Essential Insurance Coverage for Handymen: Protecting Your Business and Your Future

Jul. 22nd 2024

In today’s post on HandymanInsurance.com, we are excited to delve into the various types of insurance essential for any handyman. Whether you’re an experienced professional or just starting in the industry, having the right insurance coverage is crucial for protecting your business and enhancing your professional image. We will explore the persuasive reasons why obtaining handyman liability insurance, health insurance, commercial auto insurance, and handyman bonds/contractor license bonds can make a significant difference in your career. By understanding and investing in these insurance options, handypersons can demonstrate their commitment to safety, professionalism, and quality service while safeguarding their financial well-being. Let’s delve into the diverse world of handyman insurance and discover the invaluable benefits of each type of coverage.

What is Handyman Liability Insurance?

Handyman liability insurance is not just a recommendation; it’s a vital necessity for anyone in the handyman industry. This essential coverage protects against bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury that may occur during work. Without it, handymen could face significant financial loss in the event of an accident or damage to a client’s property. However, handypersons can demonstrate their commitment to professionalism, safety, and quality work to potential clients with liability insurance. It also provides peace of mind, allowing handypersons to focus on their work without worrying about the possible financial consequences of unforeseen incidents. In the competitive handyman industry, liability insurance can give you a significant advantage over other professionals, making you more confident and successful in your career.

Obtaining Small Handyman Insurance Quotes

When it comes to getting small handyman insurance quotes, you’re not alone. Start by researching insurance providers that offer coverage tailored explicitly to handymen. Many of these companies have online quote tools where you can input your business information to receive a preliminary quote. However, don’t overlook the role of insurance brokers or agents specializing in small business insurance. These professionals can gather information about your handyman business and obtain quotes from multiple insurance companies, leveraging their expertise to help you find the best coverage at the most competitive rates. Their knowledge of the insurance landscape can be invaluable. When obtaining quotes, provide accurate details about your business operations, services, and any employees you may have. A broker or agent will ensure that the quotes you receive accurately reflect the coverage you need. Always take the time to compare quotes and understand the specifics of each policy before making a decision.

Handyman Health Insurance

As a handyman, it’s crucial to have health insurance for several reasons. First and foremost, the nature of the work often involves physical labor and dealing with potentially hazardous tools and equipment. Accidents can happen, and without health insurance, the costs of medical treatment can quickly add up and become a significant financial burden.

Furthermore, being a handyman often means being self-employed or working independently, and being self-employed means no employer provides health insurance coverage. As such, having personal health insurance becomes even more critical for ensuring access to necessary medical care.

Health insurance also plays a crucial role in providing a sense of security and peace of mind. Knowing that you have coverage in case of illness or injury allows you to focus on your work without worrying about the potential financial consequences of medical expenses. This peace of mind is invaluable, allowing you to concentrate on your work and deliver the best service to your clients.

In addition, regular checkups and preventive care are essential for maintaining good health, especially for individuals in physically demanding professions. Health insurance can help cover the costs of these critical preventive services, showing that your well-being is a priority. Health insurance keeps you healthy and ensures you can continue working at your best.

Ultimately, having health insurance is a wise and responsible decision for any handyman. It protects against unexpected medical costs and supports overall well-being, providing a safety net that is invaluable in the short and long term. With health insurance, you can feel secure and confident about your future, knowing that you are prepared for any health-related challenges that may come your way.

What is Commercial Auto Insurance?

Commercial auto insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides coverage for vehicles used for business purposes. This insurance protects businesses from financial losses from accidents or other vehicle-related incidents. Commercial auto insurance typically covers physical damage to the vehicle, liability for bodily injury or property damage to others, medical payments, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. It’s essential for any business that uses vehicles as part of its operations to have commercial auto insurance, as it helps safeguard against potential liabilities and ensures that the company can continue operating smoothly in the event of an accident or damage involving its vehicles.

Handyman Bonds/Contactor License Bonds

Handyman bonds, also known as contractor license bonds, are a type of surety bond that handymen may need to obtain before they can legally operate in certain areas. These bonds serve as a form of protection for the clients and the government by guaranteeing that the handyman will adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.

If a handyman fails to fulfill their obligations, such as not completing a project as agreed or violating licensing regulations, a client or the government agency can claim against the bond to seek financial compensation. The bond then acts as a form of reimbursement for any monetary losses incurred due to the handyman’s actions.

Overall, handyman bonds are used to assure clients that the handyman will perform their duties ethically and in accordance with the law. They help establish trust and credibility, making it easier for handymen to attract clients and operate their businesses legally and responsibly.

Umbrella Insurance for Handyman

Umbrella handyman insurance, or excess liability insurance, provides additional coverage on top of the primary liability insurance policies. It is helpful for handymen as it extends the coverage limits of their existing liability policies, such as general liability and commercial auto insurance.

For example, suppose a handyman’s general liability insurance covers up to $1 million in damages, but they face a lawsuit that exceeds this amount. In that case, their umbrella insurance can kick in to cover the additional costs, providing an extra layer of protection. This type of insurance is beneficial in safeguarding handymen from catastrophic events and high-cost lawsuits that could threaten their business and personal assets.

Handyman General Liability Insurance

Handyman general liability insurance is a crucial type of coverage for individuals in the handyman industry. It protects against financial losses arising from bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury that may occur during work. This insurance is designed to offer peace of mind to handymen, as it helps cover the costs associated with potential accidents or damages, ensuring that they can focus on their work without worrying about the financial consequences of unforeseen incidents.

General liability insurance covers potential liabilities handymen may face while performing their services. Suppose a client or a third party files a claim against the handyman for bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury. In that case, the insurance can help cover legal defense costs and any settlements or judgments up to the policy limits.

Moreover, having general liability insurance can demonstrate a handyperson’s commitment to professionalism, safety, and quality work to potential clients. It sets a standard of trust and reliability, showing that the handyman is prepared to take responsibility for any unforeseen events. By obtaining this type of insurance, handypersons can gain a competitive advantage over others in the industry and operate confidently, knowing they are adequately protected.

Handyman Product Liability Insurance

Product liability refers to manufacturers, distributors, and sellers’ legal responsibility to compensate individuals harmed by defective products. As a handyman, product liability is crucial in ensuring that your tools or equipment are safe and reliable for yourself and your clients.

Here’s a story that showcases how product liability works:

Meet John, a skilled handyman known for his exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. John takes great pride in his work and always uses high-quality tools to deliver top-notch results to his clients.

One day, John purchased a new power drill from a reputable manufacturer to replace his old, worn-out one. The drill had all the features he needed and was marketed as a durable and safe tool for professional use.

Several weeks later, while working on a project at a client’s home, the new power drill malfunctioned, causing an injury to John’s hand. The faulty drill not only hampered John’s ability to complete the project but also resulted in significant medical expenses and lost income due to his inability to work.

Recognizing that a product defect rather than misuse caused the injury, John sought legal advice and explored his options for recourse. His attorney, well-versed in product liability cases, helped John understand his rights and the process of holding the manufacturer accountable for the defective drill.

With the guidance of his attorney, John filed a product liability claim against the manufacturer, citing the design and manufacturing flaws that led to the malfunction and subsequent injury. The legal team supporting John gathered evidence, including expert testimonies and industry standards, to strengthen the case.

As a result of the product liability claim, the manufacturer acknowledged the deficiencies in the power drill and agreed to a settlement that covered John’s medical expenses, lost income, and additional compensation for the pain and suffering he experienced.

This story illustrates how product liability is a protective mechanism for handymen and consumers. It ensures that manufacturers are held responsible for producing reliable and safe products and provides recourse for individuals who suffer harm due to defects or malfunctions. For handymen like John, product liability reinforces the importance of choosing tools and equipment from reputable sources and holding manufacturers to high safety and quality standards.

Handyman Life Insurance

Handyman life insurance is an essential financial tool for handymen, as it provides a safety net for their families in the event of an unforeseen tragedy. Life insurance can help cover final expenses and outstanding debts and financially support the handyperson’s loved ones. It ensures that the family is taken care of and can maintain their standard of living if the handyperson can no longer provide for them. Additionally, life insurance can bring peace of mind to handypersons, knowing their family’s financial future is secure.

Protecting Your Handyman Business: The Importance of Insurance Coverage

In conclusion, as a handyman, it’s crucial to protect yourself and your business with the right insurance coverage. Handyman liability insurance provides essential protection against unforeseen incidents, while obtaining small handyman insurance quotes through reputable providers or brokers ensures you get the best coverage at competitive rates. Additionally, health insurance is vital for your well-being and peace of mind, especially as a self-employed individual. Lastly, commercial auto insurance and handyman bonds are important considerations to safeguard your business and adhere to legal requirements. By prioritizing the right insurance coverage, you can focus on delivering top-quality service to your clients with confidence and security.

As a resource, HandymanInsurance.com offers valuable information about insurance for handymen, along with tips to help them choose the best coverage for their business needs. HandymanInsurance.com equips handymen with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their insurance options by providing comprehensive insights and practical guidance. Whether it’s understanding the importance of liability coverage, obtaining quotes, or exploring health insurance and other essential policies, HandymanInsurance.com is a beneficial platform for handymen to navigate the complex insurance landscape and secure the protection they need for their businesses.

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Business Auto, Contractor Bonds, Contractors News, Dental Insurance, Electrical Contractors, Framing Contractors, Handyman Insurance, Handyman News, Health Insurance, Product Liability | Comments Off on Essential Insurance Coverage for Handymen: Protecting Your Business and Your Future

The Importance of Commercial Auto Insurance for Handymen

Jul. 15th 2024

Question: I do about two to three small handyman jobs a week. I drive a 2022 Ford F250 XL, insured with my wife’s car on a personal auto policy. I am considering getting commercial auto insurance on my truck. Still, first, I’m wondering if I need commercial auto insurance, and second, it will cost me more as I will lose the multi-vehicle discount on my current policy. I am guessing commercial auto insurance will also cost more than the person using it does. If I mostly use my truck for personal use, does it matter if I use it to drive to my handyman jobs or stop to get materials if I need something right away?

Response: It’s great that you’re considering these questions before deciding. Commercial auto insurance is typically necessary if you use your vehicle for business purposes, such as transporting tools and equipment to handyman jobs. While it may cost more and impact your current multi-vehicle discount, the coverage provided by commercial auto insurance can protect you in case of an accident during work-related tasks. Even if you primarily use your truck for personal use, using it for business purposes may still require commercial auto insurance to ensure that you’re adequately covered. It’s essential to weigh the potential increased cost against the benefits of having the right insurance coverage for your specific needs as a handyman.

The Importance of Commercial Auto Insurance for Handymen

As a handyman, the need for commercial auto insurance becomes critical when you use your vehicle for business purposes. You could be exposing yourself to significant financial risks if you frequently drive to different job sites, transport tools, or carry materials for your handyman jobs without the appropriate coverage.

Commercial auto insurance is designed to provide comprehensive protection tailored to the unique risks associated with business vehicle use. It covers all your business-related driving activities, such as transporting equipment and driving to various job locations. In the unfortunate event of an accident or damage to your vehicle during work-related tasks, commercial auto insurance ensures that you’re fully covered.

While the cost of commercial auto insurance may be higher than personal auto insurance, its benefits are invaluable. It shields you from potential financial burdens and liability in case of unforeseen circumstances while on the job.

Moreover, using your vehicle for business activities without the proper insurance may lead to coverage gaps and potential claim denials from your auto insurance provider. Having only personal auto insurance could leave you exposed to significant financial risks.

Getting commercial auto insurance as a handyman is not just important; it’s crucial. It’s a proactive and responsible choice that ensures you’re adequately covered during your business activities. By investing in the right insurance, you are safeguarding your financial security and mitigating potential risks associated with your handyman profession.

A Comprehensive Guide to Acquiring the Right Commercial Auto Insurance Quote

When obtaining a commercial or business auto insurance quote and selecting the right plan for your specific needs, it’s crucial to approach the process carefully and pay attention to detail. As a business owner or independent contractor, your vehicle is an essential component of your daily operations, and having the appropriate insurance coverage is paramount to safeguarding your financial security and business interests.

The first step in obtaining commercial auto insurance is thoroughly researching and contacting reputable insurance providers specializing in business auto coverage. Look for insurers with a strong track record of providing tailored solutions for commercial vehicles and a solid reputation for customer service and claims handling.

Once you’ve identified potential insurance providers, initiate the quotation process by contacting them to request a comprehensive quote for your business auto insurance needs. Be prepared to provide detailed information about your business operations, the type of vehicles you use, the nature of your work-related driving activities, and any specific coverage requirements or concerns you may have.

During the quotation process, take the time to thoroughly discuss and explore the various coverage options available to you. Pay close attention to the specifics of each policy, including liability limits, comprehensive and collision coverage, uninsured motorist protection, and any additional endorsements or specialized coverages that may benefit your business needs.

As you engage with different insurance providers and review the quotes they provide, consider not only the cost of the premiums but also the extent of coverage and the overall value of the policy. Remember that the cheapest option may not necessarily offer the comprehensive protection your business requires, so finding a balance between affordability and sufficient coverage is essential.

Furthermore, utilize this opportunity to inquire about any available discounts or cost-saving measures that may apply to your business. Some insurers offer discounts for factors such as having a clean driving record, utilizing risk management practices or bundling multiple insurance policies with the same provider.

Once you’ve gathered multiple quotes and thoroughly evaluated the offerings from different insurers, take the time to compare and contrast the details of each policy. Consider factors such as the breadth of coverage, the financial strength and reputation of the insurance company, and any additional benefits or perks that come with the policy.

When selecting a commercial auto insurance plan, prioritize the overall protection and security it provides for your business operations. While cost is undeniably essential, it should not be the sole determining factor in your decision-making process. Your goal is to secure a policy that offers affordability and comprehensive coverage to protect your business and livelihood.

By approaching the process of obtaining a commercial auto insurance quote with thoroughness and attention to detail, you can make an informed decision and confidently select a plan that aligns with your business needs. Remember, investing in a robust commercial auto insurance policy is an investment in your business’s long-term stability and success.

The Importance of Commercial Auto Insurance for Handymen

In conclusion, it’s crucial for handymen to carefully consider the need for commercial auto insurance, especially when using their vehicles for business purposes. The protection provided by commercial auto insurance is tailored to mitigate the unique risks associated with business vehicle use, ensuring comprehensive coverage during work-related tasks and safeguarding financial security.

For handymen seeking the right insurance coverage, HandymanInsurance provides a comprehensive guide to acquiring commercial auto insurance quotes and selecting the most suitable plan for specific business needs. By partnering with reputable insurance providers, understanding coverage options, and balancing affordability with comprehensive protection, handymen can make informed decisions to secure their business and financial stability.

When it comes to ensuring peace of mind and mitigating potential risks, HandymanInsurance.com offers valuable insights and resources to empower handymen to make proactive and responsible choices regarding commercial auto insurance.

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Business Auto, General Insurance, General Liability, Handyman Insurance | Comments Off on The Importance of Commercial Auto Insurance for Handymen

Empowering Handymen: Your Guide to Making Informed Decisions About Insurance

Jul. 8th 2024

Question: I work in a small Handyman business. It is doing well, and I can pay bills and have extra left. Up to this point, I have not bothered getting insurance cause I was not doing much that I felt a need for it. I feel like I should get some insurance now since I am picking up more jobs. I am still determining what I need insurance-wise and how to shop it out. What things about handyman insurance should I know, and what should I look out for? Tips on getting a handyman quote would be appreciated.

Response: It’s wonderful to hear that your handyman business is doing well and that you are taking proactive steps to protect your business as it grows. Getting insurance is a wise decision to safeguard your business and yourself in case of unforeseen situations. There are a few key things to consider when looking for handyman insurance. First, you’ll want general liability insurance to protect against third-party property damage or bodily injury claims. Additionally, consider getting workers’ compensation insurance if you have employees, as well as tools and equipment coverage to protect your valuable assets. When shopping for insurance, compare quotes from different providers to find the best coverage at a competitive price. It’s essential to review the policy details carefully and make sure you understand what is and isn’t covered. Remember that the cheapest option may not always provide the best coverage, so prioritize getting comprehensive protection for your business. Good luck with getting your handyman insurance!

Empowering Handymen: Your Guide to Making Informed Decisions About Insurance

When purchasing handyman insurance, you must know how to make the best business decision. At HandymanInsurance.com, we understand the unique needs of a handyman and the importance of securing the right insurance coverage. Our website is a valuable resource for all things related to handyman insurance, offering a wealth of information in our extensive collection of blogs. Whether you’re a seasoned handyman or just starting, our website provides valuable insights and practical tips to help you navigate the world of insurance and running a successful handyman business.

By visiting HandymanInsurance.com, you can access various informative blogs covering multiple aspects of handymen insurance. Our expertly crafted articles delve into topics such as understanding different insurance coverage options, navigating the insurance shopping process, and proactively managing risks in your handyman business. We offer valuable guidance on evaluating insurance providers, comparing quotes, and deciphering policy details to ensure you make informed decisions about your insurance needs.

Furthermore, our website is dedicated to empowering handymen with the knowledge they need to effectively protect their businesses and livelihoods. We are committed to providing comprehensive and accurate information that helps handymen understand the intricacies of insurance, enabling them to make sound choices when selecting coverage for their businesses.

At HandymanInsurance.com, we don’t just offer insurance information; we strive to be your trusted partner in the journey of being a successful handyman. Well-informed handymen are better equipped to make intelligent decisions regarding insurance, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

So, before purchasing handyman insurance, explore the wealth of resources available on HandymanInsurance.com. Our website is designed to empower you with the knowledge you need to protect your business and make confident, well-informed decisions about insurance. Let us guide you through the intricate insurance world, ensuring you have the right coverage to safeguard your handyman business.

Key Steps to Consider When Shopping for Handyman Insurance

Before shopping for handyman insurance, it’s essential to understand the critical steps involved to ensure you get the right coverage for your business. Here are the steps you need to know before shopping for handyman insurance:

  • Assess Your Risks: Evaluate the risks associated with your handyman business, such as property damage (e.g., accidentally breaking a client’s window during a job), bodily injury (e.g., a client slipping on a wet floor at the job site), or potential claims from dissatisfied clients (e.g., a client claiming your work was not up to standard).
  • Determine Coverage Needs: Identify the types of insurance coverage you require, such as general liability insurance, workers’ compensation, and tools and equipment coverage.
  • Research Insurance Providers: Look for insurance companies that specialize in providing coverage for small businesses and specifically for handyman services.
  • Get Multiple Quotes: Request quotes from different insurance providers to compare coverage options, premiums, and deductibles.
  • Review Policy Details: Carefully review the policy details, including coverage limits, exclusions, and additional benefits or endorsements.
  • Check Provider Reputation: Research the reputation and customer reviews of the insurance providers you are considering to ensure they have a track record of reliable service.
  • Seek Professional Advice: Consider consulting with an insurance agent or broker who can help navigate the complexities of insurance and tailor a policy to your specific needs. Remember, you’re not alone in this process; professionals are ready to assist you.

These steps will help you decide when shopping for handyman insurance and acquire the most suitable coverage for your business.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for Handyman Insurance

When shopping for handyman insurance, it’s crucial to be aware of common mistakes that could leave your business vulnerable. Understanding these pitfalls allows you to make informed decisions and secure the right insurance coverage. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when shopping for handyman insurance:

1. Underestimating Coverage Needs: One common mistake is underestimating the coverage needed for your handyman business. It’s essential to thoroughly assess your risks and consider potential scenarios leading to liability claims or property damage. While it might be tempting to opt for minimal coverage to save on premiums, inadequate coverage could result in significant financial repercussions if an unexpected incident occurs. Take the time to evaluate your business operations and invest in comprehensive coverage that safeguards your business and assets.

2. Focusing Solely on Price: Prioritizing price over coverage quality is another mistake. While affordability is important, solely focusing on obtaining the cheapest insurance policy can compromise the protection of your business. Instead of opting for the lowest price, seek out insurance providers that offer a balance of competitive pricing and comprehensive coverage. Remember that the actual value of insurance lies in its ability to shield your business from potential risks and liabilities.

3. Overlooking Policy Exclusions: Neglecting to review policy exclusions thoroughly can be costly. Each insurance policy comes with specific exclusions detailing what is not covered. It is crucial to carefully examine these exclusions to understand the limitations of the coverage. By being aware of policy exclusions, you can proactively address any coverage gaps by adjusting the policy or obtaining additional coverage as needed.

4. Neglecting Professional Liability Insurance: As a handyman, you may encounter situations where clients claim unsatisfactory work or allege negligence. Neglecting to secure professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, could leave you financially vulnerable to legal claims and disputes. Professional liability insurance covers claims related to errors, omissions, or negligence during your work, offering essential protection for your business reputation and finances.

5. Not Considering Future Expansion: Many handymen overlook potential business growth when purchasing insurance. Your insurance needs may evolve as your business expands and takes on larger projects. It’s essential to consider the scalability of your insurance coverage and choose policies that can adapt to the changing needs of your business. By anticipating future expansion and selecting flexible insurance options, you can avoid the hassle of frequently adjusting your coverage as your business grows.

Avoiding these common mistakes when shopping for handyman insurance protects your business and ensures long-term success. By being proactive and diligent in selecting insurance, you can secure comprehensive coverage that mitigates risks and provides peace of mind for you and your clients.

In conclusion, obtaining the right insurance coverage for your handyman business is crucial in securing its future. By being informed about the types of insurance available, thoroughly researching providers, and carefully reviewing policy details, you can make confident decisions that will protect your business from potential risks. Remember that the right insurance coverage provides financial protection and peace of mind as your business continues to grow and thrive. Good luck with your handyman insurance journey!

Posted by Handyman Insurance | in General Insurance, General Liability, Handyman Insurance, Product Liability | Comments Off on Empowering Handymen: Your Guide to Making Informed Decisions About Insurance

Starting a Handyman Business: Essential Tips and Considerations

Jul. 1st 2024

Question: I think I will start being a handyman for hire in California, just fixing small things as I can do a bit of everything, but I don’t want to have to get a license to do bigger jobs and only me that will be doing the work. I am still considering starting and having that be my only job. I like some tips on how to get going and what I may need to get started.

Response: Starting a handyman business in California can be a great opportunity, especially if you have the skills and passion. One crucial step to get going is creating a solid business plan. A business plan will not only help you determine your target market, pricing strategy, and the specific services you will offer, but it will also give you a sense of preparedness and confidence in your venture. Since you mentioned that you only want to do small jobs, focus on marketing yourself as a specialist in quick home repairs and maintenance tasks.

Networking is also crucial. Reach out to friends, family, and neighbors, and let them know about your new venture. Their support and word-of-mouth referrals can be a powerful tool for getting your business off the ground. This network will not only help you find clients but also make you feel connected and supported in your new endeavor. Consider creating a simple website or social media profile such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and Neighborhood to showcase your skills and advertise your services.

In terms of legal requirements, while California may not require a specific handyman license for small jobs, it’s essential to research and comply with local regulations and permit requirements. Additionally, consider investing in basic insurance to protect yourself and your clients in case of accidents or damages during the job.

Building a solid online presence through a website or social media can also help attract customers. Consider showcasing your past work and client testimonials to build credibility.

Lastly, invest in quality tools and equipment to ensure you can deliver top-notch service. Building a positive reputation through excellent work and outstanding customer service will be critical to your success in this field. Good luck with your new endeavor!

The Importance of Insurance Coverage for Your Handyman Business

Before starting your handyman business, it’s crucial to understand the importance of having the right insurance coverage. At the same time, it might seem like an additional expense, but having the proper insurance can be a lifesaver in unexpected mishaps or accidents.

Liability insurance is essential for handymen. It provides coverage if a client’s property is damaged or if someone gets injured while you’re working. For example, if you accidentally break a valuable item while fixing something in a client’s home, liability insurance can help cover the replacement or repair cost.

In addition to liability insurance, consider getting tools and equipment insurance. As a handyman, your tools are essential for your work and represent a significant investment. Tools and equipment insurance can protect you if your gear is stolen, damaged, or lost. This could include power tools, hand tools, ladders, and other equipment you use regularly.

Moreover, having insurance can give your clients peace of mind. They’ll feel more comfortable hiring you knowing that you have coverage, and it shows that you are committed to professionalism and responsibility in your work. This commitment to safety and responsibility will not only make your clients feel secure but also make you feel more professional and trustworthy in your work.

Ultimately, investing in insurance is an investment in the longevity and success of your business. It’s an essential step in protecting both yourself and your clients. You’re demonstrating your commitment to operating a reliable and trustworthy handyman service by getting the right insurance coverage. Remember, accidents can happen, and having the right insurance can make all the difference. It’s a small price to pay for the peace of mind it can bring.

Determining Pricing Strategy for Your Handyman Business

When starting a handyman business, one of the essential aspects to consider is determining the pricing for your services. Setting the correct prices is crucial for the success of your business and requires careful consideration and planning. Here’s how you can determine the pricing for your handyman services when you first start.

1. Research the Market: Research the prevailing rates for handyman services in your area. Look at what your competitors are charging and what services they offer. Researching your competitors will give you a good understanding of the market and help you set competitive prices.

2. Calculate Your Costs: It’s essential to calculate all your costs, including tools, equipment, insurance, transportation, marketing, and overhead expenses. You need to ensure that your prices cover these costs and leave you with a reasonable profit.

3. Determine Your Value: Assess your skills, expertise, and the quality of service you intend to provide. If you have specialized skills or can offer unique services, you may be able to justify higher prices. Highlighting the value you bring to your clients can justify charging premium rates.

4. Consider Your Target Market: Understand the needs and expectations of your target market. If you are catering to a higher-end clientele, you may be able to charge higher rates for premium services. On the other hand, if you are focusing on more budget-conscious customers, you may need to adjust your pricing accordingly.

5. Offer Competitive Pricing: While covering your costs and making a profit is essential, it’s also crucial to remain competitive. Consider offering introductory rates or package deals to attract your first set of customers and showcase the value of your work.

6. Factor in Profit Margins: Don’t underestimate the importance of setting prices to generate a healthy profit. Your pricing should cover your costs and provide you with the means to grow and expand your business.

7. Adjust as Needed: As you receive customer feedback and understand the demand for your services, be prepared to adjust your pricing. It’s common for businesses to refine their pricing strategies as they gather more experience and insights from the market.

Considering these factors, you can develop a thoughtful and competitive pricing strategy for your handyman services. Remember, the goal is not just to set prices but to set fair and attractive prices that reflect the value of your services and ensure the success of your business.

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Business Auto, Contractor Bonds, Contractors News, General Contractors, General Insurance, General Liability, Handyman Help, Health Insurance | Comments Off on Starting a Handyman Business: Essential Tips and Considerations

Protect Your Business with Handyman Insurance

Jun. 25th 2024

Welcome to HandymanInsurance.com, your go-to resource for all things related to handyman insurance. Our website is dedicated to providing valuable information and resources to assist handypersons in understanding the importance of insurance coverage for their business. Today, we’ll delve into the essential reasons why having handyman insurance is crucial for protecting your livelihood and securing your business operations. Stay tuned to gain valuable insights into the significance of handyman insurance and how it can safeguard your professional endeavors.

Shopping for handyman insurance online can seem daunting, but it can be a straightforward and beneficial process with the right approach. As a handyperson, it’s essential to protect yourself against potential risks and liabilities that come with your line of work. Protecting yourself is where handyman insurance comes into play. Before you start shopping for insurance, several key factors must be considered and understood. In this guide, we’ll explore the types of insurance you should seek as a handyperson, what to know before shopping for insurance, and the steps you can take to effectively shop for handyman insurance online. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the factors involved in shopping for handyman insurance and be better equipped to make an informed decision.

Understanding the Types of Insurance for Handyperson:

Before delving into the specifics of shopping for handyman insurance online, it’s crucial to understand the insurance types most relevant to your line of work. As a handyperson, you are exposed to various risks and liabilities arising from your services. The following are the primary types of insurance that handypersons should consider:

1. General Liability Insurance:

General liability insurance is a fundamental coverage that protects against third-party claims of bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury. This type of insurance can be essential for handypersons, as it can help cover legal costs and damages if a client or third party claims injury or property damage caused by your work.

2. Property Insurance:

Property insurance protects your business equipment, tools, and property against damage or loss. As a handyman, your tools and equipment are critical to your ability to perform your job, making property insurance an important consideration.

3. Professional Liability Insurance:

Professional liability insurance, or errors and omissions insurance, can provide coverage if a client alleges that your work resulted in financial loss or damages. This type of insurance can be crucial for protecting yourself from claims related to errors or oversights in your job as a handyperson.

4. Workers’ Compensation Insurance:

If you have employees working for you, it’s essential to consider workers’ compensation insurance. This coverage provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their work. It can help cover medical expenses, lost wages, and more.

Now that we’ve covered the primary types of insurance relevant to handypersons let’s dive into what you should know before shopping for insurance and the essential considerations to remember.

What to Know Before Shopping for Handyman Insurance:

Before shopping for handyman insurance online, several key factors must be considered. Understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision and ensure that you select the most suitable coverage for your needs:

1. Assess Your Risk Exposure:

Before seeking insurance, assessing your specific risk exposure as a handyman is important. Consider the nature of the services you provide, the types of projects you undertake, and the potential risks associated with your work. This assessment will help you determine the types and levels of coverage you need.

2. Research State and Local Requirements:

Insurance requirements for handypersons can vary by state and local jurisdiction. Researching the specific insurance requirements in your area is essential to ensure compliance with relevant regulations. Understanding industry standards and best practices can also help guide your insurance decisions.

3. Examine Policy Limits and Deductibles:

When shopping for handyman insurance, carefully examine policy limits and deductibles. Policy limits determine the maximum amount the insurance company will pay for covered claims, while deductibles represent the amount you must pay out of pocket before your coverage kicks in. Understanding these limits and deductibles is crucial for evaluating the comprehensiveness and affordability of a policy.

4. Consider Additional Coverages:

In addition to the primary types of insurance mentioned earlier, additional coverages may be relevant to your handyperson business. These include commercial auto insurance if you use vehicles for work-related purposes, inland marine insurance for portable tools and equipment, and cyber liability insurance to protect against data breaches and cyber threats.

Now that we’ve covered what to know before shopping for handyman insurance let’s explore the steps you can take to shop for insurance online effectively.

Shopping for Handyman Insurance Online:

Shopping for handyman insurance online can offer convenience and flexibility, empowering you to compare quotes and coverage options from multiple insurers. Here are the steps you can take to navigate the process effectively and take control of your insurance decisions:

1. Research Reputable Insurers:

Start by researching and identifying reputable insurers offering coverage tailored to handypersons. Look for insurers with experience in the construction and trades industry and a solid reputation for customer service and claims handling.

2. Request Multiple Quotes:

Once you’ve identified potential insurers, request quotes from multiple providers to compare coverage options and pricing. This can be done by filling out an online form or contacting the insurer directly. Be sure to provide accurate and detailed information about your business, including the types of services you provide, the number of employees, and any previous claims. The more information you provide, the more accurate your quotes will be.

3. Review Policy Features:

Carefully review the policy features and coverage details offered by each insurer. Pay attention to each policy’s specific inclusions and exclusions, as well as any additional benefits or endorsements that may be available. It’s crucial to understand the terms and conditions of the policy, as they will determine what is and isn’t covered. For example, some policies may exclude coverage for certain types of work or have limits on the amount they will pay for a claim. Understanding these nuances of each policy will help you make an informed comparison.

4. Consider Online Reviews and Testimonials:

As you evaluate insurers and their offerings, consider researching online reviews and customer testimonials to gain insight into the experiences of other handypersons who have obtained insurance from these providers. Look for feedback on claims processing, customer support, and overall satisfaction with the coverage.

5. Seek Professional Advice:

If you find shopping for insurance overwhelming or have specific questions about coverage, rest assured that professional advice is readily available. Consider seeking guidance from an insurance broker or agent. These professionals can offer personalized support and help you navigate the complexities of insurance options, ensuring you make the best decision for your business.

In conclusion, shopping for handyman insurance online requires careful consideration of the types of insurance you need, an understanding of critical factors before shopping, and a strategic approach to researching and comparing coverage options. By assessing your risk exposure, researching insurers, and carefully evaluating policy features, you can effectively make a well-informed decision that protects your handyperson business. Remember, insurance aims to provide peace of mind and financial protection, so investing time in shopping is essential to safeguarding your business and livelihood.

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Dental Insurance, Handyman Construction Jobs, Handyman Help, Handyman Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Product Liability | Comments Off on Protect Your Business with Handyman Insurance

The Importance of Handyman Insurance: Protecting Your Business and Clients

Jun. 18th 2024

Handyman insurance is not just a necessary part of running a successful handyperson business, it’s a shield that provides financial protection and peace of mind. It’s there to catch you when unexpected accidents, injuries, or damages occur while performing handyperson services. This type of insurance typically includes general liability coverage, property damage coverage, and bodily injury coverage, and any handyman or handyman business must have this coverage in place to feel secure.

First and foremost, handyman insurance is essential because it’s a safety net that protects both the handyman and the clients. Accidents can happen at any time, and without insurance, the handyman could be held personally responsible for any injuries or damages that occur while working on a client’s property. For instance, if a handyperson accidentally damages a client’s property, such as a water leak due to improperly installed piping, the costs of repairs or replacements could be significant. Without insurance, the handyman would have to cover these costs out of pocket, potentially leading to financial strain or even bankruptcy.

Furthermore, without handyman insurance, the handyman could be liable for any injuries sustained by the client or anyone else on the property where the handyman works. This could result in costly medical expenses and legal fees in a lawsuit. In contrast, with appropriate insurance coverage, these expenses would typically be covered by the insurance policy, protecting the handyman’s finances and livelihood.

Moreover, handyman insurance is not just about financial protection, it’s about enhancing the professional image of the handyperson business. Clients are more likely to trust and hire a properly insured handyperson, as it demonstrates a commitment to safety, responsibility, and professionalism. In contrast, not having insurance could deter potential clients, losing business opportunities and income. So, having insurance is not just a smart financial move, it’s a professional one that can elevate your business.

Another important aspect of handyman insurance is that it can cover legal defense costs in the event of a lawsuit. Suppose a client or third party files a lawsuit against the handyman alleging property damage or bodily injury. In that case, the insurance policy can help cover the costs of legal representation and any settlements or judgments that may arise. Without insurance, the handyman would have to bear these expenses personally, which could have devastating financial consequences.

Moreover, handyman insurance can provide coverage for tools and equipment. Many handypersons’s tools are essential for their livelihood, and if they are damaged, lost, or stolen, they can disrupt their ability to work. With the right insurance policy, replacing or repairing these tools can be covered, allowing the handyperson to return to work without a significant financial burden quickly.

In addition, handyman insurance can offer protection in the event of advertising injuries. This includes situations such as libel, slander, or copyright infringement arising from advertising the handyman’s services. The costs of defending against such allegations and any resulting settlements or judgments could be financially extreme without insurance.

It is also essential to consider that having handyman insurance can open up opportunities to work with certain clients or on specific projects that require contractors to have insurance coverage. Commercial clients, property management companies, and general contractors will only work with handypersons who can provide proof of insurance, as it protects all parties involved in the business relationship.

Ultimately, the peace of mind provided by handyman insurance is invaluable. Knowing that one is protected from unforeseen accidents and liabilities allows the handyman to focus on delivering high-quality services without worrying about potential financial ruin.

To illustrate the importance of handyman insurance, consider a real-life scenario. John, a handyperson without insurance, was hired to remodel a client’s kitchen. During the project, a kitchen cabinet fell off the wall and damaged the client’s expensive marble floor. Without insurance, John was personally responsible for repairing or replacing the floor, which cost him thousands of dollars. This unexpected expense severely impacted John’s financial stability and jeopardized his business.

On the other hand, let’s consider another hypothetical scenario where a different handyman, Sarah, has comprehensive insurance coverage. While working on a similar kitchen remodeling project, an accident occurs, and the client’s property is damaged. In this case, Sarah’s insurance policy would cover the costs associated with the damage, protecting her from the financial burden and potential legal consequences. As a result, Sarah can continue focusing on her work and maintaining her professional reputation without fearing financial disaster.

In conclusion, the importance of handyman insurance cannot be overstated. It is a fundamental aspect of operating a successful and sustainable handyperson business. With the potential financial risks and legal liabilities that handypersons face in their line of work, having the right insurance coverage is an essential investment to safeguard their livelihood and ensure long-term success. Handymen can protect themselves, their clients, and their businesses from the unexpected by having handyman insurance, allowing them to work with confidence and peace of mind. To obtain handyman insurance, handypersons should consider factors such as the size of their business, the types of services they offer, and their claims history. These factors can affect the cost and coverage of the insurance policy.

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Business Auto, Contractor Bonds, General Insurance, General Liability, Liability Insurance | Comments Off on The Importance of Handyman Insurance: Protecting Your Business and Clients

Tips for High-Risk Drivers: How to Find Affordable Car Insurance

May. 21st 2024

Car accidents happen, and sometimes they happen to the same driver more than once. For instance, a driver involved in multiple at-fault accidents or with a history of speeding tickets might be considered high-risk. For such drivers, getting affordable car insurance can be a challenge. Many insurers consider these drivers high-risk, which means they are more likely to file a claim in the future. As a result, they may have to pay higher rates for their coverage or need help finding a suitable car insurance policy.

However, there are ways for high-risk drivers to take control of their insurance costs and find affordable car insurance. One of the most empowering ways is to shop around and compare quotes from different insurers. Providers determine rates differently, so it’s worth checking with several companies to see their offers. Some insurers specialize in providing coverage for high-risk drivers and may offer more competitive rates. By comparing quotes from multiple providers, drivers can harness their power of choice and take advantage of the price differences among insurers.

High-risk drivers can experience new convenience and ease when finding affordable car insurance. Online quote comparison tools are a game-changer, providing drivers with multiple quotes from different insurers in just a few minutes. By simply inputting some basic information about their driving history and vehicle, drivers can swiftly identify which insurers offer the best rates for their situation, all from the comfort of their homes.

While affordable car insurance for high-risk drivers is possible, it’s important to remember that investing in your driving record is the best way to reduce insurance costs. High-risk drivers can gradually rebuild their records and earn lower rates over time by committing to safe driving practices and avoiding accidents and traffic violations. Moreover, investing in defensive driving courses or other driver training programs can significantly enhance their record and qualify them for better rates, leading to even more substantial savings in the future. This reassurance should motivate high-risk drivers to see the potential for long-term savings and improved rates.

In summary, while being a high-risk driver can make it more difficult to find affordable car insurance, there are still options available. It’s essential to be patient and persistent in your search. High-risk drivers can find coverage that meets their needs and budget by shopping around and comparing quotes from different insurers, using online quote comparison tools, and improving their driving record.

Understanding the Factors that Determine Your Risk Level as a Driver for Car Insurance

When it comes to car insurance, there are several factors that insurance companies consider before they determine whether a driver is high-risk or not. These factors can significantly impact the cost of your car insurance premium, and it’s essential to understand them if you want to get a good deal on your policy. In this regard, it’s crucial to know what factors insurers consider when determining your risk level as a driver.

1) Driver’s Age:  Driver age is a crucial factor that affects auto insurance rates. Insurance companies charge younger drivers higher premiums as they consider them riskier than older drivers. Younger drivers are likelier to get into accidents, mainly if they have limited driving experience. Statistics show that drivers under the age of 25 are more likely to get into accidents than any other age group.

On the other hand, older drivers are usually considered less risky and are, therefore, charged lower insurance premiums. Older drivers have more driving experience and are less likely to take risks. Additionally, older drivers are more likely to drive safe and reliable vehicles, contributing to lower insurance rates.

It’s important to note that while age is a significant factor in determining insurance rates, it’s not the only factor. Other factors that affect auto insurance rates include driving record, location, type of vehicle, and coverage limits. Insurance companies significantly consider drivers’ age in determining their insurance rates, and younger drivers with less driving experience should expect to pay higher premiums and be aware of it.

2) Driving History: One of the most crucial factors that auto insurance companies consider when determining a driver’s risk level is their driving history. A driver’s driving history gives insurance companies a clear picture of their driving habits and behavior. Insurance companies use this information to assess a driver’s risk level, affecting their auto insurance rates.

Insurance companies generally consider drivers with a clean driving record who have not been involved in car accidents or traffic violations such as speeding or DUIs less risky and charge them lower insurance premiums. However, drivers with a history of car accidents or traffic violations are considered high-risk. As a result, they may have to pay higher rates for their auto insurance coverage.

Insurance companies determine a driver’s risk level based on the number and severity of accidents and traffic violations on their driving record. For instance, drivers who have been involved in multiple at-fault accidents or have a history of speeding tickets might be considered high-risk. Such drivers are more likely to file a claim in the future, which makes them a higher risk for insurance companies. As a result, they may have to pay higher rates for their auto insurance coverage.

It’s also important to note that insurance companies consider the length of a driver’s driving history when determining their risk level. Because they lack driving experience, insurance companies consider new or limited-experience drivers high-risk drivers. As a result, they may be charged higher rates for their auto insurance coverage.

In summary, a driver’s driving history is a significant factor that affects auto insurance rates. Insurance companies consider drivers with a clean driving record less risky and charge them lower insurance premiums. On the other hand, drivers with a history of car accidents or traffic violations are considered high-risk and may have to pay higher rates for their auto insurance coverage. To get the best auto insurance rates, drivers should maintain a clean driving record and avoid accidents and traffic violations.

3) Type of Car They Drive: Regarding car insurance, the type of car you drive can significantly impact your rates. Insurance companies consider several factors when determining your rates, including the make and model of your vehicle. Insurance companies generally consider more expensive and high-performance cars riskier to insure, resulting in higher insurance premiums for such vehicles.

The type of car you drive affects your auto insurance rates for several reasons. High-performance vehicles cost more to repair or replace if they sustain damage in an accident, and they are also more susceptible to theft, which increases the risk for insurance companies.

On the other hand, cars designed for safety and with a good safety record are typically cheaper to insure. Vehicles with advanced safety features, such as airbags, anti-lock brakes, and electronic stability control, are less likely to be involved in accidents, making them less risky to insure.

Another factor that insurance companies consider when determining your car insurance rates is the cost of the car. More expensive vehicles typically have higher insurance premiums because they cost more to repair or replace. Additionally, luxury and sports cars are often more costly to insure because they are considered high-value targets for thieves.

The age of your car can also affect your auto insurance rates. Newer cars are often more expensive to insure because they are more costly to repair or replace. On the other hand, older cars may be cheaper to insure because they have less value and are less likely to be stolen.

In summary, the type of car you drive can significantly impact your auto insurance rates. High-performance and luxury cars are typically more expensive to insure because they are more costly to repair or replace and are more likely to be stolen. Cars designed for safety and with a good safety record are typically cheaper to insure. If you’re in the market for a new car and want to keep your insurance rates low, it’s essential to consider the make and model of the vehicle you choose.

4) Location: Auto insurance rates can vary significantly depending on your location. Insurers consider your vehicle’s location a crucial factor in determining your risk level and, in turn, your insurance rates. The area can significantly impact the likelihood of accidents, theft, and damage to your vehicle.

Urban areas with high traffic volumes and congestion are considered riskier than rural areas with less traffic. The chances of accidents are higher in urban areas, and the cost of repairs and medical expenses can be more significant. Insurers often charge higher insurance premiums for drivers living in cities or densely populated areas.

Insurance companies may charge you higher premiums if you live in an area with a high crime rate. This is because areas with high crime rates pose a greater risk of vehicle theft or damage. Insurance companies consider the likelihood of theft or vandalism when determining your insurance rates.

Another factor that can impact your insurance rates is the weather in your area. Your insurance rates may be higher if you live in an area with frequent severe weather conditions, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or hailstorms. These weather conditions can cause significant damage to your vehicle, leading to costly repairs.

Lastly, the availability of medical facilities and repair shops in your area can also impact your insurance rates. Insurance companies may charge you higher premiums if you live in an area with limited medical facilities or repair shops. The cost of medical treatment and vehicle repairs may be higher in such areas.

Your location is a crucial factor impacting your auto insurance rates. Insurers consider the traffic volume, crime rate, weather conditions, and availability of medical facilities and repair shops in your area when determining your risk level and insurance rates. Insurance companies may charge drivers living in urban areas or areas with high crime rates, severe weather conditions, or limited medical facilities and repair shops higher insurance premiums.

5) Credit Score: Your credit score can affect many aspects of your financial life, including your ability to obtain credit and how much interest you pay on loans. But did you know that your credit score can also affect your auto insurance rates?

Auto insurance companies use credit scores to determine a driver’s risk level and, consequently, their insurance premium. Studies have shown that drivers with lower credit scores are more likely to file claims and, therefore, are considered higher risk to insure. Insurance companies may charge drivers with lower credit scores higher insurance premiums than those with higher scores.

The relationship between credit scores and auto insurance rates can be confusing and frustrating for drivers, especially those with low credit scores. However, there are steps drivers can take to improve their credit scores and lower their auto insurance premiums.

First, drivers should regularly monitor their credit reports and scores to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. Mistakes in credit reports can negatively impact credit scores, so it’s essential to correct any errors promptly.

Secondly, drivers should work to improve their credit scores by paying bills on time, reducing debt, and avoiding opening new credit accounts unnecessarily. By improving their credit scores, drivers can demonstrate their financial responsibility and qualify for lower auto insurance rates.

Finally, drivers should shop around and compare auto insurance quotes from multiple companies. Not all insurers use credit scores the same way, so it’s worth checking with several companies to see which offers the best rates for their particular situation.

In conclusion, your credit score can significantly affect your auto insurance rates, but there are steps you can take to improve your score and lower your premiums. By monitoring and improving your credit score and shopping around for the best rates, you can help ensure you get the most affordable auto insurance coverage possible.

6) The number of miles driven annually: The number of miles driven annually can significantly impact your auto insurance rates. Generally, the more miles you drive, the higher risk you pose to insurance companies. The more you drive, the more likely you will be involved in an accident. 

Insurance companies use various factors to determine your auto insurance rates, including your annual mileage. If you drive a lot, you will likely pay higher premiums than someone who drives less. 

However, some insurance companies offer low-mileage discounts to drivers who don’t use their cars often. You may be eligible for these discounts if you drive less than the average miles per year. 

Being honest about your annual mileage is essential when getting auto insurance quotes. The insurance company could deny your claim if you underestimate your mileage and later get involved in an accident. So, accurately report your yearly mileage to your insurance company to ensure you have the appropriate coverage.

Understanding the Factors Affecting Auto Insurance Rates: Tips for Every Car Owner

Every car owner must understand the factors that impact their auto insurance rates to get the best deal on their policy. Insurance companies consider several factors when determining a person’s risk level and insurance rates. These factors include age, driving history, type of car, location, credit score, and annual mileage. 

Maintaining a clean driving record is essential to getting the best insurance rates. This means avoiding traffic violations, accidents, and other incidents that can negatively impact your driving history. Choosing a safe and reliable vehicle with a good safety record is also essential. The type of car you drive can significantly impact your insurance rates, so selecting a less expensive vehicle to insure is essential.

Your location can also affect your insurance rates. Living in a high-crime area can increase your risk of theft or vandalism, leading to higher insurance rates. On the other hand, residing in a low-crime area can help lower your insurance premiums.

Improving your credit score can also help lower your insurance rates. Insurance companies typically consider a person’s credit score when determining their rates. Maintaining a good credit score can demonstrate to the insurance company that you are financially responsible and less likely to file a claim.

Another essential factor is accurately reporting your annual mileage. The more you drive your car, the higher the risk of accidents or other incidents can lead to higher insurance rates. By accurately reporting your annual mileage, you can ensure that you only pay for the coverage you need.

Lastly, shopping around and comparing quotes from multiple insurance companies is always a good idea. This way, you can get the most affordable coverage possible while still having the protection you need. Remember, choosing the right insurance policy is crucial, so take your time and don’t rush the process.

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Understanding General Liability Insurance: Key Features and Benefits for Your Business

May. 14th 2024

General liability insurance is not just a form of protection; it’s a necessity for handymen. This type of insurance provides financial coverage in case someone who is not an employee gets injured, or you are held responsible for damaging property that belongs to someone else. In many states, obtaining a handyman license is often required. Most clients also ask for proof of coverage before hiring a handyperson, making it a crucial part of your business. 

It’s worth noting that general liability insurance for handymen is more than just financial coverage. It includes a vital form of protection called contractors’ E&O or professional liability coverage. This type of coverage can be a lifesaver in a business disagreement, providing legal defense costs if you are sued by a client who believes your work caused them financial loss. 

In conclusion, if you are a handyman, general liability insurance is not just a licensing requirement but a shield providing peace of mind. It’s your safety net, ensuring your business is protected in case of unexpected events and offering reassurance to both you and your clients.

A general liability insurance policy typically covers the following key features.

If you own a business, you must protect yourself from potential legal claims arising from accidents, injuries, or damages caused by your operations. One way to do this is by obtaining a general liability insurance policy. Such policies typically cover a range of key features that can help safeguard your business from unforeseen financial losses. In this article, we’ll explore the main features of a general liability insurance policy and why they are essential for your business.

1. Bodily Injury: Bodily injury is a crucial aspect of any business’s insurance policy, and it is essential to understand the implications of this coverage. In simple terms, it covers the costs incurred by your company in the event of injury or death of a third party due to your business operations. 

This coverage is essential for businesses that involve physical activities, such as construction, transportation, or manufacturing. Injuries or accidents can happen at any time, and the associated costs can be significant, including medical expenses, loss of income, and potential legal fees.

Having adequate bodily injury coverage can provide business owners peace of mind and help protect their assets. It ensures that if an incident does occur, your business will be able to cover the expenses related to the injury or death of the third party.

It’s crucial to note that a broader liability insurance policy typically includes bodily injury coverage. We recommend that business owners consult with their insurance providers to determine the appropriate level of coverage for their specific business needs.

Overall, having adequate bodily injury coverage is crucial for any business that involves activities that could potentially result in injury or death to third parties. It’s essential to protect your business and ensure you can continue operating confidently.

2. Property Damage: Property Damage insurance is essential coverage that helps protect your business from financial losses resulting from damage caused to third-party property during your business operations. This insurance covers the costs associated with repairing or replacing the property that your business has damaged and any legal fees that may arise from the incident. 

Without property damage insurance, your business would be responsible for paying for any damages out of pocket, which can be financially devastating, especially if the damages are extensive. Property damage insurance provides peace of mind, knowing that you are protected in the event of an unforeseen accident.

It is important to note that property damage insurance only covers damage caused by your business operations to third-party property. It does not cover any damages to your property or equipment. Additionally, reviewing the policy to understand the limitations, exclusions, and deductibles associated with the coverage is essential.

Overall, property damage insurance is crucial for any business that wants to protect itself from unforeseen financial losses resulting from damage to third-party property.

3. Products Liability: Products Liability is insurance coverage that protects businesses from the financial consequences of legal actions resulting from injury or damage caused by their products to third parties. This type of policy helps cover the costs associated with bodily injury, property damage, and other related expenses resulting from using a product that your business has produced or sold.

In today’s world, where product quality and safety are paramount, businesses cannot afford to ignore the risks associated with product liability. Even if your organization has taken all necessary precautions and implemented stringent quality control measures, there is always a chance that a product defect or malfunction could occur unexpectedly, leading to severe injuries or property damage to third parties.

In such cases, the cost of legal fees, compensation, and damages can quickly escalate, putting your business at risk of financial ruin. Product liability insurance plays a crucial role in providing you with the peace of mind that arises from knowing that you are financially protected in the event of a lawsuit.

In summary, product liability insurance is crucial to any business’s risk management strategy. It offers protection against the unexpected costs associated with product-related injuries or property damage, enabling companies to focus on what they do best – producing quality products and services.

4. Completed Operations: Completed Operations coverage is an essential part of a general liability insurance policy, and it is crucial to understand its implications. This coverage protects businesses from financial losses from injury or damage caused to a third party by a service they have completed. 

For example, suppose you are a contractor who has recently completed a project to build a house. In that case, completed operations coverage would protect you from financial losses if an incident occurs after you have completed the project. If, for instance, a third party claims that they have been injured due to the faulty construction of the house, and the court orders you to pay damages, your completed operations coverage would pay for the damages.

It is important to note that completed operations coverage only applies to work that has been completed and not to any ongoing projects. Additionally, the coverage period can vary depending on the policy and the insurer, so it is crucial to review the policy carefully to understand the limitations, exclusions, and deductibles associated with the coverage.

Having adequate completed operations coverage is crucial for any business that provides services to third parties. Protecting against unforeseen financial losses from completed projects ensures that your business is safeguarded. Without this coverage, your company may be held responsible for any damages that may occur after completing a project, leaving you with significant financial burden.

In conclusion, completed operations coverage is an essential part of a general liability insurance policy, and it is crucial to have adequate coverage to protect your business from financial losses. It protects your business from unforeseen events after completing a project. Business owners should consult with their insurance providers to determine the appropriate level of coverage for their specific business needs.

5. Personal and Advertising Injury: Personal and Advertising Injury is one of the most critical components of a comprehensive insurance policy. This coverage protects individuals and businesses from the financial costs associated with claims of slander, libel, or copyright infringement. 

Slander and libel claims can arise when someone makes false statements about another person or business that harm their reputation. These types of claims can be costly to defend against, especially if they go to trial. Personal and Advertising Injury coverage can help pay for legal fees, settlements, and judgments associated with these claims.

Copyright infringement claims can also be expensive to defend against. If someone uses copyrighted material without permission, the owner can sue them for damages. Personal and Advertising Injury coverage can assist in covering the expenses related to defending against these allegations and paying any settlements or judgments awarded.

It’s important to note that Personal and Advertising Injury coverage is typically included in a general liability insurance policy. However, it’s essential to review your policy’s specific terms and coverage limits to ensure that you have adequate protection for any potential claims that may arise.

6. Medical Payments: A business owner can purchase Medical Payments as a type of coverage included in their insurance policy. This coverage is designed to protect businesses if a third party is injured on their premises or due to their business operations. The coverage will pay for medical expenses incurred by the third party up to the policy’s limit. 

This type of coverage can provide peace of mind to business owners, as medical costs can quickly add up and be a financial burden to the injured party and the business. It is important to note that medical payment coverage does not cover the medical expenses of the business owner or their employees. 

Suppose your business operates in an industry with a higher risk of injury to third parties, such as construction or manufacturing. In that case, consider purchasing medical payment coverage. Additionally, if your business frequently has visitors or customers on the premises, this coverage can help protect against potential lawsuits and claims. 

It is essential to review your policy and ensure that you have adequate medical payment coverage for your business needs. As with any insurance policy, it is always better to have coverage and not need it than to need coverage and not have it.

Tips for Business Owners: How to Ensure Adequate General Liability Insurance Coverage

As a business owner, it’s crucial to have adequate general liability insurance coverage to protect your business against unexpected events. However, the coverage and limits of a general liability policy can vary significantly depending on the insurer and policy terms. Therefore, it’s always wise to review the policy carefully and consult with an insurance professional to ensure that you have the appropriate level of coverage for your business needs.

An insurance professional can help you understand the nuances of your policy, including the types of claims that are covered, the limits of the policy, and any exclusions. They can also advise you on mitigating risk in your business, which can help you secure lower insurance premiums.

Moreover, it’s essential to remember that businesses have unique needs when it comes to liability insurance coverage. For instance, a small business may require a different level of coverage than a large corporation due to differences in the scope of their operations. Therefore, it’s crucial to assess your business’s specific risks and work with an insurance professional to determine the appropriate level of coverage for your business needs. By doing so, you can protect your business, employees, customers, and assets against unexpected events, giving you peace of mind and ensuring the smooth operation of your business.

Handyman Insurance: Protect Your Business from Unexpected Events

Handyman insurance is a crucial component of running a successful handyperson business. At handymaninsurance.com, we understand the importance of having the right coverage to protect your business from unexpected events. We offer various insurance options designed explicitly for handymen, including general liability insurance, professional liability coverage, and more.

Running a handyperson business can be risky, but having the right insurance coverage can help mitigate those risks and provide peace of mind. From bodily injury to property damage to product liability, our policies cover a range of critical features that can help safeguard your business from unforeseen financial losses. Don’t let unexpected events derail your business.  

Posted by Handy man Insurance | in Dental Insurance, General Insurance, General Liability, Handyman Help, Handyman Insurance | Comments Off on Understanding General Liability Insurance: Key Features and Benefits for Your Business

California Handyman Insurance – Tips for Finding the Right Handyman Auto Insurance

May. 7th 2024

As a California motorist, you hold the reins in managing your automobile coverage costs. One powerful way to exercise this control is to explore various insurance rates. With a plethora of companies in CA, each offering different rates based on multiple factors, you have the authority to find the best deal that perfectly aligns with your specific needs.

The more auto insurance companies a consumer explores, the higher their chances of finding the carrier that offers the most affordable premium. Checking local newspapers for advertisements, looking in the phone book, and surfing the Internet to contact numerous providers can help gather as many quotes as possible. Equally important is seeking referrals from friends and relatives. Their personal experiences can provide valuable insights, as sometimes, the quality of an insurer is as crucial as the price.

When comparing different companies, it’s crucial to remember a few key details to ensure an adequate comparison. Make sure to base quotes on the same protection level as you obtain quotes from various carriers. Comparing rates for the minimum requirements from one company and higher limits from another can be misleading. It’s about being well-informed, not just about the price but also the coverage you’re getting.  

Factors to Consider When Searching for Handyman Auto Insurance Quote

When searching for a handyman auto insurance quote, you must clearly understand your driving history and coverage needs. This information will help insurers determine your risk level and provide an accurate premium rate. To ensure that you get the best deal that suits your specific needs, here are some things you should know ahead of time:

1. Driving History: Your driving record, including any accidents or traffic violations, plays a significant role in determining your premium rate and risk level. Insurers use this information to assess your driving habits and potential risks. Understanding your driving history is crucial when seeking a handyman auto insurance quote, as it directly affects the accuracy of your premium rate. You can request a record from your local DMV if you need clarification on your driving history for the past three years. While there may be a fee involved, it’s a small price to pay for ensuring the accuracy of your auto insurance quote.

2. Type of Coverage: The type of coverage you choose is not just about meeting legal requirements but also about protecting yourself and your vehicle. Liability coverage, for instance, is a legal requirement and covers damages you may cause to others or their property. Collision coverage, on the other hand, pays for damages to your vehicle in the event of an accident. And comprehensive coverage protects you from non-collision events such as theft or natural disasters. Understanding these options and their implications is critical to making an informed decision when shopping for handyman auto insurance.

3. Deductible: The deductible is the amount you’ll need to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. It’s a crucial aspect to consider as it directly affects your premium and the potential out-of-pocket expenses in the event of an accident. While a higher deductible may result in a lower premium, you’ll need to pay more if an accident occurs. So, choosing a deductible that you can comfortably afford in case of an accident is important when considering handyman auto insurance.

4. Discounts: Many insurance companies offer discounts for things like safe driving, multiple vehicles, and good grades for students. These discounts are not just perks, they are rewards for your responsible behavior. Be sure to ask about any available discounts that you may qualify for.

Considering these factors, you’ll be better equipped to compare quotes from different insurance companies and find the best deal that suits your needs.

Standard Discounts to Look For When Shopping for Handyman Auto Insurance

When you’re looking for handyperson auto insurance, it’s essential to remember that various discounts may be available to you. These discounts are usually designed to help reduce the overall cost of your car insurance premiums. Some of the most common discounts include safe driver discounts, multi-policy discounts, and discounts for good grades. Additionally, certain insurance companies may offer loyalty discounts to customers who have been with them for a certain period. It’s always a good idea to ask your insurance provider about any available discounts, as it can help you save a considerable amount of money over time. Some standard discounts include:

1. Safe Driver Discount: Maintaining a clean driving record is always a good idea – it keeps you and others safe on the road and saves money. Many insurance companies offer safe driver discounts to policyholders who have not been involved in accidents or received any traffic violations over a certain period of time, generally three years. The exact requirements vary by insurer, but if you have a clean driving record for a few years, you may be eligible for a significant discount on your insurance premiums. If you’re confident in your driving skills and prioritize safety on the road, it may be worth looking into a safe driver discount with your insurance provider.

2. Multi-Policy Discount: You may be eligible for a multi-policy discount if you have multiple insurance policies with the same company. This discount can be applied to various types of insurance, such as auto, homeowner’s, or renter’s insurance. You can save money on your insurance premiums by bundling your policies. Not only is this a cost-effective option, but it also simplifies the insurance process by consolidating your policies with a single provider. If you want to save money on your insurance, it’s worth checking with your provider to see if you qualify for a multi-policy discount.

3. Good Student Discount: As a student, maintaining good grades not only helps you academically, but it can also have benefits outside of the classroom, such as qualifying for a good student discount on your auto insurance. Many insurance companies offer this discount to policyholders who maintain a certain grade point average, typically a B average or higher. 

This discount can be an excellent way for students to save on auto insurance premiums. It rewards students who prioritize their education and can serve as an incentive to work hard and maintain good grades. Additionally, this discount can be applied to both high school and college students as long as they meet the eligibility requirements set by the insurance company.

It’s important to note that not all insurance companies offer a good student discount, and the requirements for eligibility may vary. Some insurers may require proof of good grades, such as a report card or transcript, while others may only need a statement from the student or their parents. Additionally, some insurers may limit the number of times a student can receive the discount, such as once a year or only for a certain period of time.

4. Vehicle Safety Features Discount: Did you know installing safety features in your vehicle can save you money on auto insurance premiums? You may be eligible for a discount if your car has anti-lock brakes, airbags, or an anti-theft system. It’s always a good idea to check with your insurance provider to see if you qualify for any discounts based on your vehicle’s safety features.

5. Low Mileage Discount: If you don’t drive your vehicle frequently, you may be eligible for a low mileage discount from your insurance company. This discount is offered to drivers who spend fewer miles on their cars yearly. Generally, the less you drive, the lower your risk of being involved in an accident. This is why some insurance companies offer low mileage discounts to drivers who drive fewer miles than the average driver. To be eligible for this discount, you typically must drive at least a certain number of miles annually. The exact mileage requirement can vary depending on the insurance company, but it is usually around 7,500 miles per year. If you drive less than this amount, it may be worth contacting your insurance company to see if you qualify for a low mileage discount. Doing so could save money on car insurance premiums without compromising coverage.

6. Group Membership Discount: If you’re a member of specific organizations, such as a professional association or alums group, you may be eligible for a group membership discount.

Remember that not all insurance companies offer the same discounts, so it’s essential to ask your insurance agent or representative about the discounts available to you.

Tips for Finding the Right Handyman Auto Insurance

In conclusion, finding the right handyperson auto insurance can be daunting, but it’s crucial to ensure that you’re adequately covered and protected on the road. By taking the time to understand your driving history, coverage needs, deductibles, and available discounts, you’ll be better equipped to compare quotes from different insurance companies and find the best deal that suits your needs. Remember, it’s not just about the price but also the quality of coverage you’re getting. So, take the time to do your research, gather quotes, and seek referrals from friends and family. With this knowledge, you can confidently find the right handyperson auto insurance and drive with peace of mind.

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Purchasing the right automobile policy is very important.

Apr. 30th 2024

As a handyperson, your role in the community is not just important; it’s crucial. Your work is the backbone that keeps homes and businesses running smoothly. That’s why purchasing the proper automobile policy is not just important; it’s vital. It can be the difference between financial stability and a potential financial disaster in the event of a traffic accident. Without adequate coverage, you could find yourself unexpectedly responsible for expenses your insurer should have covered. However, finding the right policy can be a complex task, with numerous types of coverage, limits, and interchangeable products to consider. But don’t worry; resources are available to help you make an informed decision.

Your insurance company’s agent is an invaluable resource in your quest for the right policy. These professionals are not just knowledgeable; they’re experts in the industry. They can demystify the jargon and complexities of a policy that may confuse the average consumer. They can guide you through the various policies sections, explaining what each covers and helping you determine its necessity. Their role is to make sure you understand what you’re buying and why it’s important.

It’s important to note that not every agent can offer the most competitive price for coverage. Therefore, taking the initiative to consult with multiple agents before finalizing your decision is not just wise; it’s empowering. This proactive approach can help you secure the most affordable premium that aligns with your needs, giving you more control over your insurance decisions.

State government agencies provide another valuable resource. State insurance regulators often offer:

  • Consumer guides that detail the required coverage.
  • Tips on getting insured.
  • Company licensing information.
  • Helpful ways to save on policies.

Visit your state’s website for assistance in determining the recommended protection level. If you need more clarification about a specific detail, contact the regulator or an industry professional for further assistance.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all policy when it comes to automobile insurance. That’s why it’s essential to research and seek guidance from knowledgeable resources to ensure you’re adequately covered.

Understanding Automobile Insurance Coverage: A Handyman’s Guide

As a handyperson, it’s crucial to have adequate automobile insurance coverage to protect yourself financially in a traffic accident. However, finding the right policy with the appropriate coverage and limits can take time and effort. Here are some types of coverage and limits available that you should consider adding to your policy: 

1) Liability Coverage: Auto Liability Coverage is one of the most important types of car insurance that you can purchase. Most states require liability by law to drive. Liability coverage protects you financially in the event that you cause an accident while driving your vehicle. 

In a nutshell, Liability coverage pays for damages or injuries you may cause to other people and their property while driving your car. It includes two types of coverage: Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. 

Bodily Injury Liability coverage pays for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages that other people may suffer as a result of an accident that you caused. Property Damage Liability, on the other hand, pays for repairs or replacement of other people’s vehicles or property that you damaged in an accident. 

It’s important to note that Liability coverage does not cover any damages or injuries you or your passengers may suffer in an accident. You must purchase additional coverage, such as Personal Injury Protection or Medical Payments. 

Overall, Liability coverage is not only required by law in most states but also an essential component of any car insurance policy. It provides peace of mind knowing that you’re protected financially in case of an accident and ensures that you can cover the costs of any damages or injuries you may cause to others while driving your car.

2) Collision Coverage: Auto collision coverage is essential to any comprehensive automobile insurance policy, especially for handypersons who are always on the go. Whether you are commuting to work or running errands, you can never predict when an accident may occur. That’s why collision coverage is vital; it provides financial protection for your vehicle in the event of a collision, regardless of who was at fault.

Without collision coverage, you would be responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle if you were involved in an accident. This expense can quickly add up and significantly strain your finances. However, with collision coverage, you can have peace of mind knowing that your insurer will cover the cost of repairs or replacement up to the policy limit.

Collision coverage is not just limited to accidents involving other vehicles. It also covers collisions with stationary objects, such as guardrails, trees, and buildings. Suppose a collision damages your car beyond repair. In that case, collision coverage will pay the actual cash value of your vehicle at the time of the accident minus any deductible you may have.

Handypersons who rely on their vehicles to carry out their work should strongly consider getting collision coverage, which is optional but recommended. The cost of collision coverage may vary depending on several factors, including the make and model of your vehicle, your driving record, and the coverage limit you choose.

When shopping for collision coverage, consider your specific needs and budget. Choose a coverage limit that provides adequate protection for your vehicle without breaking the bank. It’s also wise to compare quotes from different insurers to ensure you get the best deal.

In conclusion, collision coverage is crucial to any automobile insurance policy. It provides much-needed financial protection for your vehicle in the event of a collision, regardless of who was at fault. As a handyperson, you rely on your car to carry out your work, so adequate coverage is essential to protect your assets and ensure you can get back on the road quickly after an accident.

3) Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive coverage is a vital component of any comprehensive automobile insurance policy as it pays for repairing or replacing your vehicle if it’s damaged or lost due to non-collision events such as theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. Without comprehensive coverage, you would be responsible for repairing or replacing your vehicle in case of such incidents, which can be expensive. However, with comprehensive coverage, you can have peace of mind knowing that your insurer will cover the cost of repairs or replacement up to the policy limit. Whether it’s a case of theft or damage due to a natural disaster such as a hailstorm or a flood, comprehensive coverage will provide you with the financial protection you need to get back on the road as soon as possible.

4) Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: The Handyman Auto’s Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage protects you if you get into an accident with a driver who is not sufficiently insured to cover the damages or injuries they have caused. This coverage ensures that you don’t have to bear the financial burden of the accident and its aftermath. In such a scenario, your insurance company will pay for your damages and medical expenses up to the policy limit, even if the at-fault driver doesn’t have enough insurance to cover the costs. This coverage is crucial, especially if you frequently drive in high-traffic areas or where many drivers carry minimal insurance coverage.

5) Personal Injury Protection (PIP): Personal Injury Protection (PIP) covers medical expenses and lost wages in the event of a car accident, regardless of who caused it. If injured in an accident, PIP can be valuable in helping you recover. With PIP, you won’t have to worry about paying medical bills or losing wages due to missed work. The PIP coverage aims to offer financial security and peace of mind to individuals injured in an accident. If you are in such a situation, do not hesitate to utilize your PIP coverage to obtain the necessary help.

When choosing coverage limits, it’s essential to consider your financial situation and assets. Choosing high enough limits to protect your assets in case of a lawsuit would help.

The Importance of Adequate Auto Insurance Coverage for Handymen: John’s Story

As a handyman, John had built a successful business over the years. He had a reputation for providing quality work to his clients, and his company was worth around $500,000. However, John never considered the possibility of getting into an accident while driving his work van. He only had the minimum state liability limits of 15/30/10, which he thought was enough to protect him.

One day, while driving to a job site, John lost control of his van and crashed into another vehicle. Unfortunately, John was at fault for the accident, and the other driver suffered severe injuries. The injured driver’s medical bills alone were well over $100,000.

The insufficient coverage provided by his insurance policy shocked John when he realized it did not cover all the damages he had caused. The damages totaled over $300,000, and since the policy limits were exhausted, John was left with the remaining balance. Because his business could not handle such a burden financially, he had to liquidate most of his assets to pay off the debt.

John’s experience is a cautionary tale for all handypersons who may underestimate the importance of adequate insurance coverage. The state liability limits 15/30/10 may seem reasonable, but more is needed for accidents involving severe injuries or property damage.

As a handyperson, your vehicle is an essential tool for your business, and you rely on it to get to your job sites and transport your equipment. Without adequate insurance coverage, you risk losing your business and everything you have worked hard to build.

It’s crucial to consult with your insurance agent and assess your business’s insurance needs carefully. The right coverage can protect you financially in an accident and provide peace of mind, knowing that you have done everything possible to safeguard your business and future.

Handypersons: Protect Yourself Financially with the Right Automobile Insurance Coverage – Here’s How

As a handyperson, it’s essential to have the right automobile insurance coverage to protect yourself financially in a traffic accident. Here are some tips to help you ensure that you’re adequately insured:

1) Determine your insurance needs: Before purchasing an automobile insurance policy, evaluating your specific insurance needs is essential. Consider your vehicle type, how often you use it, and your driving history. This information can help you determine the level of coverage you need to protect yourself financially.

2) Shop around: Don’t settle for the first automobile insurance policy you come across. Research different insurance companies and compare their rates, coverage options, and customer reviews. Researching will help you find the most affordable policy that meets your specific insurance needs.

3) Consider Higher Liability Coverages: Most states require Liability coverage; however, depending on your gross income, you may want higher limits than the state minimum. Consider increasing the liability limits to insure yourself to value. For example, in California, the minimum liability limits are $15,000 per person, $30,000 per accident for bodily injury liability, and up to $5,000 per accident for property damage liability (15/30/5). However, those limits are really for low-income people who want to drive legally in California but can’t afford higher limits. 

You can be sued for any remaining balance if your net value exceeds the minimum. With that in mind, you can quickly see that if you total a car value at 35,000, $5000.00 is not enough coverage. Compare that to bodily injury, and how far do you think $15,000 in coverage will go? Think about higher limits such as 100/300/50; you want to avoid leaving yourself open to being sued and losing more than just your handyperson business. 

4) Bundle policies: Many insurance companies offer discounts when you bundle multiple policies, such as auto and home insurance. Bundling can help you save money on your overall insurance costs.

5) Maintain a good driving record: Maintaining a clean driving record can help you qualify for lower insurance rates. Avoid traffic violations and accidents to keep your insurance rates low.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you’re adequately insured and protected financially in the event of a traffic accident.

Understanding Automobile Insurance Coverage: A Handyman’s Guide to Protecting Yourself Financially in Case of an Accident

In conclusion, as a handyperson, it’s important to understand the various types of automobile insurance coverage and their limits to ensure that you’re adequately protected financially in case of an accident. Liability coverage is essential to cover damages or injuries you may cause to other people and their property. In contrast, collision coverage provides financial protection for your vehicle in case of a collision, regardless of who was at fault. By consulting with multiple insurance agents and utilizing state resources, you can make an informed decision and secure the most affordable premium that aligns with your needs. Remember, taking the time to research and seek guidance from knowledgeable resources can make all the difference in purchasing the proper automobile policy.

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Handyman Liability Insurance

May. 13th 2016

As a handyman, securing a General Liability Insurance policy is essential in covering the unforeseen incidents that can occur on the job. This handyman liability insurance protects you while performing work on your customer’s property for liabilities that may arise as a result of your finished work.

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Handyman Louisiana Car Insurance Through Comparison Shopping

Mar. 15th 2012

Individual motorists in the Pelican State frequently have unique personal characteristics and driving histories. Coverage providers also interpret these details differently, resulting in an array of quotes that likely to be unique depending on the insurer. Shopping around and making comparisons can allow Louisiana motorists to better find an adequately priced policies. The reason why the price of insurance estimates can differ significantly is because rates are generally based on driver risk, and interpreting a motorist’s risk of filing a claim can be a complex process.

Motorists are generally grouped into one of three different markets based on their risk of filing a claim: the preferred, standard or non-standard market. While the majority of coverage providers prefer to insure those in the lower-risk groups, there are still many companies that offer vehicle protection to higher-risk drivers. Comparing Louisiana car insurance quotes from as many sources as possible can help motorists locate coverage that is tailored to their individual needs and budgets.

To efficiently evaluate estimates, LA motorists are encouraged to use the Internet. Online tools allow drivers to view dozens of quotes from one website. With a broader range of prices, drivers often have a better chance of finding adequately priced coverage. Apart from policy price, however, there are additional qualities and features that can be easily compared online.

Online Comparisons of LA Car Insurance

Apart from insurance quotes, individual coverage providers in Louisiana can also provide unique savings and service quality. Qualifying for multiple discounts can often lead to significant savings, so before purchasing a policy, motorists are encouraged to compare special offers as well. Drivers can frequently get reduced rates for maintaining a clean driving record for over three years, but some discounts may be more unique. Some insurers lower prices for insuring multiple vehicles on the same policy, or for belonging to a specific club or organization.

To find out more information about available discounts, motorists are encouraged to directly contact several coverage providers who are licensed to sell vehicle protection in the Pelican State. If the legitimacy of an insurer is brought into question, motorists are urged to contact the Louisiana Department of Insurance for more information. Contacting a company directly to find out about discounts can lead to lower priced vehicle coverage, and can also provide motorist with a view into how well specific companies interact with customers.

After an accident, it is essential to have an insurer that is easy to contact, efficient and quick to handle claims. Comparing the quality of service provided by various insurers is a recommended step for motorists who are shopping for insurance. Apart from speaking with companies directly, residents are also encouraged to speak with family and friends about potential recommendations.


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Kansas Handyman Auto Insurance Laws

Mar. 13th 2012

Before a motor vehicle can be registered in Kansas, it must be insured. Additionally, all motorists must be able to maintain financial responsibility throughout the vehicle’s period of registration. Failing to meet these requirements could result in fines or the loss of driving privileges. To avoid being convicted of driving while uninsured, residents should become familiar with state insurance requirements, and pursue coverage that can provide adequate protection.

The types of coverage that are mandatory in the Sunflower State are extensive, but motorists can still benefit from purchasing additional protection. Compulsory Kansas automobile insurance includes bodily injury liability, property damage liability, personal injury protection (PIP) and uninsured/underinsured motorist protection. Liability protection is used to pay for damages for which the policyholder may be responsible, and has minimum limits of 25/50/10. Personal injury protection, however, covers a range of medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, funeral expenses, lost wages and in-home assistance costs for the policyholder and their passengers.

Uninsured motorist protection covers a variety of damages and medical costs brought on by an accident involving an uninsured, underinsured or hit-and-run motorist. The additional benefit to this coverage is that it also covers the policyholder and their family members if they are struck by an automobile while on a bicycle, or while acting as pedestrians.

Benefits of Additional Kansas auto insurance

The Coverages Required in Kansas to legally drive represents the minimum that is allowable. The minimum policy thresholds may not be enough to pay for damages resulting from more severe accidents, potentially leaving motorists with high out-of-pocket expenses. The KS Department of Transportation recorded over 14,000 traffic accidents in 2008 that resulted in injury, and an additional 50,000 accidents that resulted in property damage only. Bodily injuries can easily exceed the 25/50 minimum limits, especially in incidents involving more than one injured persons.

Buying a policy with a higher liability and PIP threshold can help drivers avoid costly repairs or medical bills after an accident. Often higher liability limits can be increased for only a few extra premium dollars, and is frequently recommended by insurers. Additional comprehensive and collision coverage may also be beneficial for many motorists. This additional protection covers damage done to the policyholder’s own vehicle, and is frequently required when purchasing a vehicle through a lender.

By law motorists must maintain an automobile insurance policy while a vehicle is registered in Kansas, but purchasing coverage that also provides an adequate level of protection can also help motorists avoid financial ruin after an accident. Vehicle coverage is designed to help drivers pay for damages and medical costs, and without this protection a motorist may be left with costly medical and repair bills.


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MATOC – Some Winners and Mostly Losers

Mar. 11th 2012

There is an old saying that “you win some, and you lose some.” Well, if you are a construction contractor who competes in the world of Multiple Award Task Order Contracting (“MATOC”), you usually lose. Under sealed bidding, which dominated the procurement of federal construction for many years, a contractor who was not the low bidder could always compete for the next project. In the MATOC arena, a contractor who is not selected to be one of the chosen few to compete for task orders over what is often a three to five year period may not be able to compete for the “next project” for a long time. What this means is that there are a few winners, but there are many more losers.

Even if a contractor is fortunate enough to be selected as one of the MATOC master contract holders, there is no guarantee of being selected for future task orders. Every construction MATOC features a “seed” project that serves as the basis of the price competition for the evaluation of the offers on the master contracts. If a contractor does not win the seed project, there may not be another task order for a long time, and the award of the ensuing task orders may go to someone other than the low bidder. The reason for this is that most construction MATOCs are negotiated, best value, procurements (“RFPs”), and past performance, experience, technical merit, quality of personnel, small business subcontracting, and other evaluation factors may come into play. Although it can be argued that the award of a master MATOC should pre-qualify all of the MATOC holders, we have heard complaints from a number of contractors who lose out in the competition for task orders because they do not score well on past performance, or one of the other evaluation factors. This has never made sense to me because if a contractor has won the fierce competition for one of the master MATOCs, price should be the discriminator for the task order awards. If the contractor is not technically qualified to receive a task award on a lowest price proposal, why was the contractor selected as one of the MATOC holders in the first place?

Those who are really left out in the cold, however, are the construction contractors who fail to win one of the master MATOC awards. Simply because a contractor may not have scored particularly well technically, or simply because the contractor’s price on a seed project may have been too high, does not mean that it will always be that way. A contractor can do a much better job of putting together a competitive proposal the next week, but if all of the upcoming projects are tied up in MATOCs, the door is closed. Simply because a contractor submits the lowest price on a seed project does not mean that the contractor will be similarly competitive on future projects. It is for this reason that I have been a frequent critic of indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (“IDIQ/MATOC”) contracting for construction. I do not believe that FAR 16.5, dealing with various indefinite delivery contracts, was ever meant to be applied to construction, and I believe that the system unfairly penalizes a lot of very qualified contractors who simply are not adept at proposal writing. Construction was successfully procured using sealed bidding for many years, and that system was more open and fair. The new system simply results in too many losers and not enough winners. (See the earlier article “Has the Corps of Engineers Gone MATOC Crazy?”).

Michael H. Payne is the Chairman of the firm’s Federal Practice Group and, together with other experienced members of the group, frequently advises contractors on federal contracting matters. He also serves as the Executive Director of FedCon Consulting, an ancillary business of the firm that involves former contracting officers, procurement and technical personnel, as well as lawyers, in providing assistance to federal construction contractors in the preparation of proposals.

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The Department of Veteran Affairs Ushers in Mentor-Protégé Program

Mar. 9th 2012

On December 22, 2010, the VA announced that it had selected the first twenty (20) mentor-protégé teams to participate in its newly minted Mentor-Protégé Program. The program is designed to assist firms that have already been verified as veteran-owned or service-disabled, veteran-owned small businesses by the VA. Eligible firms are permitted to team with mentors, who are expected to provide developmental assistance to their protégé(s). In return for providing assistance to protégé firms, the VA has stated that mentors can expect “proposal evaluation consideration” with regard to proposals submitted on “best value” solicitations. Moreover, large business prime contractors serving as mentors can receive subcontracting plan credits in connection with a specific VA contract. Protégé firms are limited to one mentor at a time and can only participate in the program twice. There are no specific limitations such as this placed on mentor firms.

The VA expects to name five (5) more mentor-protégé teams this month. After this month, the next set of teams will be selected in August, 2011. For additional information on the program, interested contractors should review the VA’s Mentor-Protégé Program Guidebook.

Edward T. DeLisle is a Partner in the firm and a member of the Federal Contracting Practice Group.

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Has the Corps of Engineers Gone MATOC Crazy?

Mar. 7th 2012

The recent increase in the use of Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (“IDIQ”) contracting for construction has become even more evident by looking at the “FY 2011 – Forecasted Acquisition Strategy” issued by the Jacksonville District of the Corps of Engineers. A review of the list reveals that the majority of the construction work in the coming year will be awarded in the form of task orders under existing Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (“MATOC”), or under task orders on new MATOCs to be issued. The Jacksonville District is not alone in this trend and there is an unmistakable decline in the number of contracts available for full and open competition.

I have been a frequent critic of the use of IDIQ contracts for construction because I do not believe that the drafters of the FAR ever envisioned that the system described in FAR 16.504 for the purchase of supplies and services on an IDIQ basis would ever be used for construction. Nevertheless, that is exactly what has happened as contracting agencies continue to insist that IDIQ/MATOC contracting is more “expedient.” Even more disturbingly, most of these solicitations are being issued as RFPs (negotiated procurements) in total disregard for the FAR 36.103 preference for sealed bidding in the procurement of construction.

This consolidation of procurements could not come at a worse time for the construction industry. As state, local, and commercial contracting opportunities have declined during the recession, many contractors have looked to the federal market for work. What they have found is a large federal construction budget that is often used to fund various forms of small business set-asides, including MATOC set-asides, and various large-dollar multi-state IDIQ/MATOC procurements. There is, therefore, an ever-growing pool of qualified construction contractors who have fewer contracting opportunities. The result of all this is that both small and large business contractors are being denied the opportunity to effectively, and fairly, compete for billion of dollars worth of federal construction. The federal government, the construction industry, and the taxpayers all end up being the losers under this system.

Michael H. Payne is the Chairman of the firm’s Federal Practice Group and, together with other experienced members of the group, frequently advises contractors on federal construction matters.

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SBA Providing Handyman Assistance to Fund Teaming Efforts

Mar. 5th 2012

The SBA issued a press release yesterday regarding its new “Small Business Teaming Pilot Program”, which was established as part of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010. The program will involve “training, guidance, counseling, mentoring and procurement assistance to small businesses” that are interested in teaming arrangements on federal projects. The SBA expects to issue grants to various national organizations during the 2011 fiscal year, who will then work with the SBA and other governmental agencies in an effort to educate and assist interested companies. Organizations interested in obtaining grant monies through the program must submit applications to the SBA by no later than February 25, 2011.

Edward T. DeLisle is a Partner in the firm and a member of the Federal Contracting Practice Group.

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GAO Expands Its Jurisdiction to Consider All Task Order Protests

Mar. 3rd 2012

Prior to 2008, dating back to 1994, it was not permissible to protest a task order. The 1994 enactment of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (“FASA”) provided that protests over task or delivery orders were barred unless the protest alleged that the order increased the scope, period, or maximum value of the underlying contract through which the order was issued. That changed with the passage of the Defense Authorization Act of 2008 (“NDAA”), which contained an amendment that expanded the jurisdiction of the GAO to include protests of task or delivery orders valued in excess of $10 million. 41 U.S.C., Section 253j(e)(2). The NDAA also contained a sunset provision, which stated that the “subsection shall be in effect for three years.” Section 253j(e)(3). The three year period expired on May 27, 2011. The question then arose as to whether the GAO could lawfully consider task and delivery order protests after May 27, 2011. That question was recently answered in the affirmative by the GAO.

In a protest filed by Technatomy Corporation, of Fairfax, Virginia, the protester argued that the agency unreasonably evaluated vendors’ technical and cost quotations. The government argued that the protest should be dismissed because the GAO’s jurisdiction had expired. In a decision issued on June 14, 2011, the GAO disagreed with the government and ruled that it now has jurisdiction to rule on all task and delivery order protests, regardless of their dollar value. The reasoning of the GAO was that the sunset provision which gave the GAO the authority to consider task and delivery protests in excess of $10 million (for three years) replaced the former statutory provision (1994 – “FASA”) that provided for only very limited task order review. The GAO concluded that when the three year period expired, its authority to consider task and delivery order protests did not simply revert to the pre-2008 jurisdictional level, but actually reverted back to the pre-1994 level.

In other words since the pre-2008 limitations were eliminated by the sunset provision in 2008, the only thing left is the pre-1994 jurisdiction under the Competition in Contracting Act which places no limitation on the GAO’s authority to consider task and delivery order protests. The GAO will therefore accept jurisdiction of all protests involving task and delivery orders regardless of the dollar value. This also raises the interesting question of whether, based on the GAO’s decision in Technatomy Corporation, the Court of Federal Claims will now accept jurisdiction of task and delivery order protests, as well.

Michael H. Payne is the Chairman of the firm’s Federal Practice Group and, together with other experienced members of the group, frequently advises contractors on federal contracting matters, including teaming arrangements, negotiated procurements, bid protests, claims, and appeals.

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Handyman Terminology Differences Between a Bidder and an Offeror

Mar. 1st 2012

Government contractors frequently use incorrect terminology to describe a solicitation. For example, clients often call me and ask why they were not awarded a contract even though they had submitted the lowest bid. The first thing that I ask is whether the solicitation was a Request for Proposals (“RFP”), or an Invitation for Bid (“IFB”). If it was an RFP, the award was probably based on best value and the lowest-priced proposal would not necessarily receive the award. If the solicitation was an IFB, there would be more of a question about why an award was not made to the lowest-priced bidder. Of course, even in sealed bidding the lowest bidder must also be responsive and responsible in order to receive an award, so there can be a valid reason as to why the lowest bidder did not receive the award.

The best way to show that you understand the basics of the federal procurement process is to remember that responses to an IFB (sealed bid solicitation) are referred to as “bids,” and responses to an RFP (negotiated procurement) are referred to as “proposals” or “offers.” In other words, the proper terms under an IFB are “bid,” “bidder,” and “sealed bid,” and the proper terms under an RFP are “proposal,” “offer,” and “offeror.” Your lawyer will become very confused if you mix these terms by saying, for example, “I just submitted a bid on an RFP.” Sometimes, the only way that I can figure out what my client is talking about is to ask for the solicitation number (the “R” or the “B” in the middle will be a dead giveaway), or I may simply ask my client to send me a copy of the solicitation.

Of course, government procurement personnel frequently add to the confusion. RPPs are often referred to as “negotiated procurements” even though there usually are no negotiations (or “discussions”), and contracting officers often refer to both bids and proposals as “bids,” To make matters worse, the GAO and the courts refer to protests of either an IFB or an RFP as “bid protests.” No wonder there is so much confusion.

Michael H. Payne is the Chairman of the firm’s Federal Practice Group and, together with other experienced members of the group, frequently advises contractors on federal contracting matters, including teaming arrangements, negotiated procurements, bid protests, claims, and appeals.

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Proof of Handyman Car Insurance

Dec. 27th 2011

Registering a car in New Mexico requires residents to first purchase an auto insurance policy that includes an adequate amount of liability coverage. Only after meeting the state financial responsibility requirements can a resident legally operate a motor vehicle. In an effort to decrease the number of uninsured motorists on NM roads, which the Insurance Research Council estimated to be roughly 26 percent of drivers in 2009, the state Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) began utilizing an electronic database that regularly synchronizes policy information between insurers and the MVD. Purchasing vehicle coverage that includes liability protection with minimum limits of 25/50/10 can be simple after shopping around online. Easily accessible resources can allow residents to quickly gather the policy proof necessary to legally drive.

Auto liability is important in NM because it helps policyholders pay for damages and injuries for which they are at-fault. Drivers can use various forms of proof to demonstrate that they have met the state minimum requirements. These types of coverage verification could include a current New Mexico car insurance card, a copy of a resident’s current policy or a letter of written proof on the insurer’s official letterhead. In addition to carrying policy proof while driving, residents should request that their policy providers register this information with the NM Insurance Identification Database (IIDB). This database was created by Explore Information Services as a way of matching insurer information with state MVD records to help reduce the number of uninsured motorists on the road.

Get NM auto insurance with Proof

If the NM Motor Vehicle Division identifies an uninsured motorist, they will typically send a notice of noncompliance and potentially suspend the vehicle owner’s registration. If motorists receive one of these notices by mistake, they generally have 30 days to inform their insurer of the mistake so that the New Mexico IIDB can be properly updated, and any mistakes can be corrected. The penalties for operating a motor vehicle without insurance, or for falsifying information to the IIDB, can range from registration suspension and a fine to possible time in jail. Residents are advised not to take their chances driving without vehicle coverage and to purchase a policy that includes an adequate amount of protection.

The level of coverage that is required by the state’s financial responsibility laws is fairly low, and residents are encouraged to purchase more extensive liability coverage to be better prepared for potential accidents. Often drivers can buy liability Insurance with a higher threshold for only a few extra premium dollars by comparison shopping online for the lowest rates. Shopping for coverage on the Internet can typically produce dozens of estimates in a short amount of time, which can expedite a motorist’s search for the cheapest vehicle protection. Once an affordable policy is purchased, residents can obtain their necessary proof and legally explore the 59,900 miles of public roadway in New Mexico.


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Finding and Rating Handyman Auto Insurance Companies

Dec. 26th 2011

There are countless auto insurance providers available to motorists across the nation, but no two companies are identical. Individual insurers generally offer diverse rates, unique discounts, and services with different levels of quality. To help motorists choose their insurers there is an array of information available online that rates various policy providers on a number of important points. Researching this information can be a simple and efficient way of finding vehicle coverage that is affordable, and comes from an insurer that is dedicated to the needs of the customer. A businesses financial strength and investment history can also play a large part in a motorist’s satisfaction with their policy provider, as few vehicle owners strive to purchase car coverage from bankrupt insurers.

Locating a top rated auto insurance company in both affordability and service quality involves a small amount of research. Comparing quotes online allows motorists to evaluate prices from an array of insurers. This can enable vehicle owners to choose an affordable plan from among potentially dozens of options. The premium that an insurer can offer, however, is only a small part of purchasing vehicle coverage. After an accident, the majority of motorists want their claims handled as quickly and efficiently as possible from an insurer with exceptional customer service skills. To find a coverage provider that can do that, vehicle owners may want to speak with friends or family about recommendations, or explore additional online resources.

Rating the Top auto insurance Companies

An insurer’s attentiveness to customer service and satisfaction can be especially important after an accident, when tensions are commonly high and helpful information coupled with efficient service is generally well appreciated. Apart from relying on the opinions of friends and relatives, motorists can also explore forums and websites devoted to discussions about various insurers. The past experiences and grievances of others can serve as a helpful view into how well certain companies treat their customers. Often state insurance departments will also publish consumer complaint information that details the number of justifiable complaints specific companies had in a given year, in relation to the total number of customers they serviced. For example, the 2010 auto insurance Consumer Information Report provided by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance rates various insurers based on their complaint ratios, which may be used to help choose a coverage provider.

Although helpful in the majority of situations, the previous complaints and opinions of others are likely to contain personal bias, and should be taken lightly. For more fact oriented information concerning potential insurers, motorists can explore the abundant amount of data provided by various businesses online ranking insurers based off of financial information. Often vehicle coverage is an important purchase, and few motorists want to buy a policy from an insurer on the verge of bankruptcy. Researching data online that rates insurers based on investment history, creditworthiness and overall financial strength can be an excellent way to investigate numerous policy providers before making a purchase. Although motorists generally have a wealth of options when buying car insurance, the many resources that are easily available can allow for adequate rating to significantly narrow a search.


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Handyman Car Insurance Details to Review

Dec. 25th 2011

Motorists in Idaho are required by law to purchase vehicle coverage, but after initially buying a policy, many residents do not review their coverage until after an accident. Having an insufficient protection plan that cannot adequately cover damages or injuries after a collision can be financially devastating. Occasionally taking the time to review an existing policy and making changes when necessary can help many residents save money and remain financially prepared for a variety of situations. Purchasing additional protection when possible can help motorists avoid many out-of-pocket expenses related to automobile repairs, and using online resources can allow ID drivers to evaluate dozens of estimates at their leisure.

The minimum amount of coverage that is required in the Gem State includes property damage and bodily injury liability with minimum limits of 25/50/15. If a motorist purchased a plan that only met the state’s basic financial responsibility requirements, they may end up paying for costly repairs if at-fault for an accident. Motorists are encouraged to periodically review their Idaho car insurance policies to ensure that they have purchased an adequate amount of coverage. Often increasing a policy’s liability threshold can be a cost effective way to improve a driver’s coverage. At times, however, motorists may benefit from removing additional coverage from a policy that become unnecessary.

Reviewing Idaho auto insurance Info

When a motorist leases an automobile or goes through a lender, they are frequently required to purchase comprehensive and collision coverage, which can significantly increase the price of a policy. Older cars or automobiles that have been paid off may not financially benefit from retaining this additional protection because insurers will only cover up to the value of the car, minus the deductible. If a motorist totals a car worth only $1,500 and has a $1,000 deductible, they may only receive $500 from their insurer, which may not be enough to justify paying for the additional coverage. Reevaluating a policy over time can help Idaho residents avoid many of these unnecessary expenses.

Few residents enjoy sifting through Frequently Asked Coverage Questions or researching policy prices, but online resources can allow drivers to shop for potentially cheaper insurance in a matter of minutes. Comparing quotes on the Internet can produce dozens of sample rates from a variety of insurers on one website. With no obligation to buy a plan, motorists can shop as frequently as possible to ensure they are receiving the lowest rates, and to explore the possibility of choosing another insure. Periodically reviewing a policy can help residents in the Gem State avoid surprises after an accident and many of the potentially costly consequences of ignoring an insurance policy for an extended time period.


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Auto Insurance for High Risk Handyman Motorists

Dec. 24th 2011

To be adequately prepared for many of the potential expenses that may follow an automobile accident, motorists in the Sunflower State are encouraged to buy auto insurance. The price of vehicle coverage, however, is primarily based on a driver’s risk or being involved in an accident or filing a claim. Various statistical findings help insurers determine which applicants are at a greater risk, with riskier motorists commonly receiving higher premiums. Avoiding these high-risk categories, however, can help residents stay out of the non-standard driver pool and pursue more affordable coverage. The simple actions of shopping around for the lowest rates and avoiding dangerous driving habits can allow many residents to find better priced vehicle protection.

Kansas coverage providers generally place motorists into three separate categories when setting policy prices: the preferred market, the standard market and the non-standard market. While the majority of KS auto insurance companies target individuals in the first two markets, there are still various insurers that are willing to provide vehicle coverage to higher-risk individuals. Extensively comparing quotes online can help motorists evaluate prices from dozens of companies in a matter of minutes. Although non-standard motorists are capable of finding coverage providers after shopping around, one of the best ways to avoid higher premiums is to avoid many of the practices that put motorists into these higher risk categories.

KS Drivers with High Risk Insurance

Motorists with poor accident records are generally considered high-risk drivers, especially individuals with histories of mixing alcohol and automobiles. The Kansas Insurance Department recorded that the estimated cost of alcohol related accidents in 2008 was over $649,300,000 as the result of over 3,300 accidents. This equates to an alcohol related accident taking place every 2 hours and 37 minutes in the Sunflower State. Male motorists in particular are found to be at a higher risk of drinking and driving than women. Between 1998 and 2008 over 29,600 men were involved in alcohol related crashes, while only 7,000 women were involved in similar incidences. Insurers typically use these and similar statistics when rating motorists, which is often why DUI convictions can have a considerable financial impact on a person’s policy.

Age can be another contributing factor when determining whether or not a motorist is at a higher risk of filing a claim. Based on Accident Statistics 2008 motorists between the ages of 15 and 24 were involved in more accidents than any other age group. This can be attributed to an increased tendency to drive while intoxicated, take unnecessary risks, speed and a general lack of experience. Endeavoring to avoid traffic citations and accidents, in addition to increased efforts to maintain a clean driving record could quickly take a younger motorist out of the non-standard market. To avoid the costs associated with being a high risk driver in Kansas, motorists are encouraged to take the necessary preventative measures and work towards achieving lower priced insurance.

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Buy an Affordable Handyman Auto Insurance Plan

Dec. 23rd 2011

When it comes to auto insurance, a low price for one motorist may not be affordable for another. Vehicle coverage can have a large price range because rates are based on numerous details that are likely to be unique for individual motorists. These price differences and unique rating methods, however, can often help drivers save money when shopping for coverage. Finding an adequately priced plan often depends on a vehicle owner’s willingness to shop around and explore the many options that are typically available. Free to use online utilities can help individuals explore multiple quotes at once for efficient comparing, and taking advantage of various discounts can also contribute to finding a less expensive policy.

The majority of motorists are required by law to buy vehicle coverage before registering an automobile, but the multitude of insurers competing for new customers can usually translate into savings. In a competitive market, companies are likely to lower prices and offer discounts for a number of reasons, and to view what multiple insurers can offer motorists must compare quotes. Completing online quote comparisons can usually lead to inexpensive car insurance because it allows individuals to view estimates from dozens of companies at once. After several reasonably priced options have been identified, motorists should continue their research to find an insurer that can provide lower rates through discounts.

More Affordable auto insurance Prices

Coverage providers may offer motorists reduced rates for numerous reasons. One of the more common ways that drivers receive cheaper rates is by maintaining a clean driving record for over three years. Some rate reductions may also be required in certain states. For example, in Connecticut Insurance Discounts and Driving Courses frequently go hand in hand. Residents who take a state approved training course are likely to find more affordable coverage, and motorists who are 60 years of age or older who have taken an accident prevention course that has been approved by the department of motor vehicles are required to receive a minimum discount of at least 5 percent for a minimum of 24 months. Apart from savings and special offers, motorists can also adjust their coverage to reduce policy prices.

Motorists who go through a lending company to purchase an automobile are often required to buy comprehensive and collision coverage. Although potentially helpful if the car is damaged, this additional coverage also increases the price of the policy. Luckily motorists can reduce their premium by choosing a higher deductible. This is the amount of money that the policyholder agrees to contribute towards the cost of repairs before an insurer pays the remainder. Although this translates into potentially higher out-of-pocket expenses after a claim is filed, choosing a $500, $750 or $1,000 deductible can usually make a noticeable impact on a person’s policy price.


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Handyman Car Insurance Coverage in New York

Dec. 22nd 2011

Auto insurance in New York can be divided into two different categories: the coverage that is required to register an automobile and optional protection that can usually be added to a policy. Buying a policy with the minimum amount of protection may appear economical, but after an accident it often pays to have a plan that includes an adequate amount of coverage. In 2010 the NY State Department of Motor Vehicles recorded over 315,000 accidents that ranged in severity and economic impact. A motorist who is involved in an accident where their liability limits are exceeded may end up paying a variety of expenses out-of-pocket. Residents are encouraged to use their resources and shop for a policy that can cover a wide variety of economic situations.

All New York car insurance policies must include specific forms of protection before an automobile can be registered. This includes Personal Injury Protection (PIP), liability coverage, and uninsured motorist protection. Each of these elements has a minimum threshold that must be met to pass the state financial responsibility requirements. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), however, encourages residents to consider the various kinds of optional protection that insurers typically offer. Often an economical way for vehicle owners in the Empire State to improve their coverage is to increase their liability limits. The minimum property damage liability required by the state is set at $10,000, but many motorists can increase this threshold to $25,000 or $50,000 for only a few extra premium dollars.

Benefits of Additional New York Car Insurance Coverage

Including additional PIP benefits to a policy can be beneficial in many ways. A common additive includes Optional Basic Economic Loss (OBEL) coverage which is designed to pay for a variety of injuries sustained by the policyholder or their passengers. Insurers are required to offer OBEL, which increases the minimum $50,000 of basic economic loss by an additional $25,000. With this additive, if the original $50,000 limit is exceeded in a claim, an additional $25,000 can be used by the injured person for payments for loss of earnings, rehabilitation or to other forms of economic loss. Married motorists may also want to consider Supplemental Spousal Liability Insurance to cover the liability of the policyholder after their spouse is injured or killed as the result of an accident caused by the driver’s negligence, which is not covered by basic PIP.

Although helpful in many ways, including additional coverage in a policy can often translate into additional cost. In 2008 the NAIC calculated that the average expenditure in NY was over $1,000, but shopping around before making a purchase can often lead to lower rates. Utilizing auto insurance Price Comparison Tables and Notes in addition to other online resources can help motorists explore the price differences that usually exist between insurers, and take advantage of lower priced plans. Drivers should make the effort to explore a number of options to find adequately priced policies that also includes a desirable amount of protection.


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best handyman insurance quotes offering low cost monthly rates Find the Best Insurance

Handyman insurance quotes is available on a state by state basis in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Dist of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Find the best Handyman insurance quotes from some of the finest and solid insurance companies who compare liability coverages based upon your own personal choices.
Business insurance quotes Handyman Quotes

Business insurance quotes vary according to the state your business is in so you need to keep this mind when shopping for insurance.
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Your contractors license classification provides the insurance company the amount of risk and claims exposure you may incur as a result of your business.
Online Handyman Quotes

How many years of experience in the licensed classification influences your final business insurance quote.

Handyman Insurance

Insurance might not be the first thing someone thinks about when running a business, but it should be an important consideration.   Handyman insurance is another requirement if you are thinking about starting a handyman business.  This website provides important insurance information on Handyman Insurance Coverage and quotes.

Handyman Insurance Coverage

Handyman insurance includes several types of coverage; each one offers a specific kind of protection for your business.  

(Handyman Insurance ) Commercial Auto: Covers a business's owned, no owned, and hired autos against liability and physical damage losses. 

Handyman Workers Compensation:  If your business as a Handyman employs any staff (including part-time, trainees or sub-contractors), Employers liability insurance cover is a legal requirement.  Employers liability insurance provides protection against your legal liabilities to pay compensation in respect of injury sustained by your employees in the course of your business as a Handyman.  (Handyman Insurance) Workers Compensation: Provides coverage for an employer's responsibility in the event of a work-related injury or illness.   Employers Liability Insurance for handyman work: This type of insurance would cover payment of legal fees and damages in the event that an employee was injured or killed while doing work for you. 

Tradesman Insurance for handymen: This is a package of several different kinds of cover for handymen, making up one policy that meets all your insurance needs.

Public Liability Insurance for handyman work: This type of insurance would cover you if your business activities caused injury or death to a member of the public.

Handyman General Liability - Commercial jobs will require you to have general liability coverage of $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 prior to being hired (not to mention that you protect your assets if something goes wrong on the job).

Products liability insurance for Handymen - Products liability insurance provides protection against your legal liability, compensation costs and expenses following injury or damage by goods that you have sold, supplied, repaired, tested or delivered in connection with your business as a Handyman.  Products Liability insurance for Handymen at 1,000,000 with the option to increase to 2,000,000 up to 5,000,000 or more.  Public Liability insurance cover provides protection against your legal liability for injury to third parties and damage to their property in connection with your business as a Handyman.

Professional Indemnity Insurance for handyman work: This covers you against any mistakes you might make  including bad advice you or your staff might give  that ends up costing your clients money, and leading them to take legal action against you.

(Handyman Insurance ) Umbrella Coverage: A broader form of coverage that extends the limits of liability found in a base policy form. 

Income Protection Insurance - If the essential person should be unable to work for a period of time, this handyman insurance helps to cover the loss of business as a result of the illness or injury.  Having sufficient income protection insurance is also a worth while consideration, if you were to fall off a step ladder or hurt your back and couldnt work, accident, sickness and unemployment insurance could help you to pay for some of your monthly bills in the event of you not being able to work.

The Handyman Insurance Program gives our policyholder comprehensive coverage for their handyman businesses, and the program is designed for Handymen who: Are hired to do a variety of miscellaneous work that would be found in a residential household environment;

Please note that standard home owner's insurance will most likely not cover business assets, and may VOID your home insurance coverage.  If your business is home-based, do you need more liability coverage than your home insurance policy covers. 

The Handyman program gives our policyholder comprehensive coverage for their handyman businesses, and the program is designed for Handymen.

Handyman Insurance Quotes

Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more. Find the best Handyman insurance quotes liability commercial and small Handyman companies offering affordable monthly payment options for your handyman business and the self-employed.  Find the best Handyman insurance quotes from some of the finest and solid insurance companies who compare liability coverages based upon your own personal choices.  Get online quotes for handyman insurance now.  And it can help you save money on your handyman insurance without compromising on the level of cover you need.  The Handyman tradesman insurance policy has been crafted to cover all your Handyman insurance needs at the most competitive price.


A reminder this is not an attempt to describe the product coverage and its' contents but merely used as a sales tool for the purpose of product illustration. The website and its' owners cannot make recommendations as to whether any illustrated product may meet the users' particular needs. Therefore, the suitability of the product is the final determination of the user of this website. The use of this website is acceptance of the sites' privacy statement. Coverage is not in effect until an application is signed, transmitted, payment received and approved by the underwriting company unless otherwise specifically stated. A physical and/or background inspection may be done to verify the information provided. The quote(s) will be based up on the underwriting information you supplied and the quote(s) is/are subject to change upon inspection and review by the underwriting company. The underwriting company reserves the right to determine the final coverage, premium and acceptability. Commercial use by others is prohibited by law. No portion of any news or information from this website may be photocopied, faxed, mailed, distributed, transmitted, published, broadcasted, duplicated, or re-distributed in any manner for any purpose without prior written authorization of its' owner.