motorist struck and totaled an expensive car then the $25,000 of PDL could be exceeded, leaving the policy holder to pay any remaining expenses out of pocket. To ensure better protection, drivers are encouraged to consider raising their limits an amount that would remain affordable, yet offer increased amounts of protection. Typically 100/300/50 would offer many ME motorists a suitable balance between affordability and protection.

Utilizing Discounts for ME Insurance

Having excellent coverage can be wonderful for a driver, but having that same excellent coverage at a discounted price is considerably better. Motorists are encouraged in Maine’s consumer’s guide to personal auto insurance to seek out discounts. It is required by ME law that a policy supplier provide discounts for liability, medical payments, and collision coverage to motorists who are 55 years of age or older and who have completed a “motor vehicle accident prevention course.” Additional savings can be obtained by speaking with an insurance provider to see what is available and what the driver can qualify for. Automobile owners who own more than one car may be able to get a multiple vehicle discount, or a young adult may be able to acquire a good student discount by retaining a 3.0 grade point average. The first step in saving through special offers is to ask what is available.

Further savings can be achieved depending on certain features a policyholder’s vehicle may have. Installing an anti-theft device is often an excellent way of bringing down the premium on comprehensive coverage because it reduces the chances of a vehicle being stolen. Having anti-lock breaks is another feature that can sometimes produce a discount with insurance providers because it generally reflects a higher safety level of a vehicle. Additional discounts may also be available for items such as having a good driving record and low annual mileage. With the already high liability requirements coupled with a low average expenditure rate and the possibilities of discounts, motorists in the Pine Tree State are encouraged to take advantage of their unique set of circumstances and pursue the best possible policy that they can afford and utilize the opportunities that are offered to them.

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Handyman Car Insurance Companies Using Credit Scoring

Feb. 10th 2011

Many motorists may not think that there is much of a relationship between their credit score and insurance rates. In reality, however, there are many states that believe there is a direct correlation between the two. Theoretically if a person has a poor credit score it could potentially mean that they would be more apt to taking risks than someone with a higher score, and would therefore be considered a person who is more likely to take unnecessary risks while driving. In order to cover their own potential losses, providers would then either increase rates or simply deny coverage. Sometimes, a coverage provider will evaluate a person’s credit score when they are scheduled to renew service to determine whether or not to increase their prices. This practice, however, is sometimes frowned upon, and in some states it’s illegal.

The process of altering a person’s premium based off of their financial history is also referred to as Credit Scoring. In many states, such as North Dakota, it is required by law that a coverage provider disclose that they will be checking one’s scores so that the customer is aware of what is going on. As previously mentioned, however, in several states it is illegal for auto insurance companies to use a person’s credit score as the sole reason to deny a motorist coverage or increase their premiums. In Oregon, a policyholder’s credit information cannot be used to increase premiums on an existing policy, used to refuse a customer’s renewal of coverage, or utilized as the sole deciding factor in whether or not a policy is issued to a new customer.

Studies Support Insurance Companies’ Credit Score Use

For many years insurers and various research facilities have done extensive studies to determine whether or not one’s credit score has any relation to the amount of insurance claims that a person files in a given time period. In July of 2007 the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released a report to Congress regarding Credit-Based Insurance Scores which detailed the link between financial histories and potential driving risk factors. Oddly enough the FTC was able to find definitive proof that there is link between having a low credit score and having an increased likelihood of filing a claim, but was unable to pinpoint exactly why such a link exists.

Because there are many different details that go into deciding a person’s insurance rates, providers strive to determine the best way to generate an accurate number based off of previous studies and future speculations. Although inspecting ones credit seems irrelevant to some, at times it has resulted in more accurate predictions regarding a motorist’s risk factors. These numbers, however, can be used to help drivers as well. Motorists that keep their credit history in good standing can be rewarded with lower rates, which can help a policyholder maintain low premiums with their carrier.

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Buying North Carolina Handyman Auto Insurance Policies

Feb. 9th 2011

Buying North Carolina Handyman Auto Insurance Policies: In 1957, the state of North Carolina implemented the Financial Responsibility law which began requiring that all vehicles which were intended to be owned, operated, and registered to maintain continuous coverage at all times. This means that while a vehicle is registered it must be covered by an automobile liability insurance policy, which must remain in effect until said registration ends or is terminated. If a consumer wishes to buy a policy they must meet specific requirements. For example, the requirements include liability protection with a minimum coverage of $30,000 for bodily injury to a single person, $60,000 for bodily injury for two or more people, and $25,000 for any property damage.

A majority of drivers attempt to obtain cheap auto insurance in NC but this may mean settling for the lowest coverage allowed by the state. However, purchasing more extensive coverage may be beneficial to many motorists and may only end up costing a few extra premium dollars. Acquiring the lowest possible protection plan may leave drivers paying large sums of money out of pocket if they get in an accident, or if their automobile is damaged by natural causes. By purchasing additional coverage such as Comprehensive and Collision, motorists may be far more protected. A comprehensive plan usually covers any damage that may be done to a policy owner’s vehicle that is unrelated to an automobile collision. This includes such things as fire, flooding, or violent contact with an animal while driving. Being without such an addition, a motorist’s policy could end up costing the owner more money in the long run if something ever happens to their car.

Tips to Buying NC Insurance

When buying auto insurance, it is often a good idea to make comparisons between many different providers. By doing so, drivers become familiar with the types of policies that are generally provided, and get a good understanding of what is or is not a good price. While scouting, however, it is generally a fairly wise undertaking to ensure that a company is properly licensed before purchasing insurance from them. Although this may seem like common sense to some, there have been people in the past who have made this mistake. The best way for a motorist to ensure a long and happy relationship with their provider, is to do their homework and make an informed decision.

To aid in the process of finding the right automobile insurance provider, some states will produce a report such as the North Carolina insurance complaint ratios in which many different companies are listed, displaying the number of complaints they have had in a given year in relation to the company’s size. The end result is a complaint ratio which gives readers a fairly good idea of the provider’s competency and customer service, both of which are very important in a business. Being informed and exploring possible options is an excellent way for a motorist to end up being very satisfied with not only their insurance company, but with the level of protection they have in comparison to their premium.

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Understanding Florida Auto Insurance, Handyman Help

Feb. 8th 2011

When searching for auto insurance it is important for a driver to know as much as possible about their future protection plan. In the Sunshine State there are several requirements that must be met when signing up for coverage, and since motorists are not allowed to drive uninsured, knowing about these requirements and understanding what they mean is a must. When researching Florida auto insurance companies a driver must first know that vehicle owners are required to have a minimum coverage of $10,000 for Personal Injury Protection and $10,000 for Property Damage Liability. If a driver is involved in an accident or has been convicted of certain offenses, then they must purchase Bodily Injury Liability as well.

These insurance requirements may seem confusing at first, but they are designed to ensure that a driver and their car are both protected while on the open road. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is designed to cover the costs of injury or loss for anyone involved in an accident, regardless of who was at fault. This protection, however, does not stop at the driver; it also applies to bodily injury done to any relatives of the insured person who reside in the same household, as well as any passengers who are present in the vehicle. To further increase the amount of coverage provided, PIP also covers the insured for the cost of injury that may have come while acting as a pedestrian or while riding a bicycle, as long as the damage was done by an automobile. Property Damage Liability (PDL) handles damages caused when a policyholder or a family member who is living in the same household causes damage to another person’s property with an automobile.

Additional FL Insurance May be Needed

If a Floridian driver is involved in an automobile accident and found at fault, they are required to add Bodily Injury Liability (BIL) to their insurance policy. This form of coverage can pay for death or serious injury to others when the driver is responsible for an accident that involves an automobile. These costs will be paid for up to the limits of the policy held by the motorist. In addition to this, BIL can also provide legal representation if the driver at fault is sued, and it may also protect other drivers who borrow the policyholder’s vehicle with the owner’s permission. This extra protection also applies if the insured chooses to drive someone else’s vehicle with their permission.

In 2007 roughly 23% of Florida’s population was uninsured. In comparison to many other states, this is a relatively high percentage. Because of this, motorists are encouraged to look into adding Uninsured Motorist Protection (UM). This form of coverage protects the policyholder, their family members, and anyone in their vehicle at the time of the accident. If they are injured in a collision by an uninsured or under-insured motorist, this form of coverage will cover any medical expenses that might accrue, up to the policy limits. This also applies to hit and run type accidents, where the third party flees the scene. UM also pays for any lost wages (after the driver’s PIP coverage has been exhausted) that occur because of the accident, and again this goes for family members and passengers of the insured policyholder. Knowing about forms of protection and seeking out vehicle insurance questions and answers beyond the state requirements may help drivers throughout the Sunshine State to be more prepared in the event of an emergency, and protect themselves from potential financial pitfalls.

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Factors Driving Up Teen Insurance Costs

Feb. 7th 2011

When a teenager first gets their license they’re often filled to the brim with excitement, eager to explore the open road; meanwhile, their parents nervously chew on their fingernails. But before they can jump behind the wheel, like most drivers, they need to be insured. Teens may be alarmed to find out, however, that insurance rates for young adults are often considerably higher than other age groups. This is because people from the age of 16 to 19 are often considered high risk drivers, and are more likely to be involved in an automobile accident than any other category of people.

If rates are higher when purchasing car insurance for teenagers it is simply because statistics show that they are considerably more dangerous while driving. In 2009 roughly 3,000 teenagers in the United States between the ages of 15 and 19 were killed, while over 350,000 others were treated in emergency rooms for injuries sustained from automobile accidents. Young drivers ages 15-24 account for nearly 30% of the total cost of vehicle related injuries among males, amounting to nearly $19 billion dollars, and nearly 28% of total medical costs from vehicle related injuries among females, which is about $7 billion dollars. Teenagers are also far less likely to wear seat belts than adults, and in 2008 roughly 3 of every 4 youths killed in an automobile accident as a result of drinking and driving was not wearing the proper restraints. Insurers will often asses all of these risks when calculating premiums, and with these statistics it is obvious why rates are increased for younger drivers.

Bringing Down the Price of Teenage Insurance

Although the price of auto insurance is often higher for teenagers, there are still many things that could be done to help lower costs. Like everyone else, teens can easily benefit from doing a quick online quote comparison to see which companies are offering the best prices. Shopping around takes only minutes and could result in significant savings. Because of the types of statistics surrounding young drivers, as stipulated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there is a fairly good chance that premiums will be higher, making comparison shopping that much more important. This is why teenagers should choose to explore the benefits of being added to their parent’s policy rather than purchasing one on their own. This option can typically end up costing much less, especially if the parents already have excellent coverage at a great price. Although, this option does come with some potential pitfalls such as increased rates, it may still be a cheaper alternative. Parents and children should compare rates based on both options to see which would lead to the best deal.

To maximize savings, teens should ensure that the different types of discounts that many insurance companies offer are taken advantage of. Often, students can get a Good Student discount by maintaining a B average (3.0 GPA), which in turn gives parents another reason to make sure their children are studying. Students could also benefit from a low mileage discount, assuming that they typically only drive to and from school. If a policy provider sees that a motorist is driving a low number of miles they’ll be more inclined to lower premiums because less driving means less of a chance to get in an accident. Additionally, completing a drivers training course is not only an excellent way of lowering coverage costs, but it can also teach teens valuable information to become better drivers and stay safer on the road.

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New Jersey Car Insurance Options for Handyman

Feb. 5th 2011

New Jersey Car Insurance Options for Handyman: The Garden State requires that drivers have auto insurance while operating a vehicle, yet allows people a choice in the type of coverage they acquire. Many different motorists comply with this law by choosing to purchase either a basic or a standard policy. Each of these offer different degrees of protection that are each suited for different individuals with unique needs and driving habits. Before getting automobile coverage quotes, it is good for motorists to know what they are considering purchasing and the difference in the two options in policies.

A basic New Jersey car insurance policy is one that offers the bare essentials of coverage and usually costs less than a standard policy. For people with low incomes, few assets that need protecting, or have minimalistic driving habits, this would be an excellent plan to pursue because it meets the state requirements at the lowest possible price. Basic protection, however, does not come with very much coverage. Typically, it does not include bodily injury liability and only includes $5,000 worth of property damage liability per accident. The only other inclusion is personal injury protection worth $15,000 per person, per accident, with up to $250,000 for permanent or significant injuries, such as brain damage, spinal cord injury, or disfigurement. Other additions are available from select carriers, but typically adding these results in a more expensive policy. However, standard policies are available and can provide even more options to drivers.

NJ Standard Insurance Policies

Purchasing a standard auto insurance policy offers motorists considerably more protection, but with a higher price tag. With this plan, drivers would get Bodily Injury Liability as low as $15,000 per person, and $30,000 per accident, with the limit being as high as $250,000 per person and $500,000 per accident. Additionally, Property Damage Liability would be increased to a minimum of $5,000 and as high as $100,000 or more. Personal Injury Protection could be set to as high as $250,000, and additional Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage would be available to reimburse a policy owner in the event that they were involved in an accident that was caused by an uninsured motorist, or even an accident caused by a driver whose policy would not provide adequate compensation for claims.

Although both plans meet the state requirements, each are not equally suitable for every driver. Young motorists and students would usually be drawn to the basic policy because it offers just the right amount of protection that they are looking for, at a price they can usually afford. People with few assets that need to be taken care of would also fit into this category, or people who are simply on a budget. Motorists, who own expensive cars, homes and are in need to protect assets however, would most likely consider the standard plan. This would more adequately cover losses that the policyholder may cause and help avoid the need to use personal assets to compensate a third party. Residents can visit the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance which provides an explanation of the difference in policies and suggestions for consumers.

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Brief Explanation of Handyman Insurance in Michigan

Feb. 4th 2011

Brief Explanation of Handyman Insurance in Michigan: Michigan is one of only twelve states in the nation that is a no-fault state. This means that when choosing auto insurance coverage, there are three basic parts that are required that all MI motorists should be aware of. The first of these is Property Protection Insurance (PPI). PPI covers up to $1 million in damages to other people’s property. This means that if a driver’s vehicle strikes another person’s fence or building, then considerable amount of the repair costs may be covered by this mandatory precaution. However, this coverage does not include any damages done to any vehicles or their contents, which includes trailers or the objects they might be carrying.

The second portion of Michigan no fault auto insurance is Personal Injury Protection (PIP), which would pay for any reasonable medical expenses that might come from an automobile accident. It is also possible that a policy holder’s PIP will also pay for up to three years of wages that the driver would have earned if they had not been injured, up to a certain amount. Finally, MI requires Residual Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Coverage (or BI/PD). This ensures that if a vehicle owner is in an automobile accident that their defense costs, as well as the costs of any damages that they are found liable for as a result of the accident are covered, up the an amount which was set at the time the policy was added. BI/PD coverage, however, does have minimum limits in it’s coverage. Every holder must purchase $20,000 to cover any person who is hurt or killed in an accident, $40,000 per accident in the event that multiple people are injured or killed, and up to at least $10,000 for property damage that takes place in another state.

Additional Michigan Insurance Coverage

Before driving the streets of the Wolverine State, it is important for drivers and future coverage owners to seek out all possible information on purchasing auto insurance in order to have full understanding of their future automobile policy. The protection possibilities in MI do not stop at the three basic parts of a no-fault policy; there is an array of additives that can be included into one’s vehicle coverage. It is first important to note that a basic no-fault policy does not pay to repair or replace a policyholder’s car if it is damaged. In order to get the peace of mind that comes with coverage, owners would have to purchase collision and comprehensive coverage. Collision would take care of costs to a driver’s automobile made from a collision with another car, while comprehensive coverage handles costs involved in damage to a vehicle owner’s car that may be caused by anything from falling objects, fire, or vandalism, to animal confrontations or theft.

Even though Michigan insurance among the most comprehensive in the nation, there are still some that choose to forgo insurance altogether. For this reason, many providers offer Uninsured Motorist Coverage, which ensures that an insured driver will be compensated for possible pain and suffering, as well as any excess wages that were lost because of injuries received during a hit and run accident, or an accident caused by an uninsured motorist. It’s always important to remember that knowing what type of protection to purchase and finding cheap premiums for such policies could end up saving drivers both money and frustration if damage ever came to their automobile.

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Handyman Coverage: Help Find The Best Insurance Companies

Feb. 4th 2011

Handyman Coverage: Help Find The Best Insurance Companies: When people set out to find a good car insurance company, a lot of the time the first thing often considered is budget. For this reason and many others there is no single company that can be a perfect fit for every motorist. Instead, there are simply carriers that are better suited for people who have certain needs and budgets to consider. No matter what a driver is in need of, the process of finding that ideal provider usually starts the same: by doing an online comparison between several different insurers and looking at the prices they offered for the desired product.

Many factors go into finding the perfect carrier for each unique driver. This includes the quality of a company, the services they provide, and their overall customer satisfaction are elements that should be explored when trying to decide what is one of the best auto insurance companies for a driver’s particular needs. For instance, if a motorist lives in an environment where rain and snow are a regular occurrence they may want to seek additional protection, such as comprehensive coverage, which then covers repair costs to the owner’s vehicle if it is damaged in a way that does not involve a collision with another vehicle, such as damage from flooding or hail. While this may cost a little more in premiums, drivers may want to include such additions when making comparisons between different carriers to help find the most competitive rate.

Additional Coverage from the Best Insurance Company

What a driver needs as far as protection goes plays a fairly large part in the price of policies, which means that in order to get an accurate price comparison between providers these additions should be included in each quote compared from different companies. Some drivers may do perfectly fine with a basic protection plan, but there are others that may need certain additions based on their location and driving habits. Although most states have unique requirements when it comes to insurance, there are still some basic additions that many motorists may like to consider, such as collision coverage and not all providers would be able to provide this option, and if they do it may not be at a reasonable price. This type of policy addition often pays for damages to a vehicle owner’s automobile in the event of a collision with another car, which is a feature that is not typically standard in many different policies. Drivers that live in congested areas such as large cities can sometimes benefit from such increased protection because of the higher likelihood of coming in direct contact with another vehicle.

Options such as these, however, are only just another piece of what makes a company considered amongst the best. Although price and additional protection are important, overall customer satisfaction is something that should never be overlooked. If a company has a low number of complaints in relation to their number of customers, then there is a fairly good chance that they are an organized corporation that treats their customers well. Considering the frustrations and concerns that come with getting in a traffic accident, it’s important for a driver to know that should they ever need to speak with their provider, they are going to be treated well and taken care of in a professional manner. To help in finding these statistics, states such as Ohio publications such as customer complaints on auto insurance so that people can take these figures into consideration when choosing which company they want to sign up with. All of these factors, when lumped together, give drivers an excellent understanding which quality carrier can offer the best product at an affordable rate.

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How Accidents Affect Handyman Insurance Costs

Feb. 2nd 2011

Motorists take the chance of being involved in a traffic collision every time they get behind the wheel of an automobile, and unfortunately this can have effects on the premiums that are paid by consumers for vehicle coverage. Automobile accidents can impact drivers differently and there are many factors that can cause the price of policies to change due to auto collisions. Car insurance companies base rates on the chance of taking a loss as a result of insuring a vehicle and carriers must charge a rate that will reflect such risks.

Generally, a company will charge higher rates to motorists that have had multiple claims and at-fault-accidents on their record, whereas a driver that has never been involved in a collision or filed a claim will often pay less for coverage; this is simply because the driver with a history of claims is viewed as having a higher likelihood of suffering a loss. However, collisions do not always have a negative impact an a driver’s premium. Consumers are often under the impression that if they are in a traffic accident their rates will automatically go through the roof, which is not necessarily true.

There are many factors that can surround a traffic collision that may determine whether a driver’s premium will be affected or not. In many cases, if a motorist is hit by another vehicle by no fault of their own, their rate will not be increased; however, having more than one such claim will often cause a rate increase. The matter of how long accidents affect insurance rates is dependent on the company. In general, collisions that have occurred in the past three years are taken into account by carriers. If a policyholder causes an accident while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol then the premium that will be charged for coverage will probably increase, up to 60% in some cases, and the insurer may even cancel the policy.

Additional Accident Risks that Can Affect Insurance

A motorist does not necessarily need to be involved in an accident to be affected, both positively and negatively. As automobile policy providers receive an application to provide coverage to a potential insured, there are a number of factors that are taken into consideration as a premium is calculated. The most common items that are used when calculating rates for policies are a driver’s age, gender, place of residence, claims history, driving record, and in all but few states, credit history. These factors are used by insurers to determine the risk of the driver being involved in a traffic accident and each factor is believed to be an indicator to help assess risks.

Unfortunately, particular motorists end up paying higher car insurance premiums simply due to uncontrollable factors such as their age and gender. For example, teenagers are four times more likely to be involved in traffic collisions than any other age group and therefore, insurers must raise premiums for such drivers to compensate for a potential loss; until these numbers begin to decline, teens will continue to pay high rates. On the same token, males are often charged more than females and this due to the accident-related data showing men having more involvement in auto collisions than women.

Location is also a factor that has an accident-related impact on policies. While particular rural areas are usually seen by insurers as less risky to provide coverage in, urban and densely populated areas are often considered riskier to insure. A state such as North Dakota has some of the lowest premiums in the nation which is attributed to a low number of claims and pay outs as well as a low number of vehicles per capita, whereas Massachusetts’ motorists pay some of the highest rates in the country due to opposite reasons. According to the Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation the reason for this is because the majority of drivers are in densely-populated areas where accidents are more likely. Also, the state has a higher than average cost of medical care, vehicle repair and litigation costs, which translates to increased losses by insurers and is passed on to policyholders. As long as there is the risk of a traffic accident occurring, an insured motorist will be affected by the rate paid for coverage, whether they have been involved in a collision or not.

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Saudi Arabia adopts sustainability as a fundamental focus in the Kingdom’s recent boom in construction projects

Jan. 31st 2011

Saudi Arabia’s growing sustainable industry and booming economy are being driven by the construction industry which is currently valued at SR 1 trillion. Saudi Arabia has adopted sustainability as a fundamental focus in the Kingdom’s recent boom in construction projects.

CertainTeed showcases sustainable construction products at the 2011 International Builders’ Show

Jan. 31st 2011

CertainTeed Corporation, a subsidiary of Saint-Gobain, will showcase its sustainable products and an industry-first mobile app at the 2011 International Builders’ Show in Orlando, Fl.. The company’s building science team will also help tackle several key building industry issues .

Handyman Caution Called For In Documenting Compliance Efforts

Jan. 30th 2011

Vigilant employers are taking steps to evaluate or re-assess the status of their compliance with the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and the similar laws of other jurisdictions.  It is wise to do so, but management should also be careful about how and under what circumstances it goes about compiling, communicating, and documenting information relating to these matters. Increasingly, plaintiffs in wage-hour lawsuits are seeking to force employers to produce such materials in the hope of generating useful evidence.

As an illustration, in Craig v. Rite Aid Corp., Case No. 4:08-CV-2317 (M.D. Pa., December 29, 2010)(opinion below), a federal magistrate judge ruled that an employer could not withhold information of this kind from the plaintiffs under what has been called the “self-critical analysis privilege”.  In 2008/2009, the employer had voluntarily undertaken an internal analysis of its compliance with the FLSA and other requirements.  Among other things, it had gathered information, produced written assessments, and prepared recommended changes.  The project involved multiple members of the employer’s human-resources, operations, and compensation departments under the direction of in-house counsel, and the information had been shared with outside counsel.  The plaintiffs filed their lawsuit for unpaid wages, and they later sought documents and materials that the employer had generated as a part of its review.

The employer contended that the information sought was protected from disclosure by the “self-critical analysis privilege”.  Some courts have recognized this privilege under limited circumstances in the interests of encouraging businesses to evaluate their compliance with the law without fear that the process will create evidence that will later be used against them.  However, it is by no means a sure-thing, and in this instance the magistrate judge would not permit the employer to withhold the materials on that basis.

There are other legal principles that might protect an employer against having to surrender such information to the other side, such as the attorney/client privilege and the “work product doctrine” (the latter of which typically relates to information generated in anticipation of litigation).  Indeed, the magistrate judge’s ruling did not express an opinion about whether one or both of these might protect against the disclosure sought.

But the take-away is this:  In planning for an internal evaluation of wage-hour compliance, management should give careful thought to matters like:

•   Who will direct and control the process,

•   Who will participate in the assessment, and what each participant’s role will be,

•   What will be communicated, and from whom and to whom communications will flow,

•   What documents and other information will be generated or compiled, and when and in what form this will be done,

•   What can be done to bolster the prospects that the components and results of the evaluation can be protected against disclosure in litigation, and

•   How to avoid undercutting any such protections later.

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Handyman Reminder: Everybody Does It Is A Bad Bet

Jan. 29th 2011

The boom in wage-hour complaints and lawsuits continues unabated.  Long-held conventional wisdom that might be questionable or even mistaken under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act or analogous laws now faces unprecedented scrutiny.  It is tempting to take comfort in platitudes like, “The whole industry pays employees that way,” “Everybody I know of treats those positions as exempt,” “All of my competitors classify these kinds of workers as independent contractors,” and so on.

Relying upon these commonly-held views instead of looking into what the legal requirements and limitations actually are carries a high degree of legal risk.  For example, it sometimes turns out that:

•   “Everybody” has it wrong, or at least many do, such that there is broad-scale exposure to liability;

•   The fact is that fewer employers than one thinks are actually doing what “everybody” is said to be doing (or maybe nobody else really is);

•   The circumstances of others in the industry are different in a way that one either does not realize or does not realize is legally significant;

•   The FLSA might permit something that the applicable law of a state or local jurisdiction does not;

•   Perhaps the applicable law of a particular jurisdiction permits something that the FLSA does not;

•   It might be that the law of one state authorizes something that the law of another state does not; or

•   Even though a practice has long been a violation of the FLSA or a similar law, no one had previously realized it, or no one had gotten around to making an issue of it.

These and other scenarios have set up entire employer categories for a nasty wage-hour surprise.  Employers should not take “Everybody Does It” to be reason enough to adopt or continue a policy or practice the legality of which they have not carefully evaluated on their own.  Once a claim is made, courts and enforcement officials are not likely to be impressed with this explanation.

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Eco-Solids International showcases Cellruptor installation at Yorkshire Water

Jan. 28th 2011

Eco-Solids International has showcased its Cellruptor installation at Yorkshire Water’s Esholt WWTW, which proved to be one of the main highlights of the 15th European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference & Exhibition.

Getting Handyman Insurance Identification Cards

Jan. 27th 2011

Getting Handyman Insurance Identification Cards: The chances are that if an individual owns an automobile or plans on operating one, the law will require that the vehicle and driver are covered by an auto insurance policy; although there may be a few states that have a few exceptions to such laws. In addition to the need to keep vehicles insured, there are many states that require motorists to also carry proof of automobile coverage at all times while behind the wheel and fortunately, there are many ways to go about getting such documentation.

Prior to acquiring a document that will prove that a vehicle is insured, motorists must first purchase a policy from an insurer. This can be done in a number of different ways such as purchasing policies in person directly from an agent, over the phone or even on the Internet. Following a purchase it is extremely important that the policyholder obtain proof that the automobile is insured. Generally, when a policy is bought, the insurer will issue an identification (I.D.) card which may be temporary and a permanent card will be mailed, but depending on the method used to obtain coverage, there may be a few different options to choose from. If a motorist is sitting across from an agent when buying a policy, an I.D. card will usually be handed right over to the newly insured once the transaction is complete.

Nowadays, consumers have the ability to get policies right from the comfort of their own home so they will need to be sure that the documentation is sent a soon as possible and prior to operating their automobile. Whether the transaction is completed on the phone or over the Internet, the option to obtain the car insurance cards online via email, right on a website or by fax should be offered; the insurer can mail the paperwork, but it could take days before it is received. In addition, if identification cards are ever misplaced, it should take very little effort to replace them and can be easily done by contacting the insurer or even visiting their website and printing them out.

Carry Proof of Insurance at All Times

Obtaining the documentation proving that a motor vehicle is insured should be fairly easy once a policy is purchased from a carrier and any good company will be happy to provide a replacement should a customer misplace their proof of car insurance. With that in mind, motorists should also have this paperwork handy while operating an automobile. Although not all states require that drivers carry policy information, there are many times when it can come in handy and there really is not reason that it should not be accessible to a motorist driving a vehicle. Usually a company will send two identification cards to policyholders and one should remain in the vehicle in an area such as the glove compartment; this will help those who may borrow the automobile access it should they need it.

There can be many situations that may arise where having proof of coverage can be helpful and assist in avoiding complications. In the event of a traffic collision, whether the state requires I.D. cards to be carried or not, the parties involved will need to exchange information to settle claims and collect compensation from the insurer; all of the necessary information should be located on the identification card and can speed up the process of settling these matters rather than having to obtain such info later.

In states that require motorists to carry policy documents at all times, simply gathering the info at a later time may not be so cut and dry. According to the Missouri Department of Revenue a ticket can be issued for lack of proof of insurance and many states follow the same law with some enforcing harsher penalties. It is often advised to contact the police if involved in a collision with a driver who cannot prove that they are insured. If a law enforcement officer arrives on the scene of the crash and one of the parties is lacking the necessary documentation, it may result in a ticket and even the impoundment of the vehicle; this can be a costly result of simply not putting a tiny piece of paper in an automobile. Keeping policy information in cars at all times can save a lot of hassle and takes very little effort.

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Details About Massachusetts Handyman Business Auto Insurance

Jan. 26th 2011

Details About Massachusetts Handyman Business Auto Insurance: The Bay State requires that every vehicle that is operated in Mass. must be insured. Individuals who own a motor vehicle that is found to be knowingly driven without auto insurance coverage will have the automobile’s registration revoked by the Registry of Motor Vehicles. MA is one of the minority states that implement the No-Fault system, which means that motorists must be covered by automobile policies that cover the injuries of the policyholder and those considered “insured” that result from a traffic accident. The majority of states require that drivers carry a policy that will solely compensate injuries to third parties.

In order for residents to comply with these no fault laws, Massachusetts car insurance policies must be purchased that contain Personal Injury Protection (PIP) consisting of a limit of no less than $8,000. Unlike some no-fault states, in addition to PIP, MA also requires liability coverage to be obtained to cover the injuries of others and have limits of $20,000 for the bodily injury of one person and $40,000 for the bodily injury of two or more people. In addition, and similar to most states, motorists must have compensation in place to pay for property damage that they may cause. In Mass., drivers must carry at least $5,000 in property damage liability. Massachusetts’ laws also mandate that resident-drivers protect against uninsured motorists by purchasing protection for bodily injury equal to the state’s minimum liability limits of $20,000 and $40,000.

Further Details Regarding MA Insurance

Unfortunately, residents of the Bay State pay some of the highest premiums for automobile policies in the nation. It is believed that there are a few reasons for the inflated prices of coverage in the state and the major factor is the risk involved with insuring Massachusetts’ vehicles. According to the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation (OCABR), the state has more bodily injury and property damage claims than almost any other state. Generally when insurers must absorb losses they must increase rates to offset payout which leads to more expensive auto insurance for residents. The state also has a higher than average cost of living and this translates into more expensive medical care, vehicle repair and court costs. These two factors combined not only means more claims, but higher payouts as well.

The good news for residents that own and operate vehicles is that there are ways to find the most affordable coverage possible and this best achieved by shopping around. Beginning April 1, 2008, car insurance companies were allowed to determine their own premiums which led to competition; rates must be approved by the Commissioner of Insurance. With competition usually comes a higher probability of finding the best price for any product, including automobile coverage. This is because carriers must now compete for the business of motorists and keep pricing attractive in order to obtain new customers. Consumers are urged to shop around to find the most inexpensive policy available from competitors.

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Necessary Handyman Car Insurance in Alabama

Jan. 25th 2011

Necessary Handyman Car Insurance in Alabama: Automobiles are restricted from being operated, registered or to keep registration without being covered by an active AL car insurance policy or valid proof of financially responsibility. Similar to just about every state in the nation, a motorist must have the ability to pay and compensate other parties for bodily injury and/or property that they may cause as a result of a traffic accident. The most common method used by residents to comply with such laws set by the state is by purchasing automobile coverage from a licensed insurer that meets Alabama’s minimum  protection requirements.

In accordance with Act 2008-393 all vehicles in the state that are covered by an Alabama automobile insurance policy must contain liability limits of no less than $25,000 for bodily injury to one person, $50,000 for bodily injury per accident and $25,000 for property damage. All policies must be issued by an insurer that is approved and licensed by the state and documentation proving that a vehicle is insured must be carried at all times while the automobile is being operated. Documentation proving that vehicles are covered must contain the name insured, year make and model of the automobile, vehicle identification number (VIN), name of carrier, policy number and the effective and expiration dates of coverage.

Failure to Carry AL auto insurance

Operating an automobile without financial responsibility in place is not only illegal, but can also lead to consequences that can be avoided. Law enforcement officers are allowed, and may request proof of a valid policy during a routine traffic stop or upon arrival on the scene of a traffic accident. If a motorist’s auto insurance is canceled for any reason and the Department of Revenue is notified and made aware of this, the registration of the automobile can be suspended. In addition to the suspension of a vehicle’s registration a fine may be issued as well. In order to have the the car re-registered the fine must be paid and proof of coverage must be submitted.

The fine for a first time suspension is a $100 reinstatement fee and subsequent violations can result in $200 reinstatement fees and a suspended registration of four months. However, complying with the state’s laws can be done quite easily and may be far less of a hassle than having to deal with fines, suspended registrations and court appearances. Shopping around can help residents find the best deal on automobile coverage and avoid such penalties and the chance of being involved in an uninsured accident which can be extremely devastating both monetarily and emotionally. Alabamans may want to refer to the Consumer’s Guide to auto insurance provided by the state to help assist in understanding more about vehicle policies.

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best handyman insurance quotes offering low cost monthly rates Find the Best Insurance

Handyman insurance quotes is available on a state by state basis in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Dist of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Find the best Handyman insurance quotes from some of the finest and solid insurance companies who compare liability coverages based upon your own personal choices.
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Your contractors license classification provides the insurance company the amount of risk and claims exposure you may incur as a result of your business.
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Handyman Insurance

Insurance might not be the first thing someone thinks about when running a business, but it should be an important consideration.   Handyman insurance is another requirement if you are thinking about starting a handyman business.  This website provides important insurance information on Handyman Insurance Coverage and quotes.

Handyman Insurance Coverage

Handyman insurance includes several types of coverage; each one offers a specific kind of protection for your business.  

(Handyman Insurance ) Commercial Auto: Covers a business's owned, no owned, and hired autos against liability and physical damage losses. 

Handyman Workers Compensation:  If your business as a Handyman employs any staff (including part-time, trainees or sub-contractors), Employers liability insurance cover is a legal requirement.  Employers liability insurance provides protection against your legal liabilities to pay compensation in respect of injury sustained by your employees in the course of your business as a Handyman.  (Handyman Insurance) Workers Compensation: Provides coverage for an employer's responsibility in the event of a work-related injury or illness.   Employers Liability Insurance for handyman work: This type of insurance would cover payment of legal fees and damages in the event that an employee was injured or killed while doing work for you. 

Tradesman Insurance for handymen: This is a package of several different kinds of cover for handymen, making up one policy that meets all your insurance needs.

Public Liability Insurance for handyman work: This type of insurance would cover you if your business activities caused injury or death to a member of the public.

Handyman General Liability - Commercial jobs will require you to have general liability coverage of $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 prior to being hired (not to mention that you protect your assets if something goes wrong on the job).

Products liability insurance for Handymen - Products liability insurance provides protection against your legal liability, compensation costs and expenses following injury or damage by goods that you have sold, supplied, repaired, tested or delivered in connection with your business as a Handyman.  Products Liability insurance for Handymen at 1,000,000 with the option to increase to 2,000,000 up to 5,000,000 or more.  Public Liability insurance cover provides protection against your legal liability for injury to third parties and damage to their property in connection with your business as a Handyman.

Professional Indemnity Insurance for handyman work: This covers you against any mistakes you might make  including bad advice you or your staff might give  that ends up costing your clients money, and leading them to take legal action against you.

(Handyman Insurance ) Umbrella Coverage: A broader form of coverage that extends the limits of liability found in a base policy form. 

Income Protection Insurance - If the essential person should be unable to work for a period of time, this handyman insurance helps to cover the loss of business as a result of the illness or injury.  Having sufficient income protection insurance is also a worth while consideration, if you were to fall off a step ladder or hurt your back and couldnt work, accident, sickness and unemployment insurance could help you to pay for some of your monthly bills in the event of you not being able to work.

The Handyman Insurance Program gives our policyholder comprehensive coverage for their handyman businesses, and the program is designed for Handymen who: Are hired to do a variety of miscellaneous work that would be found in a residential household environment;

Please note that standard home owner's insurance will most likely not cover business assets, and may VOID your home insurance coverage.  If your business is home-based, do you need more liability coverage than your home insurance policy covers. 

The Handyman program gives our policyholder comprehensive coverage for their handyman businesses, and the program is designed for Handymen.

Handyman Insurance Quotes

Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more. Find the best Handyman insurance quotes liability commercial and small Handyman companies offering affordable monthly payment options for your handyman business and the self-employed.  Find the best Handyman insurance quotes from some of the finest and solid insurance companies who compare liability coverages based upon your own personal choices.  Get online quotes for handyman insurance now.  And it can help you save money on your handyman insurance without compromising on the level of cover you need.  The Handyman tradesman insurance policy has been crafted to cover all your Handyman insurance needs at the most competitive price.


A reminder this is not an attempt to describe the product coverage and its' contents but merely used as a sales tool for the purpose of product illustration. The website and its' owners cannot make recommendations as to whether any illustrated product may meet the users' particular needs. Therefore, the suitability of the product is the final determination of the user of this website. The use of this website is acceptance of the sites' privacy statement. Coverage is not in effect until an application is signed, transmitted, payment received and approved by the underwriting company unless otherwise specifically stated. A physical and/or background inspection may be done to verify the information provided. The quote(s) will be based up on the underwriting information you supplied and the quote(s) is/are subject to change upon inspection and review by the underwriting company. The underwriting company reserves the right to determine the final coverage, premium and acceptability. Commercial use by others is prohibited by law. No portion of any news or information from this website may be photocopied, faxed, mailed, distributed, transmitted, published, broadcasted, duplicated, or re-distributed in any manner for any purpose without prior written authorization of its' owner.